Chapter 37 Exchange Materials
The staff in the community gave everyone a night to think about and sort out the materials that can be exchanged. Regardless of whether you exchange them or not, anyway, the residence permit is opened, so they always have to run one by one. They have no complaints about this job.

And the number of people coming to the door this time will not be very small. After all, the staff in the community are responsible for explaining the purpose and calculating the price of the materials, so he must not be able to deliver the materials alone. After some calculations, the number of people in a team is finally determined to be 5 people were allocated according to the number of volunteers in each community, and more than 20 small teams were actually divided.

As everyone expected, the staff still started working from high to low, and the first one to go was Huang Jinghe's house.

With parents' instructions, Huang Jinghe cooperated with the staff quite a bit. The "waste" at home was piled up right in front of the gate, and the staff could notice it as soon as they entered the door. Huang Jinghe didn't think much about it. He said: "Except In addition to these, I also want to exchange some unused home appliances, and you can exchange them too, right?"

The staff member said: "Yes, let's do the calculations first, and look at the home appliances later."

However, it didn't take a while, after sorting out the books in front of me, the exchange points accumulated to more than 6000. Huang Jinghe couldn't help but interrupted: "Is my pile of things so valuable? I thought I could exchange for one, Two hundred points is not bad."

The staff explained: "The most valuable set of textbooks is your set of textbooks. Not to mention the complete set is still very new. One set can be worth 5 contribution points. A total of 5000 sets is worth [-] contribution points. The rest Toys are also very valuable, just wait a minute and I haven't finished the calculation yet."

Although the staff didn't know why these things were so valuable, they just did so after the arrangement of the superiors. In the end, Huang Jinghe's pile of 'waste' was exchanged for 16738 contribution points, although I don't know the contribution points What is the value of the price, but as far as this number is concerned, it must be a lot.

"This, this is too much." Huang Jinghe couldn't believe it, but the most important thing was that his pile of things was valuable.

The staff still remembered that Huang Jinghe wanted to change something else, and before he could digest these things, he immediately asked: "You said before that there is something else that needs to be changed."

Huang Jinghe pointed to the things in the kitchen, and said: "My mother told me that I don't want the oven, steamer, dishwasher, stove, and pots. I keep the microwave and refrigerator, and the sofa, The tea table, dining table and chairs are also not needed, if possible, you can also accept this wine cabinet, right?"

The staff members glanced at each other in turn, nodded, but still asked a strange question, and said, "All of them are collected, but if you collect these, there will be nothing left in your house."

Huang Jinghe said: "My parents are both from the army. They asked me to replace them all, so I listened. Isn't that too exaggerated?"

The staff member shook his head, "Fortunately, since they have to be replaced, I'll give you some contribution points."

After hesitating for a moment, Huang Jinghe agreed, "Okay, I'll change them all, and I'll buy them later."

The staff at this end continued to settle the accounts, and everyone who had counted the 'waste' slowly dragged down the stairs.

In the final calculation, after all these furniture and home appliances are added together, nearly 4 contribution points can be added. Counting the previous ones, the community worker said, "A total of 58463 contribution points."

The staff first used the equipment to activate the contribution point function of the residence permit, and then stored these contribution points into the residence permit. After saving, she said: "It is used in the same way as we were in the convenience store before. You can directly enter the amount, and you can just scan it with your residence card. As for checking the balance, there will be a special APP to check it later, so you can rest assured.”

After finishing speaking, the staff handed back the residence permit to Huang Jinghe, and then it was over. After all the things here were moved out, everyone went downstairs.

There are really many things in Huang Jinghe's house, but Lan Jin's house also has a lot. After the group went to Lan Jin's house and saw the supplies in her second bedroom, everyone couldn't help saying: "This, this, all Do you want to change it?"

"Well, I'm going to change it." Lan Jin finished and explained: "These furniture are old furniture from my previous house. My house used to be a three-bedroom and two-living house, but now my children and I only use it in the living room. And the master bedroom, the extra furniture is useless, I was reluctant to throw it away and sell it, but now I drag it here and I think it takes up space, it would be best if it can be solved this time."

The staff went in and took a look, and said: "Yes, you can exchange anything, and your items are very new, so the price can be exchanged for a higher price."

Lan Jin nodded, and said: "Well, I bought these when I got married, and I left within two years of marriage, and the children at that time were not yet naughty, so the furniture was relatively well preserved. "

But next to the furniture there were two bags of small things that Lan Jin cleared out yesterday, and she dragged them out first, and said: "There are all unused bottles and cans in here, and the bags here are all from my house. There are new and old clothes that the children don’t wear, I don’t know if you will accept them.”

After taking a look, the staff said, "Yes, we accept both the new and the old."

After Lan Jin felt relieved, she said, "That's good. I was reluctant to throw away these clothes before. The child grows fast, and after wearing them once or twice, he didn't wear them anymore. There are still a lot of clothes tags that haven't been cut yet. .”

The staff first opened the bags containing the clothes and checked them carefully one by one. Those with tags are naturally counted as new clothes, and those without tags will be evaluated after seeing the old and new clothes, and then there are glass bottles and cans without gaps. There is a price for one price, and another price for the one with a gap. After the two small bags of materials are recorded, the cabinet will be there.

After a careful inspection, the community worker said, "You are all made of solid wood. They were very expensive when you bought them."

Naturally it is expensive, Lan Jin said: "It's a little expensive. When I bought this wardrobe, it was 1 yuan, the shoe cabinet was more than 8 yuan, and the locker was...."

But the 1 wardrobe is only 2 meters in size, and the 8000-odd shoe cabinet can only hold 8 pairs of shoes. It can be seen how flashy the cabinet is, but it looks good and is well preserved, and it has a lot of capacity , so Lan Jin's cabinets really cost a lot of money.

After the community staff finished calculating these, Lan Jin took out her jewelry again, "I have some gold, platinum, and silver jewelry, which I wore before I got married, and this style is a bit outdated now, you Help me to see how many contribution points these can be exchanged for, anyway, I just let it go."

 Thanks Tsing Yi Ah D for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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