I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 76 The Good Guy Who Steals the Token

Chapter 76 The Good Guy Who Steals the Token
Although he has decided to risk his life to save Jiang Fenglai, it does not mean that he will rush to the mountain gate like a reckless man, and Da Lala will announce to the world that he has a treasure here, which is coveted.

It took Zhang Zheng two days to barely figure out the route to Jiang Fenglai's location.

Zangdao Mountain belongs to the peak, Tianwu Mountain.

Tianwu Mountain is the secret place of Wanxuanmen. There are dozens of natural spiritual springs scattered in large and small sizes, especially in the small secret area of ​​Houshan. It is said that there is a top-grade spiritual spring mouth, and several spiritual mines are buried under it. Huaye can be called a fairyland for cultivation, and it is also an excellent place for healing.

But this small secret realm is not accessible to everyone. This is a unique honor for direct disciples in the sect. They can enter the small secret realm to practice for one year every ten years.
Jiang Fenglai is a genius of the sect, and later has his master Jiang Chaorui of the late Yuanying period and the huge family as the backing. Even if Jiang Chaorui is missing now, his safety is the sect's top priority.

That day, Lin Xiaoxiao brought Jiang Feng back to the sect to report to the head of the sect, and then was hurriedly sent to a small secret realm to heal her wounds. Peerless pills, genius treasures... poured into it like flowing water.

As one of the three major families, the Jiang family learned of this, and has already dispatched trusted people to bring the family's secret treasures to arrive overnight, and they will arrive in a few days.

All this Zhang Zheng learned from Lin Xiaoxiao and Lin Yihan in a side-by-side manner.

Recalling Lin Xiaoxiao's dejected appearance, I am afraid that the injury is extremely serious and the recovery effect is not very good.

If Zhang Zheng wants to enter the small secret realm, he must pass the restriction in the back mountain, and the restriction can only be opened by the personal disciple token.


"Senior Sister Lin, I'm really sorry."

Zhang Zheng took off the personal disciple token lightly, carefully put it in the storage bag and put it away.

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were tightly closed, she leaned her head down on the stone table, her slightly pale face was resting on her arms, her expression was peaceful, and her eyes were slightly black.

The remaining half cup of tea was poured out of the cave, and Zhang Zheng refilled the half cup of tea. A series of actions made her terrified.

Thanks to Senior Sister Lin's worry and fatigue recently, coupled with lack of rest and excessive fatigue, she didn't notice her small movements of administering the medicine.

After making sure to clean up the evidence, Zhang Zheng left in a hurry.

She knew that this move was extremely risky, not to mention whether Lin Xiaoxiao would doubt her when she woke up, if she wanted to enter the small secret realm in the future, but found that the number of tokens had been exhausted, she would be the first to doubt her.

But she couldn't think of any other way, she couldn't run to the head and say that she could save Jiang Fenglai and let her enter the small secret realm.

Compared to the Wanxuan Sect head who she was not very familiar with and had little contact with, she was more willing to believe in Lin Xiaoxiao, and believed that she was not such a villain who was obsessed with interests.

At least she can stick to her heart in the face of the supreme inheritance.

I don't know when the people from the Jiang family will arrive, and she must finish before they arrive, otherwise there will be too many people and it will be difficult to find opportunities.

Zangdao Mountain belongs to the peak, Tianwu Mountain.

The unusually rich spiritual energy permeated into fog, and the spiritual plants all over the mountain grew exceptionally green and strong, and the trees were shady, towering into the clouds.

Zhang Zheng didn't dare to delay for a moment, activated the hidden breath talisman, added the water barrier to hide his figure, picked up... "Qing Ling Jue", and galloped towards the back mountain.

The deeper the mountain went, the denser the spiritual mist became, almost blocking the line of sight.

Zhang Zheng put one hand on the storage bag, took out the personal disciple token, and nervously pasted the transparent barrier, his heart beating like a drum.

I don't know if this restriction will recognize that she is not Lin Xiaoxiao, if so, it will really be over for her.Stealing the disciple's token, trespassing the restriction, and it's such a special period, it's hard not to arouse suspicion.

Her eyes were wide open, her pitch-black pupils contracted to the extreme with tension, and her panic almost made her flinch.

There were layers of waves in the transparent barrier, and the jade token was covered with mottled blue spots, and a number gradually appeared.


Afterwards, the restrictions around the token slowly opened up a one-person-high passage.

Zhang Zheng was overjoyed, took off the token, and stepped into the small secret realm.

As soon as he stepped in, Zhang Zheng couldn't help but take a deep breath, the aura that was a hundred times stronger than that of the secret outside world rushed over. The aura was thick and moist to the touch.

The rumors in the sect were true, the aura here almost turned into solid droplets.

It's a pity that we can't practice in such a blessed place.

The slight regret dissipated like a cloud of smoke, Zhang Zheng let go of his consciousness, and focused his attention to investigate Jiang Fenglai's figure.

found it.

With a flash of his figure, Zhang Zheng quietly approached Jiang Fenglai who was recovering from meditation.

His chest was soaked in the mouth of a spiritual spring, and the clear spiritual liquid was filled with saturated spiritual energy, which continuously spilled out.

Just getting close, the pure aura seems to penetrate into the body through the pores of the whole body, and the muscles and bones of the whole body are washed and washed by the aura, making them extremely comfortable.

Jiang Fenglai cannot be allowed to discover his own existence.

Zhang Zheng apologized inwardly, his eyes froze, and he slashed down with a knife on the back of his neck.

Sudden heavy blow, Jiang Fenglai's eyelids trembled violently, and his body was about to slip into the water as soon as his body softened.

Zhang Zheng quickly fished him out of the mouth of the Lingquan, and supported him to lie face up on the ground.

Someone will come at any time, she must hurry up and make a quick decision.

The divine consciousness penetrated into his body, and as soon as it touched the dantian, she couldn't help being terrified by the tragic and terrifying scene.

Jiang Fenglai is the spiritual root of Tianjin, and the length of the spiritual root is nine inches nine.

Right now, the golden spiritual root has climbed up the cracks all over his body, like broken celadon, extremely fragile and will shatter when touched.

The dantian is even more chaotic, filled with all kinds of spiritual power, soft, brutal, sharp...

Most likely it was the panacea that the Zongmen took for Jiang Fenglai to save him. A lot of pure spiritual power roamed in the dantian, barely maintaining the stability of the weak dantian.

The spiritual pool used by the Foundation Establishment cultivators to store spiritual power has dried up and is scarce, and the remaining spiritual energy is slowly dissipating.

His dantian is like a container with holes, and his spiritual power is lost inch by inch. Maybe after a while, his dantian will be completely broken and he will become a mortal.

Zhang Zheng frowned, forming a line. She didn't expect Jiang Fenglai to be injured so badly.

Can vitality cure him?
She couldn't help feeling a bit of worried suspicion.

Forget it, let's try again, anyway, she didn't use the energy of vitality to save anyone, so she was treated like a dead horse, at least the energy of vitality should not make the situation worse.

The eyes are lightly closed, and the hands are pressed three inches below the navel, where the dantian is.

The vortex of vitality of the seven orifices is slowly rotating, milky white and mellow vitality emerges from the palm, covers the abdomen, and slowly penetrates into the body.

While releasing the vital energy, Zhang Zheng kept an eye on the situation in his body with his spiritual sense, and led the vital energy to swim through the whole body, and finally gathered at the most seriously injured dantian to nourish the dantian.

it works!

Her eyelids trembled slightly, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, and the milky white vital energy entered her dantian, gradually nourishing the broken wounds, large and small, and the cracks narrowed extremely slowly under the repair of the vital energy, becoming more shallow .

But the effect is too weak.

Zhang Zheng could feel that most of the vitality did not act on the wound, but was scattered out of thin air. She was inevitably a little frustrated, and had a faint guess in her heart, maybe because she didn't have enough understanding of the formula of Zhonghe Huasheng.

But at this moment, she can't allow her to comprehend the formula of neutralization and transformation, not to mention that comprehension is not something she can comprehend just by thinking about it.

The current situation can only be remedied with quantity.

(End of this chapter)

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