Chapter 56 Interrogation
Zhang Zheng didn't know how much trouble he was about to face, so he was immersed in the joy of breaking through.

It took only three months before and after her breakthrough in retreat this time, as long as she continues to maintain this speed, ascending to the immortal path will no longer be a dream!
This is the first time that Zhang Zheng felt the smoothness of cultivation like storing water most intuitively. In the past, he was either restricted by the Jingze tree or Jasper, and he was rarely able to practice openly.

It is said that geniuses such as Lin Xiaoxiao and others also practiced kung fu for four or five years from the early stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

And it took her almost 16 years from the early stage of foundation establishment to the full completion of the middle stage, and it took more than ten years in the middle because of Jasper's restriction that she could not absorb spiritual energy.

Doesn't it mean that if there is no Jasper restriction, her practice speed can also be compared with the geniuses in the sect!

This realization made Zhang Zheng very happy for a while, but when he thought that he hadn't figured out the law of Jasper farming yet, his excited mood fell into a trough in an instant.

So what?As long as Jasper is still there, she must cultivate with the help of seeds, and the road to farming is endless, and her road to cultivation is also out of reach.

True success is Jasper, and failure is Jasper.

It's been three months since she returned to the sect, what happened to the Ye family?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zheng frowned, got up and prepared to leave the cave, and inquired about the sect.

As soon as she got out of the cave, the overwhelming communication talismans rushed towards her, almost covering her up.

This is... what happened!

Zhang Zheng quickly and roughly browsed through the communication talismans. There were a few brothers and sisters who were a little familiar with him, as well as the elder Duan Wuwei and the head of the sect.

Among them, there are more than ten communication symbols for the master.

After reading it briefly, Zhang Zheng felt cold all over his body, like falling into an ice cellar.

This is the extreme joy begets sorrow...

Three months ago, not long after Zhang Zheng retreated, an extremely sensational event happened in the entire cultivation world, which almost shocked the entire Xichuan world.

The Hidden Family is born!
There are two major hermit families in the Xichuan world, Ji and Nan.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, these two families could be said to be the overlords of the entire cultivation world, and they were located in the most prosperous Donghua world.But for unknown reasons, the two families suddenly withdrew from Donghua and moved to the relatively barren boundary of Xichuan.

In the following tens of thousands of years, the Jinan family declined more and more, all the way down, until about 10 years ago, the two families even opened up a secret realm, completely reclusive, and did not care about world affairs.

Tens of thousands of years of brilliance disappeared in a flash, and the world only knew the transmission left by the hermit family, but did not see its trace.Many people even doubt whether the Hermit Family has long been lost.

Just when the cultivation world began to question whether the Hermit Family really existed, it was born.

Not two families, only the Nan family.

But the purpose of its birth was to offer a huge reward to a foundation-building female cultivator named Zhang Zheng. The reward was two Bone Bone Pills, one God-Breaking Pill and one hundred top-grade spirit stones.

Nowadays, the spiritual energy in the cultivation world is thin, and the spiritual veins are rare, not to mention the top-grade spiritual veins, it may not be possible to find two in the entire cultivation world.One hundred top-grade spirit stones, and the head of a slightly inferior sect may have never even seen a top-grade spirit stone.

But compared with the two types of elixir, such a precious top-grade spirit stone is still slightly inferior.

That is Huangu Pill!The seventh-order elixir that can make mortals without spiritual roots produce spiritual roots is hard to find in today's cultivation world.

As for the Breaking God Pill, the legendary eighth-order pill that can increase the chance of breaking through to become a god by [-]% has never been heard of for thousands of years.

For a time, the entire cultivation world was full of uproar.

Zhang Zheng's name and Zhang Zheng's portraits can be said to be flying all over the sky. It can be said that everyone in the cultivation world has a jade slip that reproduces the portrait.

It is an exaggeration to say that during this period of time, the monks first greeted each other when they met, "Dare to ask, friend, do you know Zhang Zheng?"

It can also be regarded as an alternative kind of fame that has spread far and wide.

Even geniuses like Jiang Fenglai and Lin Xiaoxiao may not be as famous in the cultivation world.

Zhang Zheng, an ordinary inner disciple of the Wanxuan Sect, although not well-known, is known to not a few people. After all, there is still heat left behind to build a ninth-level altar.

In this way, her identity was quickly revealed.

The young master of the Nan family came to visit Wanxuanmen himself, and the head of Cheng Cheng personally received him, and even almost alarmed the Huashen Patriarch who was protecting the sect in Wanxuanmen.

Fortunately, the Nan family didn't come in a bad way, and their attitude was quite friendly. They only asked for Zhang Zheng to be handed over.

After all, Wanxuan Sect is the number one sect in the Xichuan Realm, and his own disciples, besides, are some talented disciples who have made great contributions to the sect.

How can people send people away as soon as they want it, it's too out of style, what dignity is there?

Considering various reasons, Master Cheng politely refused.

"Everything will be discussed after the disciple has left the customs. If it is the fault of a disciple in my sect, let the Nan family deal with it. If there is a misunderstanding, please forgive my Wanxuan sect for disregarding the life of a disciple."

Although the young master of the Nan family looked down, he didn't force it. It's really not worthwhile for the two major forces to tear their faces apart. What's more, what his father wanted was to be captured alive, which shows that there is still room for negotiation.

As a result, the young master of the Nan family stopped thinking about arresting people for the time being, and only waited patiently for Zhang Zheng to leave the customs.

Zhang Zheng didn't know why the Nan family suddenly went to war, just to find himself, a little-known little monk.

She racked her brains to think about her every move in Nan's house. She didn't steal anything, didn't make trouble, and she was very peaceful.

the only possible...

Nan Zhangzhi!
Could it be that something happened to Miss Jiaojiao?
Should she throw herself into the trap now?Or hurry up and escape?
Obviously, this is not a choice for her.The moment she left the cave, her whereabouts were revealed.

"Disciple Zhang Zheng!"

With a loud shout, an upright senior brother from the inner sect fluttered his clothes and flew in front of her, making sure that she was Zhang Zheng.

Brother Neimen clasped his hands and said: "The head of the sect has a call, please follow me to the meeting hall."

"Yes." Zhang Zheng clasped his hands back, unavoidably starting to fantasize about the scene he was about to face.

He strode in as if he had sacrificed his life heroically. Unexpectedly, the meeting hall was not as serious as the tribunal of the three courts as imagined. There were only the sect master Cheng, Elder Duan and the members of the Nan family standing on the other side.

As soon as Fang stepped in, everyone's eyes fell on her, some of them were extremely strict and scrutinized.

Elder Duan beckoned to her and called her to stand by his side.

The head of Cheng said solemnly: "Now that Zhang Zheng is in the hall, the Nan family will explain the cause of the matter. If it is really the disciple's fault, my sect will not tolerate it."

A dignified woman walked out of the Nan family. Zhang Zheng met her eyes. It was the eldest sister of Nan Zhangzhi——Nan Yulin.

Nan Yulin's scrutinizing eyes glided over her, and his voice was upright and powerful.

"Two years ago, Zhang Zheng strayed into the secret realm of our clan. My sister begged for help. We brought her back to the clan and sent her back when I got the out-of-bounds array disk. But three months ago, the clan found out that my sister I will not see you with Zhang Zheng..."

So, they suspected that they had tricked Nan Zhangzhi?
Zhang Zheng wanted to look up to the sky and sigh, she knew that her bad premonition would come true, this Miss Jiaojiao really brought her a big trouble.

Master Cheng frowned, looked at Zhang Zheng, and asked, "Zhang Zheng, is there anything wrong?"

"Back to the head, there is indeed such a thing, but Zhang Zheng didn't hurt Miss, nor did he trick her out of bounds."

Zhang Zheng told the story in detail from beginning to end, not daring to miss any details.

"On that day, Miss Zhangzhi led me to bid farewell to the young master. The young master was playing chess with a man, so he just waved us away."

Say goodbye to yourself?She had never seen the two of them before.

Nan Yulin remembered that after returning to the hospital, he accidentally found a handful of soot left on the stone table, and he was already suspicious, his complexion darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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