Chapter 65 Destiny
The dizziness disappeared, and there was an empty stone room in front of him.

In the space of about [-] square meters, apart from Zhang Zheng, there are snow-white stone walls on all sides, and a futon in the center, nothing else.

What about the treasure hunt?

Zhang Zheng didn't miss any cracks and corners, and searched the whole area carefully, but found nothing, so he couldn't help lamenting.

She also thought about whether this would be a trial, but no matter what spell she cast, knocking on the wall everywhere, she was still as calm as before.

This stone room seemed to have trapped her in the stone room, only she was accompanied by a simple futon.

Zhang Zheng stopped exploring in frustration, and her eyes fell on the futon. She carefully explored the futon. The meditation straw futon, which is very common in the cultivation world, is not abnormal.

Forget it, if there is no chance, then there is no chance, at least I got the mysterious water ball and a golden flower of reincarnation, this trip is not nothing.

Zhang Zheng sat down on the futon, maintaining the posture of five hearts facing the sky. The aura in the stone room here is thin, and she is not in a hurry to practice. She just immerses herself in the Taoist books she has read in the past, trying to find traces of the Tao.


Guyuan secret place, left outside the Dongfu.

The blue sky suddenly turned overcast, and layers of dark clouds with reddish light piled up like mountains.

The quiet and comfortable secret place is as if the pause button has been pressed, everything is silent, the grass and trees are silent, only the thunder is rolling, and the black clouds are turning black.

"This...what is this!"

A monk raised his head and noticed the vision in the sky, and muttered to himself in shock.

As the more intense red light pierced through the dense black clouds, the entire secret realm fell into a dark red.

The terrifying power poured down the sky and covered the earth, comparable to the oppression of heaven, and those who saw it were terrified and trembling.

The black cloud completely shattered and scattered, and the covered red light revealed its true colors.

Hundreds of millions of blood-colored swords pointed directly at the vast and vast land, thunder rumbled, and lightning and fire shadows swam like dragons and snakes.

No one had time to react, and there was an exclamation without utterance. The bloody sword was as wide as a steep mountain cliff, and plunged straight into the ground.

The dazzling crimson dyed the loess into vermilion rouge, and all the rivers and rivers became corpses floating in a sea of ​​blood. The rich blood energy spread throughout the secret realm, and the pungent bloody smell permeated every inch of the air.

The secret place of Guyuan has become a place of death.


"Friend Daoist Lin, there is a ferry crossing the River of Forgetfulness ahead. It may be dangerous to go alone. How about you and me going together?"

Lin Xiaoxiao withdrew her consciousness and readily agreed.

Ferry across the river of forgetfulness, the river where reincarnated ghosts in the mortal world travel.

Although the monk thinks he is out of the common world, in fact he will be in the reincarnation of fate forever before he becomes a fairy.The soul is not destroyed, but still needs to forget the river and enter the reincarnation.

Ferrying the Wangchuan is located in the void, and its movements are ethereal and without a trace. When everything dies, it will appear, and it will extradite the soul into reincarnation.

I don't know where the ferry to Wangchuan came from, since it is located in Dongyuan Zhenjun's cave, it is probably the test that Zhenjun specially found.

When crossing the river of forgetfulness, one cannot think about the old dreams of the past, otherwise all the past will be swallowed by the river of forgetfulness, and the past will be emptied, and one can get lost in it.

Yi Lanshan took out the Qingxin bell, tied a red string around their wrists, tied the Qingxin bell in the middle of the red string, and the Myojin sound wave slowly swayed.

"There is a red rope to tie us, together with Qingxin Lingming God, if one of us gets lost in the river, we can be pulled out by the red rope."

The two of them let go of their thoughts and stepped on the misty Wangchuan Bridge in front of them together.

A moment is like a thousand years.

Taking the last step, the picture in front of him changed, and he crossed the river of forgetfulness safely.

After Wangchuan Road, the sky is filled with clouds and mist, and the consciousness is trapped, and it is impossible to see through a foot.

The two looked at each other and frowned, since they entered the cave, they were passed to a place, and they got many rare treasures along the way, but they didn't expect that there was nothing behind Wangchuan Road.

"It is rumored that there is a three-life stone behind the Wangchuan River, which can be seen in the past and present. I wonder if I can see it here?"

Lin Xiaoxiao suggested to go further, and after walking for about ten miles, the clouds and mist suddenly churned, and the wind swept through the clouds, and the wind was so strong that she couldn't open her eyes at all.

After half an hour, the gust of wind stopped suddenly, and Yi Lanshan pulled the red rope, trembling and pointing forward in shock.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked over immediately, and the moment she saw it clearly, her eyes widened with horror and solemnity.

Landslides and rocks cracked, the sky collapsed, and the ground collapsed. In the vast void, countless small worlds fell rapidly like stars.

A fireworks spectacle with thousands of worlds as shooting stars.

Only death is the most shocking tragedy.

The sacred Supreme Immortal Stairway shattered step by step, falling inch by inch, and disappeared into the dark and dead void.

The yin and yang, the clear gas and the turbid phase, everything annihilates into dust and returns to chaos and nothingness.

"The way of heaven is weakening, the great way is falling, and everything is dying..."

The big sound is loud, the elephant is invisible.

The clouds and mist blown away by the strong wind gathered again, as if nothing had happened.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Yi Lanshan looked at each other, seeing the unreasonable tears on their faces, they were both startled and lost.

"I... this is what happened..."

Ferry across the river of forgetfulness, the reincarnation of the dead, the reincarnation of the living, the past cannot be traced, and the past cannot be recalled.


"Zhang Zheng! You know your mistake!"

I?What am I doing wrong?

In a trance, Zhang Zheng looked up at the high platform. The solemn and solemn hall was shrouded in clouds and mist. The hall was full of people, and one person stood tall on the stage.

Falcon-like gazes fell on her, and the scolding voice implied hatred for her indisputability, and her voice was sad: "You betrayed your fellow disciples for a devil, broke your promise, and led to decline. I think that more than a hundred disciples of Taoism are all because of you!" And die, how dare you not know your mistakes today!"

Devil?Recession?Si Taozong?
Zhang Zheng had a splitting headache, and his kneeling posture changed to prostration, beating his head with both hands, his eyes widened, staring at the people on the stage.

The figure of that person was hidden behind the clouds and mist, and like everyone in the hall, his face could not be seen clearly, it was blurred.

A voice suddenly appeared in my mind, "Zhang Zheng, tell me where the disciples of Si Daozong practiced this time."

The voice was hoarse and full of temptation, she heard herself reply: "Huafeng Yanshan, are you going to kill Yilanshan?"

The conversation stops here.

Vague memory fragments emerged, and in the raging flames, countless figures struggled, screaming in pain and turning into a pool of soot.

A gorgeous figure in red clothes stood in the flames, and the tongue of flames wrapped around the corner of her clothes, burning her skin, but she only looked at her from afar with mournful and sympathetic eyes.

Why should she pity herself?She is the one facing death!

Lips moved lightly unconsciously, what should I say?I want to admit my mistake?

Zhang Zheng's eyes were fierce, and she slammed her head hard on the ground. The blood was profuse, bright red and glaring. She gritted her teeth and swallowed the confession she was about to blurt out.

For a long time, she lay limply on the ground, with her head raised high, looking firmly at the high platform, biting her blood-stained lips shut.

What's wrong with her?She doesn't know any demons, Lan Shan, and she is not a disciple of Si Dao Sect.

She is a disciple of Wanxuanmen, and she has never been ashamed in her life!
"Zhang Zheng, that's right!"

After the voice fell, the clouds and mist suddenly surged, and the palaces, high platforms, and solemn crowds disappeared in smoke.

"You really deserve it?"

(End of this chapter)

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