I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 33 Tan Ying Unfathomable

Chapter 33 Tan Ying Unfathomable
Zhang Zheng, who was the center of the discussion, went back to the yard early and seized the time to recover his spiritual power. It might be a tough battle tomorrow.


On the second day, the martial arts arena was still full of people, even worse than yesterday.

The participants in this second round of competition are all winners of yesterday's group arena, so they are naturally more interesting, so the number of people who come here to watch the competition has not decreased but increased.

The rules of today's competition are different from yesterday's. The disciples who draw adjacent six numbers are all in the same arena, and only two people in each arena can advance to the next round.

A total of 360 six people participated in this round of competition, which happened to be divided into 61 group arena matches.

Zhang Zheng's lottery is exactly [-], and he is in the third ring.

Because Tingting and the others had a trial class today, they couldn't come to watch the battle this time.

Zhang Zheng found ring No. [-]. As soon as he stepped onto the ring, he saw an extremely familiar figure who could be said to be haunted.

When the man saw Zhang Zheng, his face was full of surprise, and he laughed wildly, "Senior Sister Zhengzheng, what a coincidence!"

The other four people had also arrived, seeing that the two of them were quite familiar with each other, they became wary for a moment and subconsciously stayed away from them.

Turning a blind eye to the vigilance of the others, Tan Ying walked up to Zhang Zheng and said in a friendly tone, "Senior Sister Zhengzheng, let's form an alliance."

These words were not so much an inquiry as an announcement. Zhang Zheng glanced at the four fellow students who faced each other with dignified faces and tit-for-tat.

Tan Ying's action has bound them invisibly on the same boat. Even if she sternly refuses at this moment, the rest of them must not dare to trust her.

At that time, they will instead be eliminated by everyone.

There was no other way, Zhang Zheng could only suppress the aggrieved heart, and agreed in a muffled voice.

Tan Yingxiu is already at the twelfth level of Dzogchen Qi training, and she is a top existence among the six people present, and her deterrence is extremely strong.

The other four were not familiar with each other. Although they formed an alliance for a short time to deal with them, they did not have a heart-to-heart relationship with each other, and none of them did their best when attacking Tan Ying.

All within the alliance are wary of each other, they are unwilling to attack with all their strength, and they must always guard against the other party's attacks.

Afraid that he would be eliminated accidentally, he made a wedding dress for his teammates instead.

In this way, how can such an alliance last long?

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, the alliance completely disintegrated.

Tan Ying is the main attacker, while Zhang Zheng is responsible for constantly interfering with each other. After all, the two have lived and died together twice, but they will not expose their grievances at this time.

Compared with the tacit cooperation here, the other four people's fighting spirit was weakened, they retreated steadily, and they were defeated one by one in a short time.

A competition was won without any effort, Zhang Zheng stood in the ring and even himself was a little unbelievable.

She really hugged Tan Ying's thigh this time, and easily missed it.

Regarding this ending, Tan Ying was not surprised at all. Those trash were not worthy of her attention.

She turned to look at Zhang Zheng, her eyes were dark with half-covered eyelids, and the corners of her mouth were raised.

The main event has to be staged at the end, so it's interesting, isn't it?

"Senior Sister Zhengzheng, I still have something to do, see you in the next round of competition."

Unexpectedly, Tan Ying did not pester Zhang Zheng, but left after saying goodbye neatly.

Although Zhang Zheng was a little surprised, he didn't care.

Recalling Tan Ying's performance in the ring just now, Zhang Zheng's expression became serious.

Her moves are extremely tricky, her mana is strong, and the powerful spells she uses repeatedly, any ordinary Qi cultivator who uses them must be at the price of draining the whole body of spiritual energy.

But she did it no less than four or five times, and her complexion was calm, rosy and soft, without any sign of exhaustion of spiritual energy.

This person's measurement is too heaven-defying!

It was so frightening that Zhang Zheng couldn't help but secretly speculate that even the foundation-building monks couldn't compare to her measure.

I hope it's better not to confront her in the next competition.

Zhang Zheng was not the only one who noticed Tan Ying's abnormality.

On the high platform, neither Lin Yihan nor Lin Xiaoxiao came here today, nor did the rest of the inner disciples pay attention to this side.

But there is one exception.

This person is the male cultivator who refuted the other inner disciples yesterday.

He also showed horror at the moment. Zhang Zheng hadn't reached the foundation building period, so he was only guessing and didn't think it was scary.

But the male cultivator was actually in the foundation building stage. He recognized two or three of the spells that Tan Ying used, all of which were third-tier spells.

As an early foundation builder, if he wanted to use third-order spells, the spiritual energy in his body was only enough to last two or three times, and he was exhausted.

Who is this female cultivator?

After doing it five times in a row, I didn't see a trace of discomfort. Instead, it seemed like a fish in water, coming at my fingertips.

He no longer cared about watching the rest of the competition, and hurriedly slipped away from the high platform.

He walked in such a hurry that he couldn't even hear the doubtful inquiry of a fellow student.

The fellow student couldn't help but wonder: "Senior Brother Feng, what's wrong? You're so anxious."

No one could answer his doubts.


Inner Gate Qinglin Peak.

Hua Zhengnan had just returned from the senior brother who was the head of the sect, and was about to call his disciples over to give some instructions, when he saw the hurried figures of disciples from his own lineage.

That person had some impressions. A few years ago, the Inner Sect Grand Competition seemed to have entered the hundred circles. It seemed to be called...

"Feng Yu."

Suddenly hearing a familiar voice calling him, Feng Yu, who was on his way, stopped immediately.

Looking back, he really was an elder, he breathed a sigh of relief, and respectfully said: "Feng Yu has met Elder Hua!"

Hua Zhengnan fell down in front of him, frowned and criticized: "You are so frizzy, what are you doing?"

Feng Yu hurriedly told Hua Zhengnan what happened.

"Elder Hua, the Shanhai Ling competition is coming soon. If I can recruit this girl, it may be a great help."

Hua Zhengnan seemed to be thinking about it. After a long while, he said with a cheerful expression: "I already know about this."

"I remember the inner sect competition last time, but you were in the top [-]?"

Is this a reward for him?Feng Yu nodded happily, "Back to the elders, this disciple is ranked 93."

Hua Zhengnan nodded in relief, and waved his hand to signal him to leave, "Shanhai Lingbi, you can fight, go back and get ready."

Shan Hai Ling Bi, according to what the sect master said at the beginning, all disciples of Wan Xuan sect can participate, but after discussing some time ago, I felt that if this happens, troubles will inevitably arise.

Coupled with the frequent activities of demon cultivators recently, if the spies of demon cultivators are allowed to sneak in and snatch the token of mountains and seas, wouldn't it be a boost to the demon clan and in turn harm their own interests.

The head and the elders discussed several times, and finally decided to limit the number of participants and their identities. This news can be said to have caused a thousand waves.

As for why Zhang Zheng didn't know, it was because she happened to retreat and missed the time when there was a lot of discussion.

When she came out of retreat, the outer door test was approaching again, and the focus of the outer door disciples turned to the outer door test.

Not everyone can participate in the mountain and sea competition. Wanxuanmen has a total of 500 mountain and sea tokens. [-] people will be selected for the competition, and the top [-] will get one mountain and sea token.

Where did these 500 people come from?

Naturally, the elders of each branch draw up the list for the competition, and Hua Zhengnan told him that he would be among the 500 people.

Feng Yu was quite pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly cupped his hands to express his gratitude and then left respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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