Chapter 404 Help
Lao Gao said: "Impossible, even if it rains again, it can't be insect rain. How can there be so many insects in this world to gather together and rain again."

"But even if it's other mutant creatures, it's enough for us to drink a pot. I just hope we can reach it this time." Ling Jiang said.

But it's hard to say whether the next journey can be reached smoothly.

In fact, Ling Jiang is a little curious, "In fact, I feel that the equipment in the Beijing base is much more advanced than other bases. Everything here can be corroded by acid rain. What if the new base is also corroded? After we go there There's no place to live—"

A team member in the car said: "No, the materials on the periphery of the new base are different from the ones here. This will not happen. It is absolutely safe over there."

Listening to such firm words from the players, everyone also expressed their expectations.

"I was quite worried before I left. It would be great if this is the case. I hope we can live there properly after this relocation."

"I heard that after going there, all the bases have been merged, and everyone lives together, so it shouldn't be chaotic."

"How can it be chaotic? No matter which base you lived in before, since there is a military base, it is naturally managed according to the requirements of the military base."

So those who are used to military management, there is nothing wrong with it, but those residents who need to re-adapt to the rules will really be uncomfortable.

"That's right, what can we not get used to? After the end of the world, I have no home anymore. I will be where the base is. In fact, as long as I am alive, I am used to living anywhere, and I can adapt to any management. "

"Yes, as long as it is alive, it doesn't matter where it lives."


After the insect rain, the natural disaster finally pressed the pause button on them, but those people who were injured by the mutated creatures earlier began to have a fever reaction.

Looking at the residents who fell ill one after another, Captain Zhou felt a headache, "No, why did we have a fever? We have been bitten before, and we didn't have a fever."

"Are you sure that their fever is caused by being bitten by mutated creatures? Maybe it's because of their poor health, exposure to too much sun, and getting too hot, so they got heat stroke." After finishing speaking, Lao Gao said: "Isn't Are there still some people who were injured by mutant creatures but didn't have a fever?"

"Some people are bitten first, some people are bitten later, and everyone's immunity is different. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that they will all have a fever later." Team Wang said with a frown.

The point is, after these people have a fever, they still have a painful reaction all over their bodies. They will vomit non-stop when they move a little. Killed one by surprise.

Later, more and more people developed fever symptoms, and they were forced to stay where they were.

Seeing that there is still one day to arrive at the new base, it is not known how long it will take to continue.

Team Zhou and Team Zhang said to the four of them in private: "There is nothing wrong with staying here. If the disease is contagious and you enter the base again, the new base may really be lost."

At that time, there will really be no place to house the last remaining humans on the blue star, so it was a good thing for them to find out halfway.

"Then what should we do next?" Lan Jin asked.

"Since you can't move, let's stay where you are for a few more days, at least wait until all the people who should have a fever have developed a fever, but the new base still needs to send someone to report, and we don't have so many medicines. Need some help." Team Zhou said: "Also, we haven't encountered this situation before, and I want to see if there is a solution to the new base."

After some discussion, the person who went to report decided on the king team.

Team Wang brought some ordinary players who were not injured, as well as some players with special abilities, and immediately began to pack their things.

Ling Jiang asked: "When are we leaving? What about the four of us, are we staying here?"

Team Zhou didn't intend to let them leave at first, so he took advantage of the situation and said: "You guys stay here, it's too dangerous outside, these people always need someone to guard them, and the road to the new base will only take a day and a night , In such a short period of time, there shouldn't be any trouble."

"Okay then, we'll stay here."


After the words fell, Team Wang drove off with a group of people.

Nothing unexpected happened during the journey of one day and one night. The Wang team led the team members to the gate of the new base, which is the base in City A, as scheduled.

The detection system is the same as other bases, because no matter what happens at the moment, the first reaction is a fever, so the first thing to monitor is the body temperature.

After checking the temperature of each team member and confirming that there is no problem, the people at the base asked, "Why are there only a few of you in the Beijing base?"

Team Wang explained: "No, we encountered a lot of things on the road, by the way, have all the people from the official base come over?"

"Not yet, what's the matter, do you need help?"

Team Wang described all the encounters along the way and what happened before he set off, but the reality is that they in the new base have never encountered these things, so they can only ask: "What is your appeal now."

"I'll make an announcement first, and Team Zhou and Team Zhang suspect that the situation will be contagious, so we need products to reduce fever."

Although I don't know whether it will work or not, anything that can reduce fever is indispensable.


After the team members of the new base gave instructions to the people inside, after a while, someone came out with several bags of fever-reducing products, and another group of people were sent back with their car. The team members said, "What if you need anything?" It’s better to send someone back to pick up the things.”

Before leaving, the team member handed over another satellite phone to Team Wang, and he said: "The previous satellite system failed, and the weather was a bit abnormal later on. Actually, we contacted you, but you should have already It’s on the way, but we haven’t been in touch, so please take this satellite phone back, and if you have any problems that they can’t solve, you can also communicate with us directly by phone.”

As for the specific location over there, there is no need to go into details. Any satellite phone has a positioning system. In addition, there is only one way to transfer from the base in Beijing. As long as you drive slowly, you will not miss people. Lose.

Team Wang put away the satellite phone and said, "Okay, if you have any needs, we will contact you. If there is any abnormality in the weather, please contact us in advance."


(End of this chapter)

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