Chapter 50

"Zhang Zhi."

Nan Zhangzhi raised his head in surprise, then lowered his head in frustration in an instant, muttering: "I thought Sister Zhang was angry with me and didn't want to see me anymore."

Zhang Zheng didn't expect her to think so much, so he said, "I'm just a bit bored these days, I just went to the Lingcao Garden to have a look. I'm sorry for making Zhang Zhi wait so long."

"Lingcao Garden?" Nan Zhangzhi's eyes showed a bit of surprise, "Grandma Nian didn't beat you out?"

Although she is not as mild-tempered as the maid said, but she is only reticent and has a weird temper, which is not enough to drive away guests for no reason.

Zhang Zheng shook his head, and was about to try to ask her about Grandma Nian, but she had already started to talk about it like a pearl.

"Sister Zhang is quite lucky. Granny Nian took an apprentice in the past, but after learning her skills, the apprentice was seduced by a man and ran away with him."

"You must know that the apprentice is a weak and sick mortal. Granny Nian specially asked Grandpa to ask for a Huangu Pill for her to take, so that she can embark on the road of cultivation. Granny Nian can be regarded as her reborn parent, but she is like this. White-eyed wolf..."

Zhang Zheng couldn't help frowning, it was indeed too shameful, looking at the angry Nan Zhangzhi, he asked, "What about the apprentice later?"

Nan Zhangzhi's expression showed a touch of joy, and he was quite smug, "She deserved it, and she didn't believe in a human being. Later, that man gave her to a demon cultivator, and she was picked up and died not long after."

"Grandma Nian was furious when she found out, and begged Grandpa to send someone to capture that vicious man and destroy his soul, so that he would never be reincarnated. But since then, Granny Nian has changed her temperament and said that she will never accept apprentices again."

So it turned out that Zhang Zheng couldn't help but feel sad, a life that was originally brilliant and brilliant, but she was made to know people unclearly, and she believed in evil people, so she was cut off for life.

On the contrary, it hurt the heart of the Nian mother-in-law who devoted herself to her and cared about her.

It's really sad...

With a long sigh, Zhang Zheng invited Nan Zhangzhi into the house.

Nan Zhangzhi sat on the chair familiarly and looked at Zhang Zheng expectantly, "Sister Zhang, can you tell me the story of the outside world today?"

Zhang Zheng curled his lips, "Of course it's possible, but I haven't seen much, so I'm afraid it will be boring."

"The outside world is not as peaceful as this place, nor is it more prosperous than this place. There are often battles for resources, but there are also many sincere people. They uphold justice, seek the way all their lives, and maintain the limited peace in the cultivation world."

Zhang Zheng only picked two or three things to tell her. Most of them were stories that happened to other people, and the stories about himself only roughly talked about the incident of exorcising demons in Zhangshui Prefecture.

She is not good at telling stories, her tone is flat and tasteless, and there is no fluctuation at all, but Nan Zhangzhi listens mesmerizingly.

"I heard from my second uncle that monks from outside can only teach exercises through apprenticeship. Does sister Zhang have a master?"


Zhang Zheng recalled that he had only met Master Cheap once and hadn't had any news for decades, so he couldn't help but joked: "Yes, there is, but it's almost as good as not being there."

Nan Zhangzhi couldn't figure it out, but seeing that Zhang Zheng didn't want to delve into this issue, he cleverly changed the topic.

"Sister Zhang always says it's good here, so why are you so eager to go out?"

Zhang Zheng was stunned for a moment, stroking the warm glass wall with his slender knuckles, there was nothing to tangle with, "I was born outside, and all the people and things I am familiar with are outside, so naturally I want to go back."

Nan Zhangzhi always felt that something was wrong, she wanted to refute, but she couldn't do it, so she murmured.

In the next few days, Nan Zhangzhi came to the courtyard every day to look for Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng occasionally told her about the outside world, but most of the time the two of them just stayed in the same room, doing their own things.

After talking for a few days, Zhang Zheng discovered that this frequent Miss Jiaojiao may not be weak at heart, on the contrary, she is very bold and full of fighting spirit and exploration.

In the past few days, she always supported her chin, looked up at the sky in a daze, and there was an inexplicable emotion and desire in her eyes.

This made Zhang Zheng a little worried, always feeling that something bad would happen.

This feeling reached its peak when Zhang Zheng secretly discouraged her from the dangers of the outside world countless times, but the desire in her eyes became more and more intense.

Knowing that he couldn't stop her, Zhang Zheng had no choice but to try to get rid of the relationship, and found an excuse that he was going to Lingcao Garden, so that she would not come to look for her during this time.

After Zhang Zheng rushed to the Lingcao Garden, he looked at the still simple but peaceful thatched cottage, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

If this Miss Jiaojiao has caused any disaster, please don't implicate her, she is just a little monk with no power and power here, and she can't bear the responsibility.

The vast fields had become bare, and it was almost dusk. Zhang Zheng didn't go to the thatched hut to greet him, but sat down to practice in the open space before.

The next day, the first ray of sunlight had just fallen, warming his body, and Zhang Zheng easily got up on the ground.

When Granny Nian saw her coming, she didn't say hello, and handed the hoe to Zhang Zheng, motioning for her to plow the field well.

Zhang Zheng took the hoe and began to work hard. Fortunately, with her good physical fitness as a foundation-builder cultivator, even without spiritual power, these fields are not a problem, but it takes a long time.

The two got along without saying a word, Zhang Zheng was digging the ground, and Granny Nian followed behind, bowing down to bury the spiritual seeds one by one.

The setting sun leans against the top of the mountain, taking back the last ray of brilliance, and more than half of the vast fields have been planted.

Granny Nian stood up first, put the remaining seeds outside the hut, and went back to rest.

Looking at the half of the field, Zhang Zheng felt full of energy, so he stopped practicing at night, and continued to wield the hoe. After hoeing, he picked up the spiritual seeds placed outside the thatched house and planted them meticulously.

After everything is done, it is already daylight.

The wooden door creaked, and Granny Nian didn't express anything about the scene in front of her, with a calm expression, as if she wasn't surprised at all.

"Get some water."

Since then, Zhang Zheng seems to have returned to the life of farming some time ago, calm and fulfilling, plain and warm.

She didn't ask Granny Nian anything about that former apprentice, and she didn't reveal her old scars, as if she had never heard of it.

Granny Nian never asked her identity, she only knew that she was a guest of the clan.

They are tacit understanding, even though they are farming together now, they cooperate with each other perfectly, just like a pair of ordinary grandparents in the secular world.

But after all, they will only be passers-by in each other's lives, and one day they will pass by each other, and maybe they will never see each other again.

That being the case, they don't need to draw each other too closely, which will only increase troubles.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

Just staying together in a calm manner can be regarded as a beneficial friendship.

One month later, the newly planted spiritual seeds all sprouted new shoots, green and lovely, and full of aura.

Granny Nian and Zhang Zheng were finally able to put down their work for the time being.

"what do you want to learn?"

Zhang Zheng stared blankly at Granny Nian, who was also looking at her.

Zhang Zheng shook his head, "I have learned a lot."

Planting spiritual grass does not mean that the more complicated and complicated the method, the better the effect.

Every kind of spiritual plant has its own suitable way, let nature take its course, don't pay too much attention to it so that you worry about its growth all the time and interfere with its growth method.

Just like a camel planting a tree, it can follow the sky of the tree so that its nature is unaffected.

Since she said so, Granny Nian didn't ask any more questions, just took a deep look at her, turned around and walked slowly into the thatched cottage.

Accompanied by the creaking sound of the wooden door, the vicissitudes of Granny Nian's voice was particularly clear.

"Being born without doing anything, let it be done..."

It is natural...

(End of this chapter)

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