Chapter 19

Time flies, white horses pass by.

Two years have passed since Zhang Zheng first entered the ring.

In the past, she might still be lucky when watching from the audience, but that competition cruelly broke her fluke mentality and made her realize how weak she is in fighting with others.

In the past two years, she no longer devoted herself to enlightenment, but began to sharpen her fighting skills.

There have been no less than ten matches with Senior Brother Yan Chan alone. From being easily knocked out of the ring at the beginning and being injured a lot, to being able to win occasionally with strength, now, she can already say that she is definitely among the top three in her class. .

A combat madman suddenly appeared from the outer door, and he was a beautiful and beautiful Xiu, which was not inconspicuous.

Over time, Zhang Zheng's name became famous in the outer sect again, and it was no longer the unwarranted stigma of the past, but a reputation earned by her own blood and tears.

As for whether she would attract the attention of some people by acting so arrogantly, such as Tan Ying, who looked malicious at first sight, she didn't have the mind to worry about it.

there is always a solution to a problem.

However, to her surprise, Tan Ying didn't cause any trouble for her, and she didn't even meet her face to face.

On the contrary, Ye Qinghuan, who had long forgotten her, came here on purpose, looked at her with a strange expression for a long time, and then sent her a war card.

This Senior Sister Ye had participated in the outer sect test before, but unfortunately she missed the chance to enter the inner sect in the end.At that time, she was already at the tenth level of Qi training, and now it has been more than ten years, and she does not know what level she has broken through to.

People with discerning eyes know it clearly at a glance, isn't this bullying people by relying on their high cultivation.

Amid the sighs of everyone, Zhang Zheng did not refuse the competition as they said, but accepted the challenge openly.

In that battle, Zhang Zheng used the eighth level of Qi training to complete the [-]th level of Qi training.

The huge gap in cultivation was insurmountable, and even though she tried her best, she ended up dismal.

The dagger cut off by the long ruler fell to the ground, making three crisp bangs, and the bluish light on the broken blade was completely dimmed, returning to dead silence.

Zhang Zheng was lying sprawled on the ring, red blood gushing out from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears, his smooth long hair and beautiful eyebrows were burned to ashes by the flames, his forehead was smooth and shiny like a big egg.

There was no good skin or flesh on her whole body, it was full of bloody wounds, and her appearance was horrific.

Ye Qinghuan put away the long ruler, walked in front of her, and looked down at her with a charming face, "Are you still beating?"

Zhang Zheng moved her wrist, and her limbs were almost broken by the long size. The broken bones smashed the muscles, and the pain made her unconscious.

"Stop fighting, life matters."

Zhang Zheng gave up resistance, lay limp on the ground, and calmly shouted to admit defeat.

Hearing this, Ye Qinghuan nodded, squatted down, opened her mouth roughly with her slender hands, and stuffed a pill.

This set of movements was so fast that Zhang Zheng didn't even have time to resist, and of course he couldn't resist.

Feeling the pill, the pure and warm aura was overflowing from the medicine, repairing her injury very quickly.

She is saving herself!
Zhang Zheng looked at Ye Qinghuan, who had always been arrogant and despised her, in surprise.

She originally thought that she came here to humiliate her, but why would she make such an unpredictable move now?

Ye Qinghuan had already stood up, staring at Zhang Zheng with bright and proud phoenix eyes as before.

"I'm waiting to fight you again in the inner sect... Junior Sister Zhang."

Without waiting for Zhang Zheng's reaction, she turned and left, just as hurried as when she came.

Half a month after that day, Zhang Zheng heard that Ye Qinghuan had successfully established the foundation and entered the inner gate.

It has been six or seven months since the battle with Ye Qinghuan today.

Fortunately, as long as the flesh and blood injuries suffered by monks are not life-threatening, they can be completely repaired.

Even her serious injuries were almost healed after three months of raising her, including her bald head, which had regenerated a head of black and beautiful hair.

In two years, through hard training, she finally made a big leap in combat power, and her cultivation base also successfully entered the ninth level from the eighth level of qi training, officially entering the late stage of qi training.

Some time ago, Moxiu, who hadn't heard the news for a long time, suddenly made a movement.

Traces of magic cultivators appeared in Jiuchong territory, scattered all over the place, causing trouble.

Wanxuanmen is the first sect of the Jiuzhong, and almost half of the Jiuzhong is under its jurisdiction. Even though the other half of the area belongs to various small and medium sects and families on the surface, it is still secretly headed by Wanxuanmen.

In terms of emotion and reason, Wanxuanmen should shoulder the responsibility of eradicating demon cultivators, otherwise the prestige of Zhengdao Dazong will be damaged.

Fortunately, according to the news sent back by some disciples, this catastrophe was not organized and premeditated, but more like a riot by a demon cultivator. Demon cultivators hiding in the dark everywhere took advantage of the chaos and muddied the water.

At the beginning, Wanxuanmen also sent out elite disciples to exterminate demon cultivators. After a few times, they found that most of the demon cultivators were in the Qi refining period, and none of them were seen in the foundation building period.

In this way, there is no need to waste the resources of the elite disciples, and simply post the demon removal order on the inner and outer gates. Wherever there is chaos caused by demon cultivators, the disciples can take the task and go there by themselves, and the number of teams is not limited.Team contribution points and spirit stones will be issued according to the number of extermination demons.

Because of Zhang Zheng's recent reputation in the martial arts arena, a martial brother came to find her two days ago and invited her to join the team to eliminate demons.

Even if no one invited him, Zhang Zheng would still go.One is to contribute points and spirit stones; the other is that the demon cultivator harms the world and does a lot of evil. As a righteous monk, how can she just sit idly by.

First, I sold the spiders that Xiaoshan Jiandong and his party killed before and the elixir accumulated over the years in exchange for spirit stones, and then went to Wanjinlou to purchase some necessary spells as usual.

Most importantly, the second-tier high-grade dagger that had accompanied her for nearly 20 years was destroyed when fighting Ye Qinghuan, so she had to buy a new magic weapon this time.In addition, a flying instrument must also be prepared.

But a few talismans, plus a second-tier middle-grade magic weapon dagger, and a first-tier top-grade fan-shaped flying magic weapon, all 14 years of savings have been exhausted.

The storage bag that had just been filled suddenly became empty again, and the Dabi Lingshi that had just arrived disappeared before it was warmed up. Zhang Zheng was so heartbroken.

Looking at his storage bag again, he couldn't help but smile wryly, if someone kills someone to seize the treasure, then that person is quite unlucky.

Have you ever seen a monk whose storage bag is empty, except for a pile of high mountains of books, there is a slope of spiritual grass, and almost all of them are dead.

These are all the plants that she has ruined during the past two years of practicing Hua Sheng Jue.

Although none of them survived for more than five days, it was not all fruitless. At least she was now very proficient in the operation of the Transformation Art. It can be said that even if she passed out, her body could operate the exercises independently.

Soon the second day came, and Zhang Zheng set off after gathering with the team.

The entire team, including Zhang Zheng, consisted of five people, three men and two women, all of whom were in the late stage of Qi training.

Among them, Senior Brother Wu and Senior Brother Yang are on the eleventh level of Qi training, and the other Senior Brother Lu is on the tenth level of Qi training.And the only female cultivator——Cao Ran, like Zhang Zheng, is at the ninth level of Qi training.

During this trip, they will go to a small town in Jiuchongzhang Shuizhou.Half a month ago, the governor of Zhangshui Prefecture sent someone to seek help from Wanxuanmen, saying that a small town in the prefecture encountered a demon riot, causing panic.

Zhangshui Prefecture is a certain distance from Wanxuan Gate, and it took two days to arrive at Zhangshui Prefecture even after traveling day and night.

As soon as they stepped down in front of the city gate, the governor of Zhangshui Prefecture greeted them.

Seeing them from a distance, the governor trotted forward in a hurry, bowed respectfully, and said, "Oh, the immortal head traveled thousands of miles to eradicate the demons. I really can't express my gratitude with thousands of words."

Wu Ribin stopped him, and said directly: "It is the duty of a monk to eliminate demons and defend Taoism. You don't need to say too much. Where is the town? Take us there."

The governor nodded hastily, and said: "The town is thousands of miles to the southeast, and another fairy has already gone ahead. Ask me to tell the elders that she is waiting there."

another fairy?
Zhang Zheng was a little puzzled. There were other people in the team.

But she didn't have time to ask her doubts, Wu Ribin nodded, and a group of people immediately stepped on the magic weapon and rushed to the town.

After flying for about a thousand miles, a small town inhabited by mortals appeared on the ground.

To avoid alarming others, several people landed at a certain distance outside the town, and Wu Ribin took out a messenger talisman and said a few words to them.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhang Zheng and Lu Hao apologetically, shook the communication talisman lightly, and explained: "Junior Sister Zhang, Junior Brother Lu, this time we have a fellow student in our team. Because I practiced outside before, I just You came here to wait for us without returning to the sect. I hope you don’t mind."

Zhang Zheng had no objections. After all, most of these temporary teams were just to gather together, and they were not familiar with each other.To her, it doesn't matter if there is one more person or one less person.

The same is true for Lu Hao.

After waiting for about half a quarter of an hour, I suddenly saw a pink shadow moving lightly with lotus steps, but the speed was extremely fast, and it was in front of me in a blink of an eye.

The visitor looks like a weak willow supporting the wind, with a graceful and graceful figure.

"Brothers and sisters, Yingying is late, please forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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