Chapter 383 Opening
Another very important point is that the small umbrellas at this moment are not sold by the box, but by the unit.

However, even so, it is a state of short supply.

The small umbrellas in Lan Jin's space used several boxes in exchange for invitation letters, but after coming here, the invitation letters were never used at all. Anyway, Lan Jin's heart aches when he thinks about it now.

But even though she has exchanged a lot, there are still many boxes in her space that have not been unpacked. Judging from the current situation, if this store opens, they are afraid that they will be able to earn a lot of money.

After Lao Gao simply designed the small store, he took Huang Jinghe to inquire.

After returning for a while, Lao Gao said: "We didn't ask yesterday, but I inquired about it today. We have 50 contribution points a month, but do you know the price of bicycles? 280 contribution points, and you know the small umbrella The price? Black market 30 contribution points, just one, 30 contribution points."

Ling Jiang said: "Wait, why are you talking about the black market again? How could there be a black market in the base?"

Huang Jinghe said: "We didn't believe it at first, but it is said that there is not only a black market here, but also a night market at night."

In short, it is a small city that lives like before the end of the world. It has everything that existed before the end of the world, but in terms of price——

It is much more expensive.


Once a decision is made, the action at hand will naturally speed up.

Originally, Lan Jin wanted to strengthen everyone's sense of tension, but he really didn't expect that Lao Gao would finish all the things to be made the next day, and after rushing to install them in the store, they would open for business on the third day .

In order to ensure privacy, Qianlan Jin also hung half-drawn curtains on the glass windows and glass doors when it opened, so as not to cover them, which seemed to be a bit of a cover-up, but it was in line with the temperament of their store.

But in the store area... that is, the commercial area, such an eye-catching store suddenly opened, which is really enough to attract attention.

Lan Jin said: "Everything is ready, don't be unusable for a while."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fine." Lao Gao replied excitedly.

And what the two of them were talking about was the machine that swipe the contribution points, the one that looks like a pos machine. Of course, everyone still calls it a pos machine at the moment.

Anyone who opens a shop needs this machine, otherwise how will they pay for the business? Therefore, when the shop is being renovated, everyone will rent such a device from the base with the certificate of opening the shop.

If you rent, you don’t need to deposit money, just pay 20 contribution points every month. If you don’t want to rent a store anymore, just return it back.

It doesn't matter if there is any damage, as renting a store requires a deposit, and it will be over directly.

But it’s not expensive to buy, you only need 100 contribution points to buy one, whether you buy it or not depends on your own situation.

The old master has such a machine in his hand, and he can use it immediately after trying it out and confirming that there is no problem.

At this time, Lao Gao revealed how he got this thing.

"The boxing gym didn't belong to us in the first place. Where did I apply for this machine? I asked someone to help me get it from there. I didn't charge a penny for nothing."

But as for the man who worked on the machine, I really don't know whether he is dead or alive at the moment. After all, in the original environment, people can survive with a little bit of ruthlessness, but in the current environment, it is really uncertain whether they can survive.

In any case, it's a good thing that they don't need to spend money separately. In addition, in order to share the accounts fairly, their public funds are directly transferred to Nana's residence permit. After all, only her residence permit is completely transparent.

Everything was ready, and it opened directly the next day.


On the first day of opening, it was really deserted.

After all, there is no publicity at the moment, and there is no ceremony. It is strange to open a store in a deserted place. It is strange to know its existence.

But even so, they have nothing to worry about. In the entire business district, they are the only family that sells small umbrellas. Without any means of publicity, it always takes a certain amount of time to let people know about their stores.

However, the customer hadn't waited yet, but Team Zhang who came over to celebrate the opening.

Team Zhang stood at the door, hesitantly going in, always thinking that he had gone to the wrong store, and when he really came in, he really didn't see it, "I never thought that you were planning to sell this."

"Unexpectedly, we didn't expect it at first, but if it's sold, won't it be sold?"

Although he didn't see it, Team Zhang still studied the price carefully, "Well, I didn't make a random price and go along with the market."

With the approval of Team Zhang, the little worries about the price were naturally swept away.

After a few words of congratulations on the opening, Team Zhang went directly to the topic.

"I don't know if you have noticed that the temperature outside has reached 80 degrees. I really don't know if the temperature will rise. In order to deal with these situations, the base has developed some high-tech heat-insulating clothing. Your ability team is Those who belong to the base can be regarded as half soldiers, so I applied for a set for you."

With that said, Team Zhang handed the heat shield to the four of them.

However, what Team Zhang handed them was just a round ball, didn't they mean heat-resistant clothes?
Team Zhang smiled and said, "That's it, let me demonstrate it to you."

Zhang Dui pointed to the round ball that he hung around his waist, and then pinched it hard, and the ball immediately formed a film-like thing around Zhang Tui, completely isolating him from other spaces. And it gradually fits the body, and the fingers can move freely without any foreign body sensation at all.

But don't look at it as if you can't see clearly, but it can not only insulate heat, but also reduce the temperature of the body. After only opening it for a while, Team Zhang who stayed in the base immediately felt a little cold.

Seeing that Team Zhang held the ball again and the film dissipated in the air, Lan Jin asked curiously: "What kind of high technology is this? Why haven't I seen it before in other bases? It's newly developed. Is it?"

Team Zhang said: "It was there before, but it couldn't prevent such a high temperature. You will get heat stroke, but if you want to get better results, it is best to wear the previous insulated clothing, so that the temperature outside the street should be kept at about 30 degrees."

Ling Jiang immediately said: "Then..., can we apply for a set of heat-resistant suits?"

(End of this chapter)

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