Chapter 410 Treacherous
In addition, Nana was originally sent to the children's side to guard the children, and the children's place was almost never stopped for 24 hours, and even shifts would not give others the slightest gap, so, if you want to be in Nana Putting effort into Na's body was really the worst plan ever.

After recovering, Lan Jin also understood that she was thinking too much, but wouldn't it be better to be careful to make the Wannian Ship?
Nana, who was already very vigilant, became even more vigilant after receiving Lan Jin's order.

heavy to—

Let's put it this way, anyone who looks at it will praise it as a good dog.

As for Old Yan, ever since he was placed in a separate tent, that person was really comfortable, leaning on the bench, sleeping one after another, snoring loudly, as if he wanted to let go of his recent sleep. It's normal to make up for it, and then I couldn't help it, and I was jealous of my teammates.

"Hey, Old Yan, I'm not talking about you. It's great that you are dozing off. How long have you been here? You must have slept three times."

Anyway, he didn't arrive for 24 hours. Except for being forced to wake up when eating, he actually spent all his time catching up on sleep. Those who didn't know thought he hadn't slept for several days and nights.

Of course, it's true that he couldn't sleep well because of the trouble recently.

"Hey, who made me have problems, why don't I have a good rest alone."

The team member said unwillingly: "When you come out, I will apply to the season team to let you join the whole class, and let you stay up for a few nights, so that my young heart can heal its pain."

Old Yan said with a smile: "Maybe when I come out, we can go back to the base. There are so many people in the base, why do we need to stay up all night, you just envy me."

The season team not far away came over and said: "Okay, we are suspicious of you, and we didn't ask you to come on vacation. I asked you about the matter before, and you should think about what you missed. This is Help you get rid of the clues of dislike, don't smile around here."

Old Yan said: "Team Ji, I've already told you everything I know. We stay together every day. Why did I hide it from you? You still can't find out."

Ji team said speechlessly: "That's not good. We didn't take a bath together and went to the bathroom together. I'm sure you didn't know what you did during this time."

Old Yan choked, "You can really do it, well, then I'll think about it."


With Old Yan's attitude, it is probably impossible to recall any new clues, so this person can only be locked up here.

But things outside are still unresolved.

By now, it should be called the late stage. More and more people died in the late stage, so many that Team Zhou set up a special team to deal with the corpses.

After all, the weather is hot, so it’s okay to put the infected corpses outside in the sun, and the smell is overwhelming. What if the germs spread from the space, so these corpses must be gathered together and destroyed together.

But because there were too many dead people at this moment, the team members dragged only a small half of the dead residents away without touching the ground.

As for where to drag——

It's not far away, it can be reached in an hour's drive. In fact, it is a deserted area, where these corpses are piled up and burned directly.

Since it is burned with fire, it is natural not to be too close to the residents in such a hot weather, so we found such a place not too far away, which is convenient for burning and easy to carry.

From the time they decided to dispose of the corpses to now, the team members had burned them several times, but no matter how they transported and burned them, it felt like there was no end to the dead.

In the end Team Zhou didn't want to waste any more fuel, he said: "Don't run so far, just pile it up 200 meters away, when there are fewer people, let's move forward, let's burn this side directly, otherwise we will run like this." Coming and going, the fuel consumption is too fast.”

Team Zhang naturally felt sorry for Fuel, and Dang even agreed, "Okay, actually, it's the same as burning it around here. It's already so hot, who would have noticed how hot it is?"

Eventually the bodies began to pile up, according to the pair.

But it was such a move that almost brought disaster to them a few days later.


The high temperature of more than 80 degrees lasted for two days, and a new sublimation was mentioned again, 88 degrees, and it did not drop for two days.

It was under such an extremely high temperature that the four of Lan Jin looked at the sinking sun, and felt that something was wrong no matter how they looked at it.

Lan Jin said: "Why do I feel that the position of the sun has become lower, it seems that it is not on the top of our heads."

"So is the extreme heat coming to an end?" Ling Jiang asked.

Lao Gao said: "I think this should be the end of the extreme day. There is no necessary relationship between extreme heat and extreme day. Just like the extreme cold before us, it has nothing to do with the sun whether it is cold or cold."

Huang Jinghe said: "Why didn't Team Zhang mention the matter that Ji Zhou is about to end?"

Team Zhang replied faintly behind them: "Because I don't know, but looking at the sun, it seems that it is really going down."

At the moment when all four of them looked at him, Team Zhang said again: "I'll go and find out, but it's unlikely that the extreme day will end. For such a big matter, the base will tell us in advance, but we are now No message received."

So Team Zhang felt it was impossible.

Team Zhang immediately inquired about the current situation with Team Li. Although Team Li felt it was strange, he really didn't know about the end of the polar day. Said, but not now, so I don’t think it should be possible, it can’t be that it hasn’t been detected.”

But just when everyone thought it would not be possible, the sun really set slowly two days later.

And the sky outside is really getting dark.

Without direct sunlight, the surrounding temperature has dropped by more than a little bit. Team Zhang tested it with a thermometer and it was only 72 degrees, which is a full ten degrees lower than before. Tianjin is a gratifying thing.

Moreover, it is still at the time when the sun and the moon alternate, everything looks hazy and beautiful, but, just because of the setting of the sun, Lan Jin really feels that the sun will not rise in a few months. stand up.

Just when Lan Jin was about to say a few words, he didn't know whether it was the sun or the moon that touched the back scales of those corpses piled up like a mountain. Those corpses that had obviously died, corpses that had already begun to rot, unexpectedly appeared in the blurred twilight. , shaking his body.

One after another, one after another.

In this dim environment, such a scene is really mysterious and treacherous.

(End of this chapter)

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