Chapter 52
Seeing that one of the two parties in the battle has left the field, the other is furious.

Zhang Zheng quietly called out the shuttle and was about to run away. Unexpectedly, before she had time to get on the shuttle, a spirit-binding rope whizzed towards her, imprisoning her tightly in place.

Binding Lingsuo is a third-order high-grade magic weapon, which can block the whole body of spiritual power of a person with a cultivation level below Jindan, making it difficult to break free.

What a disaster!
Zhang Zheng was bound tightly, turned around and looked at the seven members of the Ye family, begging for mercy bitterly: "Fairies, I just happened to pass by, I don't know anything, I didn't see anything, There are a lot of adults, so don't make things difficult for fairies."

Seeing the face of her flattering words, the dark complexion of the leading woman eased a little, but the remaining anger did not disappear.

"You heard what happened in my family today, and you can only blame your bad luck."

She held the hand on the other end of the spirit-binding rope hard, and Zhang Zheng was almost dragged to the ground, and she managed to stabilize her figure.

The leading woman threw the spirit-binding rope to the other woman, and said sharply: "Take her back to the clan and watch her carefully, and deal with it after the matter is over."


After saying that, the leading woman stepped on the blue patterned forging yarn and flew away.

The woman who took over the bound spirit cord looked much kinder, put Yaoyan who was struggling on the ground into the spirit animal bag, and looked at Zhang Zheng sympathetically.

"If you want to blame it, blame the young master of the Chen family for bringing you into it."

Zhang Zheng, whose vision was blocked, was really in distress. Just after he left the sea of ​​fire, he entered the den of thieves again.

Opening his eyes again, Zhang Zheng was mercilessly thrown on the icy cold ground, causing pain in his back.

There are towering walls on three sides, and one side is extremely thick and hard iron netting. It is so dark that the sky cannot be seen, and the screams and groans of beasts can be heard from time to time.

The spirit binding on his body has been untied, Zhang Zheng tried to use his spiritual power, and found sadly that this dungeon-like place can block the flow of spiritual energy, and his spiritual consciousness has become difficult to move.

Even without the restraint of the binding rope, she still couldn't use her spiritual power.

Not only that, but now she is weak all over, she only feels that her muscles and bones are sore and uncomfortable, and she can't lift her energy at all. This dungeon will also weaken the strength of a person's body.

"Don't try to escape."

Anyone else?
Zhang Zheng looked up and saw the woman who had expressed sympathy for her earlier.

She was wearing a dark black robe, and she almost merged with the darkness in this dark dungeon.

The woman still had the spirit-binding rope wrapped around her hands, and with a calm expression, she warned, "Even the Golden Core cultivators will not be able to escape from birth here. You'd better stop wasting your efforts. Let the guards find out, and you will get injured all over your body for nothing."

But if she doesn't run away, is she waiting to die?
At that time, the leading woman could be said, and when the matter was over, it was time to deal with her.Since they expected her to hear something she shouldn't have heard, how could they allow her to leave without incident.

Naturally, it was impossible for Zhang Zheng to tell the girl what she said. No matter how much she sympathized with her, they were not from the same faction.

Seeing her bowing her head, the woman remained silent, her thumb involuntarily rubbed the smooth and cool binding rope in her hand for a while, then turned and left the place.

After the woman left, Zhang Zheng was the only one left in the huge dungeon, and his screams were heard but nothing was seen.

The deserted and dead atmosphere seemed particularly bleak and terrifying.

You can't use aura, so what about the vital energy?

Zhang Zheng sank the restricted consciousness into his body with difficulty, and tried to operate the vitality vortex of the seven orifices. Unexpectedly, although the vortex rotated extremely slowly, it still slowly fed a trace of vitality.

Relying on the nourishment of this trace of vitality, Zhang Zheng managed to pull up some strength, crawled to the front of the iron net with hands and feet, and tried to break the iron net.

Not too hard.

Zhang Zheng was pleasantly surprised to find that, perhaps because of his overconfidence in the dungeon, the iron nets were not made of rare materials, but ordinary-strength refined iron.

If it were the physical strength of a foundation-building cultivator, it would be broken even with all his strength.

But the energy of vitality can only restore some strength to her at most, since she can at most match the strength of ordinary people now, it cannot be shaken at all.

This big movement had exhausted the weak energy provided by the vitality, Zhang Zheng leaned weakly on the iron net, and it seemed that it was difficult to move his fingers.

How should she escape?


Ye family's ancestral home.

A woman in a dark black robe stood in front of a closed door, hesitating.

After hesitating for a while, she put away the spirit-binding rope, plucked up the courage to open the door and walked into the room that made her linger.

The door shut tightly again.

In the luxuriously decorated room, the figure of a woman is vividly reflected behind the bed covered by the light gauze.

As soon as the black-robed woman entered the room, she simply knelt down on the ground, her warm forehead pressed against the ground, trying to catch the cold coming from the ground.


She only called out weakly, her voice trembling.

There was no response from the person on the bed, so she knelt all the time, with her back straight and erect, not daring to shake in the slightest.

After a full hour, a voice that was too weak to be heard sounded, "I'm not your miss."

The black-robed woman trembled violently, wanting to refute anxiously, but the endless shame and shame flooded her like a sea, her pale lips opened and closed, unable to utter a word.

The voice sounded again, becoming weaker and weaker, just like its master, as if it would dissipate in the next moment.

"Let's go, no one here wants to see hypocrisy and hypocrisy."

The harsh sarcasm in the words pierced her flesh and heart like a thousand needles, and the pain made her want to shout and argue...

In the end, all the painful struggles are at peace.

The black-robed woman knelt down, maintaining this ridiculous posture, and slowly exited the room.

The moment the door was closed, a piercing cough suddenly came from the room, dragging the internal organs, and the sound of breathing was broken.

She...she is really going to die...

"Yezhi, you will be my sister, Ye Qinghuan, from now on. Let's practice together and walk along the road to immortality!"

The childish voice, full of grandeur, still rings in my ears.

Now there is only the old voice like a dying candle.

The black-robed woman sat slumped on the ground, covering her face and weeping bitterly. Her tears seemed to collapse like a dam, but she could only let out a dull and suppressed cry from the depths of her throat.

She Yeats, hypocritical, hypocritical, unworthy...

not fit...

Besides, Zhang Zheng, who was trapped in the dungeon, was forgotten by the world, and she was still angrily breaking the iron net, trying to find a way to escape.

Can't use spiritual power, can't even open the storage bag, and naturally doesn't have any tools.

After thinking hard for several days, Zhang Zheng finally found a chance.

In the past few days, she has vaguely guessed what this place is for.

All kinds of monsters and spirits were imprisoned in the dungeon. Around the time of the day, three male cultivators would come to the dungeon to tie up a monster and leave, and then throw it back into the prison at the next hour.

All the monsters that were escorted out came back with no injuries on the surface, but Zhang Zheng had practiced the "Neutralization and Transformation Art", but he could clearly feel that the life force of the monsters had been weakened by half when they came back.

The Ye family isn't practicing some kind of sorcery with blood and energy, is it?

Zhang Zheng's suspicion grew as the life breath of the monster in the prison became weaker and weaker.

Inexplicably, she couldn't help but think of the missing senior sister Ye Qinghuan in the sect, and then think of what the young master said.

A bold guess arises spontaneously.

Could Senior Sister Ye Qinghuan be the direct master of the Ye family?

Does her disappearance have anything to do with this Ye family?
(End of this chapter)

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