Chapter 41
The light flashes in front of my eyes, the rustling wind, the gurgling water, the smell of green grass and earth swimming in the tip of my nose... the five senses have never been so vivid and clear.

Zhang Zheng had passed the exit and appeared outside Xiaojie Mountain.

She turned her head and looked at Xiaojie Mountain. It's a pity that she almost...

Forget it, it's time to visit Xiaoyin Mountain.

As soon as Zhang Zheng arrived at the location of Xiaoyin Mountain, he saw that there was nothing in front of him.

At the beginning, there was no trace of the mountain on the top of Gaojueyun, as if it had been completely removed, leaving only the empty ground without a blade of grass growing.

Sighing secretly, he was about to turn around and leave when a slight movement suddenly came from not far away.

She immediately activated the Hidden Talisman, squatted motionless behind the thick tree trunk, and quietly spread out her consciousness to explore the place where the movement came from.

In the tall grass, a woman brushed away the weeds and walked with heavy steps.

Cao Ran!

Zhang Zheng was almost startled by the familiar face.

As a spy of the demon cultivator, how dare she step into the Wanxuan Gate again!
Cao Ran didn't seem to have made much progress in these years, his cultivation had only increased by three levels, and he reached perfection in the twelve levels during the Qi refining period.

Due to the difference in cultivation, she failed to discover Zhang Zheng's spiritual sense peeping.

She was wearing the Green Bamboo Zong uniform of an outer disciple of the Wanxuan Sect, with a gray storage bag and a broken disciple token around her waist.

It seemed that he was still an ordinary outer disciple of the Wanxuan Sect, rather than a demon cultivator spy who ambush and killed his fellow sect.

She walked to Xiaoyin Mountain, looked at the barren open space, and stood there like a stone for a long time.

After a while, she flicked the storage bag at her waist, holding a black stone token in her hand.

Zhang Zheng could see how hard she was holding it, and the veins on the back of her hand were bulging, but her eyes were calm and unmoved, showing no emotion at all.

"Look, here I come."

Cao Ran spoke suddenly, with a mocking expression on his face.

She seemed to be talking to herself, but also to no one listening, "Who is to blame for not seeing him for the last time?"

The black stone token drew an arc in the air, and when it was about to hit the ground, a spell pierced through the token, shattered several petals, and fell to the wasteland, stirring up dust.

Cao Ran looked at the token fragments on the ground solemnly for a while, then turned and left, the green bamboo skirt rippling.

The strange formation, the ominous black energy, the ferocious face of the demon cultivator...

All kinds of pictures flashed quickly, and finally stagnated in the desperate pupils of the old woman, with endless wailing and screaming.

Zhang Zheng's heart ached and his eyes were red.

Cao Ran...

Demon cultivator...

How could she let this villain, who had killed so many innocent people, be full of sins and live at ease for the rest of his life.

The spirit turns into a net, and it falls into a prison.

Cao Ran couldn't even react to fight back, he was already trapped in the spirit prison.

The gap between foundation building and qi training is just like this, the difference between heaven and earth.

Zhang Zheng lifted the hidden talisman and walked in front of Cao Ran.

Her eyes were faintly red, showing her deep hatred for the prisoner, "Why did you sneak into Wanxuanmen?"

The spirit prison is very stable, and there is even a dazzling flame flowing on it.

Cao Ran knew that he couldn't escape this catastrophe, so his dull face relaxed.

"The demon cultivator sneaked into the righteous way, what are you doing?"

She didn't answer the question.

Without waiting for Zhang Zheng to answer, Cao Ran quietly destroyed the storage bag, and glanced at her lightly, with admiration and sarcasm, "I didn't expect that you survived...why, you have trapped me, and you are still alive." Why don't you kill him quickly to avenge your fellow disciples?"

Zhang Zheng was not provoked by her, his eyes were hard, and he just asked stubbornly, "Who are you here for?"

"Ha ha……"

Cao Ran suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and then looked at her with an unreasonably strange expression.

"Who am I here for?"

"If you ask about today, I am here for an old friend."

She wrapped her hands around the ends of her hair, her movements were soft and delicate, and she looked up and down at Zhang Zheng mockingly, "If you ask about the past..."

With a flash of gaze, the pointed hair tail pointed directly at Zhang Zheng.

"Of course I'm here for you."

Staring straight at her with strange eyes, Zhang Zheng felt inexplicably panicked, as if facing a black cloth, and behind the black cloth was the most terrifying thing she didn't want to face.

Don't ask, don't ask, kill her quickly...

The inner voice tried to dissuade her, don't uncover the black cloth, don't face the things behind the black cloth.

Zhang Zheng heard his own voice trembling, "What do you want me to do?"

Cao Ran saw through her inner fear through her forced calm expression.

"Yeah, what do you have for me to plot?"

She mocked herself, her face became distorted, and she roared, "You should ask yourself!"

She looked crazy, staring at Zhang Zheng full of resentment, a black and red strange totem sprouted from her neck, spread to her face like winding vines, and drilled into her pupils.

The whites of the eyes were almost covered by black and red vines, as if stained with blood.

"What do you want to ask! What are you hiding!"

"Haha... I know, let me tell you!"

Cao Ran's slender, white fingers trembled, his nails scratched his flesh, dripping with blood.

Her eyes could not see the black pupils at all, and she stabbed straight at Zhang Zheng.

"They all died for you! They all died for you!"

"For your damn—"

Before he could finish speaking, the stern voice stopped abruptly.

Terrifying black and red vines pierced through the body, the heart, between the eyebrows...the vines burst out, twisting like a living thing, bringing out bright red and dazzling blood.

Tick ​​tock, fell to the ground.

The ground soon became a pool of blood, Cao Ran's ferocious and stern face was completely stagnant, and his body was limp and drooping, like a boneless thing.

Zhang Zheng stood there in a daze, staring at the blood that was constantly accumulating on the ground, it was dazzlingly red and heart-piercing.

The blood mist all over the sky seemed to appear in front of her eyes again, covering all her sight, leaving only blood red.

They all died for you!

They all died for me!

Her lips trembled, and she murmured.

They had never met before. Before that, she didn't even know that there was a place called Zhangshuizhou and a town called Lisijia Town in this world.

But... they all died because of her...

She shouldn't be blamed for this, Zhang Zheng's feeble rationality tried to persuade her, tried to gain the upper hand, but failed steadily.

If it wasn't for her, Moxiu wouldn't use them as tricks;

If she hadn't destroyed the formation, they wouldn't have died tragically in one breath;

If she...if she had died in the secret realm back then, if Moxiu would have gotten what they wanted in her long ago...

Streaks of blood flowed from Zhang Zheng's dull eyes, ran down his cheeks, and shattered into the wind.

The spirit prison collapsed suddenly, turning into pure spiritual energy.

Cao Ran's body was annihilated inch by inch, together with the strange vines and a pool of blood on the ground.

All to nothingness.

Suddenly, a barely visible thread of black and red blood slowly emerged from the place where Cao Ran disappeared, swam towards Zhang Zheng, penetrated into Zhang Zheng's skin, and penetrated into the meridians like nothing.

The blood line traveled through the meridians and reached the dantian all the way, but when it was about to enter the dantian, it paused, as if seeing something that made it afraid, and turned back shaking its head and tail.

Attached to the meridian, hidden existence.

Zhang Zheng knew nothing about it.

Her sanity seemed to be divided into two factions, fighting each other, trying to gain the upper hand and suppress the other party to death.

The headache, the pain was so bad that it seemed to be splitting, and the heart also hurt, and the pain was so painful that I couldn't breathe.


A roar was deafening.

Reason prevailed in an instant, and all bad distracting thoughts receded. She bowed her waist, her nails sank into her flesh, panting like a fish out of water.

(End of this chapter)

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