I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 1 Entering the Immortal Gate

Chapter 1 Entering the Immortal Gate

"Little girl, your spiritual root aptitude is too poor. Even if you join my Taixu sect, you may spend your whole life in the outer sect."

"Thank you for your concern, but if you don't dare to compete with the sky, what else can you achieve if you cultivate immortals?"

A child who is only seven years old can say such a thing as fighting against the sky, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is tantamount to arrogance, but in the world of self-cultivation, he can be regarded as a rare person with firm will and courage.

The elder of the outer sect who was in charge of testing the spiritual roots stopped talking, took a deep look at the little girl in front of him, and motioned for the disciple behind him to hand over the ID card of the outer sect disciple.

The little girl's name is Zhang Zheng, originally an orphan in a small town in the mortal world, the old beggar who picked her up raised her until she was five years old, and was beaten to death while begging.

She was lucky, and was bought by a rich family passing by to be a maid.I followed the rich family and drove away for two months before arriving at an extremely luxurious and wealthy city.At that time, she was short, thin, and dark, not attractive, but after raising her for a year or two, her appearance became more and more delicate and lovely, and she was attracted by the guests who came to visit rich people's homes.

Fortunately, there were not many guards in the mansion, and the old women who did rough work despised these babies, and the guards didn't pay much attention to their work, which gave Zhang Zheng a chance to escape and let her slip through the dog's hole.

Ever since she escaped from birth, Zhang Zheng has been living a miserable life, grabbing food with wild dogs, fighting with beggars for territory. Too much, she can't help but wonder if it is possible that God deliberately made her suffer and suffer so that she can take on important responsibilities in the future?Of course, this is what she heard from the lady of the rich family, "Heaven will send a great responsibility to the people, and you must first work hard and work hard..."

Even after thinking about it after several years, Zhang Zheng felt that this sentence was very reasonable, because God gave her a big opportunity when she was so hungry that she ate raw snake meat.

There is actually a plain purse in the snake's stomach, and there is nothing in the purse, just two booklets, "Jianshan Miscellaneous Notes" and "Qingxin Jue".

Zhang Zheng was illiterate, but it was strange, as soon as she opened the Qingxin formula, a green light shot into her eyebrows, and then she was able to read, as if her head was opened.

It turns out that there are fairies in this world.

It is written in "Jianshan Miscellaneous Notes": There are immortals and mortals in this world, and those who enter the realm of self-cultivation can become powerful in the world and fly immortals... There are nine interfaces between the realm of self-cultivation and the world of ordinary people, the east of the river, and Yangshan, Huizhou. , Jinyang Qihe...

Fortunately, here is Yangshan, Huizhou.

The young Zhang Zheng was excited, as if the next moment she would be a fairy who could move mountains and flat seas, fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

The gate of the realm is not difficult to find, and monks can sense it by detecting the aura, but as a mortal, it can only be based on luck.Zhang Zheng didn't know if she was lucky or not. She almost lived on the mountain. Apart from practicing step by step according to the Qingxin formula, she wandered around the mountain day and night.Even so, for a whole year, she got nothing, but when she rolled down the hillside in order to pick wild fruits, she somehow came to the cultivation world through the gate of the realm.

Although she tested the spirit root back then, it was only the worst five spirit root, with uneven quality, with five points for the low-purity wood spirit root, and only 45 points for the most pure gold spirit root.

The aptitude is too bad, the slightly older sects don't even have entry qualifications, so they can only choose a small and medium-sized sect as an outer disciple.

It has been five years now, and Zhang Zheng has turned 12 years old.She practiced very hard, and after finishing some chores that she had to be responsible for as an outer disciple, she forgot about her cultivation, day and night, forgetting to sleep and eat.It's a pity that talent is too important. No matter how hard she tries, she still hovers at the second level of Qi training, barely touching the threshold of the third level of Qi training.

The outer sect disciples who entered together with slightly better aptitude had already reached the third level of Qi training, and some of them looked down on her humble background and often pretended to be caring and greeted her in front of her, but in fact it was extremely humiliating.

Zhang Zheng felt the blockage of the movement of spiritual energy in his body, and he knew in his heart that it would be useless to continue.Since cultivation alone is not enough, let's practice and break through obstacles with the crisis of life and death.

Making up his mind, Zhang Zheng took out the meager salary he got from doing chores for five years, and asked the manager for a three-month leave.After packing his thin luggage, Zhang Zheng left the sect, planning to go to the nearby evil ghost forest for training.It has existed there for quite a long time, and the evil spirits inside have already been wiped out by the fairy elders, leaving only some low-level monsters, which are just suitable for disciples in the Qi refining period to practice.

There are not a few monks who have gone to the Evil Ghost Forest to train. Most of them are disciples of the Qi refining period of the nearby small sects.

Although the Taixu Sect is not well-known in the cultivation world, it is still a well-known sect in the small area of ​​Huaiyin. All its disciples wear uniform school uniforms, plain clothes made of blue and white materials, embroidered with landscape patterns, Wearing a silver medal that symbolizes status.

Zhang Zheng had no money or power, and apart from the tattered beggar's clothes, there were only two sets of martial arts uniforms distributed by the sect for free, which became the only clothes she could wear.

Along the way, several disciples from small sects recognized her as a monk of Taixu Sect, and wanted to invite her to accompany her for a few times, but found that the other party was only at the second level of Qi training, so they gave up this idea.

Zhang Zheng was so happy that no one came to disturb her, she first found a place outside the evil ghost forest to meditate and recovered some strength, then carefully walked past the stone tablet marked with the word "evil ghost forest" and entered the evil ghost forest.

The number of disciples who came to experience training was constant, even though they were small monks in the Qi refining stage, there were almost no monsters around the Evil Ghost Forest.

Zhang Zheng walked around the periphery, and saw four uncivilized beasts, not even comparable to the first level of Qi training. Although it took some effort, they were familiar with them and solved them cleanly.

The deeper the evil ghost forest, the more dangerous it is. Zhang Zheng came here specially to practice, but she was unwilling to just fight wild beasts on the periphery, which would not improve her strength.After much deliberation, she still decided to make a foray into the inner circle.

With his right hand, he tightly held a sharp dagger that was not considered a magic weapon that he bought from the sect with contribution points, and with his left hand, he held a speed talisman. The muscles of his body were tense, and his nerves were extremely focused, so that he could react quickly when encountering danger. To fight for a chance of survival.

Relying on the same bad luck as when he was a child, Zhang Zheng successfully bumped into a monster head-on at the bend of a hill - the Chitu Snake.The terracotta snake likes the sun, but this place is in the shade of the mountain and backed by the sun. Logically speaking, there should be no terracotta snake, but Zhang Zheng soon learned why it appeared here.

The terracotta snake has a fiery red pattern on its back, and it lays seven eggs each time. After laying eggs, the pattern will shrink into round spots for a short time until all the snake eggs hatch. After eating it, only the young snake with the strongest ability is left, and the round spot will turn into a ring again at this moment.And the terracotta snake in front of me has half circle spot and half ring shape on the back, which shows that its young snake was stolen by someone, and now it is in a state of madness, and its combat power has doubled.

The young snakes of Chitu Snake can be used as medicine to refine Chifeng Pill, which can be taken at a speed comparable to that of the Speed ​​Talisman.

Zhang Zheng was in no mood to blame the trouble caused by the snake thief, and only felt that he was unlucky.The terracotta snake in front of him has three rings, which is equivalent to a monk at the third level of Qi training, and now that his mad fighting power has doubled, his strength can be equivalent to the fourth level of Qi training.Even if she tried her best, she was afraid that she would be doomed to die.

The Red Earth Snake stared straight at Zhang Zheng with its angry red pupils, and the tip of its tail raised up and swayed lightly.

Zhang Zheng concentrated all his energy on watching its every move, and was so nervous that the veins on his hands were bulging.The terracotta snake lost all patience, and the tip of its tail slammed on the ground. The thick body of the snake flew towards Zhang Zheng like an arrow. , the trees are tall and dense, which can cause a little hindrance to the terracotta snake.

It's a pity that the terracotta snake is too much higher than her. The big tree hugged by the two of them could not escape the impact and fell to the ground. Soon the distance between the two was shortened to ten feet. At this moment, if Zhang Zheng made a mistake for a moment, he would be killed by the demon. The beast devours it.

Zhang Zheng didn't dare to be distracted, and his concentration was too concentrated, which led to excessive mental exhaustion, and bursts of tingling pain from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ahead is a cliff!
Zhang Zheng quickly analyzed all feasible methods, this will be her only chance.

Vigorously mobilizing the last trace of spiritual power in her body, the thin spiritual energy poured out and covered her hands and feet. The dantian had dried up due to the exhaustion of spiritual power, the aura wandered away, and the speed increased again.

The moment he rushed out of the cliff, the sharp dagger plunged into the stone wall, and the terracotta snake couldn't brake in time. The whole snake rushed out of the cliff, and the strong wind blew up broken stones and broken trees, hitting Zhang Zheng's body and face all at once, dripping blood instantly.

The terracotta snake neighed and fell down the bottomless cliff. Zhang Zheng's whole body was hanging on the nearly vertical stone wall, all supported by a dagger.

She was in a precarious situation, but she had exhausted all her spiritual power just now, her body was so weak and her brain was in pain like a tear.

Thanks to the physical strength I gained from fighting beggars and wild dogs when I was a child, otherwise this would really be over.

Zhang Zheng laughed secretly in his heart, and with his palm cut by the gravel, he clung to the raised rock on the stone wall, and the dagger acted as a chisel, dyeing a bright red blood rose in one step.

It took Zhang Zheng half an hour to finally climb up the cliff within a short distance of a few meters. Before he even had time to check whether there was any danger around him, Zhang Zheng was exhausted and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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