Chapter 78
In the morning of the next day, the warm sunshine of the early sun fell, and the continuous mountains were surrounded by smoke and clouds, shrouded in light golden sunlight, like sunshine shining on a golden mountain.

Three figures flew over the mountain system of the outer gate of Wanxuanmen, and the Faguang fell outside the meeting hall of Zangdao Mountain.


The door of the meeting hall was wide open, and apart from the head of the Wanxuan Sect, several elders were seated on the left and right sides, solemn and solemn.

The visitors had just found a place to sit down, and one of the beautiful women couldn't help looking at Master Cheng before she had time to sit down, with an anxious expression on her face, she asked eagerly, "Master Cheng, where is Fenglai now?"

The head of the sect hurriedly comforted him: "Mrs. Xu, don't worry, we all pay attention to the safety of the sent, and now he is healing in the small secret place of Tianwu Mountain. In order to avoid disturbing his healing, disciples regularly check on it every day. The injury has stabilized for the time being, and I will take you there right away."

Mrs. Xu breathed a sigh of relief. She heard that her son had suffered such a serious crime, and she was very anxious. She hurriedly asked the Patriarch to ask for orders to come here to visit, fearing that something might happen if Fenglai couldn't wait.

Beside him, a man with brown temples, Shi Shiran, stood up, cupped his hands slightly and said, "Thank you Wanxuanmen for your troubles, my Jiang family will remember it in my heart."

Master Cheng's face was kind, and a dark light flashed across his eyes, and no one saw him, and guilt instantly rose.

"Where did the Taoist friends come from? I will send you my Wanxuanmen disciple. We have high hopes for him. This child is talented and has worked hard. It is my Wanxuanmen who did not protect him and caused him to suffer such injuries."

"It was my Wanxuanmen who didn't think carefully and caused the children to suffer. Wanxuanmen will give me an explanation for this matter."

The brown-haired man didn't say a word, and accepted Wanxuanmen's promise safely.

The face of the elder next to him suddenly changed drastically, and the messenger talisman in his hand shone slightly. He suddenly raised his head, looked at the head of the hall, and arched his hands forward.

"Master, the disciple who is in charge of guarding the small secret realm has just sent a message, saying that something strange happened to Feng Lai."

"What's unusual?"

Mrs. Xu's hand that had just fallen subconsciously grasped the armrest of the chair, her knuckles turning white.

The elder continued: "Madam, please don't worry, the disciple sent a message saying that Feng Lai's injuries are very good, and he has left the small secret realm on his own, maybe he is on his way."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience shook and looked at the elder who spoke in disbelief.

The head of Cheng also had a dignified expression, and he confirmed with a serious face: "Elder Yan is serious?"

"What the disciple said should be true."

The whole hall was silent for a moment, and for a moment they didn't know how to react.

With such a serious injury, his dantian was almost shattered, and his spiritual root was broken inch by inch. If it hadn't been for the endless stream of rare spirit treasures pouring into his body, barely holding his dantian from being completely shattered, his spiritual power would have been exhausted and he would have been reduced to a mortal.

But what did the disciple say?
Said that he was in good condition and left on his own!

It's like someone telling you that the dead who have been buried in the ground are not only resurrected, but alive and kicking.

It's ridiculous!

Even Mrs. Xu herself couldn't believe it. She is a monk, so how could she not know the seriousness of the damage to her dantian and spiritual root.

The fact that the patriarch is willing to bestow the clan's secret treasure is just because he is really reluctant to lose such a genius in the clan.

How much energy and resources have been expended by such a huge family to cultivate this rare genius in the millennium. Fortune and financial resources are indispensable. How can the Jiang family give up so easily.

But even if the secret treasure is brought, the hope is only a small [-]% chance, which is extremely slim.

What broke the silence of the hall was a series of neat footsteps.

The moon-white imperial robe and the man's desolate moon-like temperament complement each other. His sharp eyebrows and eyes are like the blade of a sword, and there is a trace of almost invisible paleness on his expressionless face, which shows that he is just recovering from a serious illness.

He first bowed his hands towards the head of the hall, "Disciple Jiang Feng has come to meet the head."

Immediately, he turned to the people from Jiang's family, and his eyes softened a little when they touched Mrs. Xu who was worried and worried.

"I send my greetings to my two uncles and my mother."

"Are you all right?"

Madam Xu couldn't control it anymore, she stepped forward a few steps, took his hand and held it tightly, her tone anxious and anxious.

"Mother, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with sending it."

Jiang Fenglai took Mrs. Xu's hand and comforted her to sit back in her original position.

Since he entered the hall, Master Cheng's gaze has been sizing up his aura, and he saw that his aura is steady and strong, without any sign of serious injury.

Only then did he let go of his hanging heart, stroked his short beard, and said leisurely, "It's fine if there's nothing to do, it's fine to have nothing to do."

The scene fell into silence again, and everyone remained silent.

In the past, they would naturally ask him why his injury healed so quickly.

But at this time, in front of the two parties, the words were a little too much to ask.

For Wanxuanmen, in front of the family, asking why a child who had just recovered from a serious injury recovered so suddenly, wouldn't it be a mouthful.

In this world of comprehension, injuries such as shattered dantians are almost irreversible. The greatest possibility for him to recover as before is that he has a rare treasure opportunity.

If you ask questions at this time, it will inevitably make people think that the sect covets the disciple's magic weapon and wants to press for the whereabouts of the treasure.

Regarding the members of the Jiang family, they also have their own concerns. In other people's territory, there is no guarantee that this treasure is not Wanxuanmen's private possession, so they asked rashly.

It would be fine if he gave me all he had, but if he owed a favor because of the chance he got at Wanxuanmen, the treasure might not be kept.

The two sides each have their own ulterior motives, and they know it well but dare not speak out, so they simply fooled it.

This is the benefit of relying on power. Everyone should be cautious about the power behind you before they do anything to you.

Zhang Zheng believed with [-]% certainty that if her dantian suddenly recovered at this time, it would be her.

People don't care about her recovering from a serious illness, and wish to strip all her secrets from head to toe.

But who is Jiang Fenglai? He has always been upright and doesn't value fame, wealth and property. What's more, he doesn't know the reason for this injury, and he has no intention of concealing it.

A clear voice sounded, "This time I have one more report to the meeting hall."

"Feng Lai was suddenly knocked out yesterday while he was recovering from his wounds, and he woke up in the middle of the night, only to find that his injuries had mostly recovered."

"Do you know who it is?"

Jiang Fenglai recalled the scene at that time. He was suffering from severe pain and immersed himself in healing. The next moment he felt a dull pain in the back of his neck, and his eyes fell into darkness.

From beginning to end, he never saw any suspicious person.

He shook his head, "I didn't see it."

Concentrating his eyes for a while, he opened his thin lips lightly, and added: "The disciple has checked the surroundings with the Shadow Stone, and there is nothing abnormal. I think the coming person is fully prepared."

Do not want to be found out.

Everyone couldn't help frowning, this is really difficult, who is this mysterious person, who can enter and exit the small secret realm at will.

Subconsciously, they ignored the possibility of using the token to enter the small secret realm, and they had already put on a mask of a peerless master in their hearts for this mysterious man who could heal the damage to his dantian and spirit root with a single shot.

"That's all, as long as it's safe and sound, since he doesn't want us to know his name, we don't bother about it anymore."

"This matter is ultimately beneficial to my myriad Xuanmen and has no harm."

Seeing that Jiang Fenglai was safe and sound, the three of Jiang's family wanted to say goodbye without staying any longer.

The head of the sect stood up to persuade him to stay, "It's hard to get together with Feng Lai, why not stay in the sect for a while, so that my Wanxuan sect can fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

Mrs. Xu's worried expression became calm at this time, and she declined politely and politely: "Master Cheng has good intentions, and I understand it, but there are still some things in the clan, and we really can't delay. Next time, if there is a chance, come and trouble me again. "

Seeing that they had decided to leave, Master Cheng didn't want to keep them anymore, he just asked Jiang Fenglai to send them to the foot of the mountain so that they could have a heart-to-heart talk.

The four of them walked to the foot of Wanxuanmen Mountain, Madam Xu looked up and down Fanjiang Fenglai with concern, and stuffed a space seed into his hand.

Mrs. Xu carefully instructed: "This is the metal refining material that your father specially found for you some time ago. There is also a note inside. You are about to condense into a golden core. Then take this note to Donghua to find it. Old Chengqi, he will refine an excellent natal magic weapon for you."

Jiang Fenglai didn't hold back, he turned his palms to put away the mustard seeds, and nodded in agreement.

He said: "Mom, you go back and tell your father that there is nothing serious about bringing it here, so don't worry about it."

"Wait to condense it into a golden pill, and then return to the clan to visit you."

The three Dharma lights disappeared into the sky, Jiang Fenglai withdrew his distant gaze and flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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