Chapter 8

While Zhang Zheng was concentrating on cultivating, the atmosphere in the inner sect of Wanxuan Sect, Tibetan Dao Mountain, was tense and tense.

In the huge hall, headed by a middle-aged man with black hair and gray temples, he is the head of Wanxuanmen, and there are four elders seated on each side of him.

The head of the sect pondered for a moment and said: "About the invasion of the demon cultivators, do you elders have any ideas?"

"This matter is very important, and we must not let it go easily. If you want me to say, it is better to call the girl at that time to interrogate her."

Seeing the angry appearance of his third senior brother, the charming woman who looked like a March flower laughed lightly and blamed him: "Senior Zhong, how can you say that about other female dolls. After finally saving a life from Moxiu, You are going to interrogate people like criminals."

The Senior Brother Zhong she was talking about was a reckless and rough man who had always been at odds with her sixth junior sister. Hearing this, she became anxious: "Liu Ruqing, what do you mean!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Elder Duan, who was used to acting as a peacemaker, quickly comforted Elder Zhong: "Senior Brother Zhong, don't get angry, don't get angry, peace makes money."

The head of the sect also said: "Junior Brother Zhong, what Junior Sister Liu said is also reasonable, your words are not appropriate."

After the criticism, the head turned to Liu Ruqing and said, "Junior Sister Liu, it seems that Lin Xiaoxiao is your new direct disciple. She is really a formidable young generation. In the future, let her come over."

"As for the girl... Junior Brother Duan, please lie down and bring her here in the future. This matter cannot be delayed."

The senior brothers who were in charge had already spoken, how dare they not listen, they naturally agreed and then the meeting ended, each going back to each mountain.

Let's talk about the second day, Zhang Zheng rushed to Zangshu Pavilion with great interest early in the morning, handed in ten low-grade spirit stones, and was finally able to enter the first floor.

From the outside, Zangshu Pavilion is as big as a secular pavilion, but it has an extraordinary aura around it, and the simple and heavy atmosphere hits people's hearts directly.

Inside, there is a cavernous cave, a space that can accommodate thousands of people. There are neat and regular bookshelves, and there are simple books and thousands of jade slips on the shelves.

Zhang Zheng went straight to the miscellaneous book area, and used her spiritual sense to scan one by one. She took down all the books that might be related to read the introduction.

With her spiritual consciousness of the second level of Qi training, she can't support such a high-intensity work for a long time. Every time she looks at two rows of bookshelves, she has to meditate for a while to recover.After simply paying the Lingshi once, no one will care how long you stay in the Library Pavilion, so she has no scruples.When you are tired, you can rest for a while, and then continue when you are comfortable.

After repeating this more than a dozen times, for about three hours, Zhang Zheng finally found a book that was somewhat related.

Unlike other classics with hundreds or thousands of pages, this book is more like a booklet, with only a few dozen pages, and the title is even more unique. It is not like a Taoist classic, but more like a common novel.

"One Thousand and One Nights from Enlightenment to Taoism", Zhang Zheng caressed the rough bookcase. Because of the ban, books in Zangshuge are not allowed to be taken out, and only part of the content can be read. If you want to read the whole book, you can read it. It has to be exchanged with spirit stones and contribution points, and then the book boy can copy the content with a blank jade slip before taking it out of Zangshu Pavilion.

Zhang Zheng has already read a quarter of the miscellaneous books area on the first floor, and only this one is related to Taoism.Although it was unavoidable to regret in my heart, I still comforted myself and said that this is only the first floor, and maybe there will be more in higher floors.

Fortunately, this book is not thick, and it doesn't seem to be very precious, so Zhang Zheng only received 30 yuan for low-grade spirit stones.

Holding the engraved jade slip in his hand, Zhang Zheng could hardly restrain the excitement surging in his heart.

Can't wait to go back to the courtyard, didn't even enter the room, just sat on the stone bench and began to check the contents of the jade slips.

All things in the world go their own way, so each gets its own place and complements each other.

Stepping into the path of self-cultivation, I was repeatedly troubled by the state of mind and couldn't make any progress. Later, due to a coincidence, the foundation was destroyed, and I started to practice again. Only then did I know the path, in terms of talent, luck, and resources...but the most important thing is to ignore it And those who are often ignored are the heart of the Tao.

Those with a strong Dao heart have a long way to go, those with a weak Dao heart have a changeable path, and those who have lost their Dao heart have no destiny... What is the Dao heart?
All cultivators have the heart of cultivating the Tao, but they often don't know what kind of Tao they are practicing. The term "Tao Mind" can be simplified. Why do you practice and what do you do?
The way cannot be changed constantly, and the heart cannot be changed constantly. The way is integrated with the heart, and it is completely natural.


I specially write this book to record my humble opinion. If anyone who is destined to benefit from it will be very happy.May our generation prosper.

The book ended here, but Zhang Zheng couldn't regain his senses for a long time.

Why practice?Why practice?
What appear to be the same problems are actually very different.One is the reason, and the other is the desire.

Zhang Zheng was immersed in the mystery, and the roads he had traveled in his previous life came to the fore one by one, as if he was going through it again, but his mood was completely different.

As she said before, her stepping into the road of cultivation is just a very vague fate.But being predestined is not enough.

If she hadn't seized the opportunity to beg the rich lady after the death of the old beggar, she might have frozen to death and starved to death in an unknown winter night alley.

If she hadn't made up her mind to escape from the evil den of the pervert's mansion, she might have been tortured like the boy she saw that day.

If she hadn't snatched food from wild dogs, fought with beggars, and ate raw rat and snake meat from hunger, she wouldn't have seen another world other than the common world, and wouldn't have climbed the mountain several times before being able to enter the world of cultivating immortals after rolling off a cliff. .

All these hardships, she used to describe it only with the word fate, but now she suddenly realizes that she is indeed lucky to have opportunities, but these opportunities are also obtained by her countless times of life-and-death crises and barefoot walking on the tip of a knife.

Why she embarked on the road of practice, she suddenly understood now, even if the road ahead is not a road of practice, but a single-plank bridge, as long as there is a glimmer of hope for life, she will go forward without hesitation.

The old beggar was right, she was born too greedy, she wanted to live, and if she survived, she wanted to live well, but she didn't think it was such a sin.

No one ever thought of being terrified and being murdered by others. In order to live freely, freely, and without worries, she would rather take risks with herself, and the road of cultivating immortality is the best way to make her wish come true.

Ordinary people value profit and power, no matter how powerful a person is, there will be a tragedy of ants killing elephants.Although the world of comprehension is also unavoidable from power strife, as long as you are strong enough, you can avoid most crises. If you can become an unparalleled strong man, you will be the greatest responsibility in the world.

Zhang Zheng has never been more enlightened than at this moment in the past. This is the foundation of her will to survive several times.

The reason why she embarked on the path of practice was because she was forced to survive, and the pursuit of continuing the path of practice in the future is also to survive.The difference is that in the former, she has no choice but to survive, while in the latter, she pursues her ambition and strives for longevity.

So what is her way?
Zhang Zheng desperately wanted to catch the trace of the mysterious and miraculous Tao, but unfortunately, it went further and further away, as if playing hide-and-seek with her, as if it was close in front of her eyes but far away in the sky.

The word "Tao" is so easy to understand, Zhang Zheng sighed regretfully, suppressed the disappointment in his heart, and simply continued to practice with the rich and pure aura left by the enlightenment.

In the blink of an eye, it was five hours, Zhang Zheng stopped from practicing, and the sun was already rising outside. This epiphany has given her a lot of benefits, not only the improvement of her mood, but also the spiritual energy in her body. This is her two months. Aura that can't even be cultivated.

Sudden enlightenment is really a good thing, why didn't she know to take the opportunity to practice after she had a sudden enlightenment in Dongtianju last time, the spiritual energy there is so rich, at least it can let her rush to the second level of Qi training in one go.

what a pity.With her current cultivation speed, it will take at least five or sixty years to reach the twelfth level of qi training, not to mention that if she fails to realize the Tao, she will have to continue to delay.
Zhang Zheng thought like this, but he also knew that epiphany is as rare as chance. Some monks may not be able to achieve epiphany once in a lifetime. The benefits are no longer forced.

Zangshu Pavilion is too expensive, so we must find a way to earn spirit stones.Zhang Zheng thought so, and planned to go to the affairs hall to see if he could get some chores to do.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a messenger talisman with glittering gold and silver threads flew in front of her, so fast that she almost ran straight into it.

"Outer sect disciple Zhang Zheng, go to the inner sect Zangdaoshan meeting hall as soon as you finish your training."

Signed - Elder Duan Wuwei.

Zhang Zheng struggled for a while, thinking of the matter of the demon cultivator in the secret territory, could it be that she was sent to ask questions?

No matter what is passed on to her, she can never disobey the orders of the elders.

There is a mountain range between the inner door and the outer door as a natural moat, it is easy to go out of the inner door, but entering the inner door is a luxury for an outer door disciple like her.

Fortunately, the spirit beast recognized the aura of the elder's summoning talisman, so it would not refuse the ride, but the elder was so used to summoning people that he didn't know how to slip a little spirit stone from his fingers to pay her the fare.

Resigned to his fate, he paid the huge fare from the outer door to the inner door - five low-grade spirit stones, Zhang Zheng felt extremely heartbroken.She admitted that besides life and freedom, money was the most important thing in her life.

As soon as they arrived at the inner door Tibetan Dao Mountain, the spirit beast hurriedly put Zhang Zheng on its back. The inner door was full of aura, and it finally passed the barrier to the inner door with the messenger talisman. It had to take a good stroll.

Zangdao Mountain does not have a false name. The whole mountain covers an extremely wide area, towering into the clouds, and has a main peak and three peaks.The meeting hall is located on the main peak.The three peaks are Fafa Hall, Zhenqi Pavilion and Guanshi Hall.

The consequence of being so big and full of formations and secrets was that Zhang Zheng lost his way unbelievably.

Turning around all the way, I asked a lot of senior brothers and sisters, but they were too busy to talk to her, so they only pointed out a general direction.

Seeing that he had walked for nearly half an hour and was still wandering along a certain path on the mountainside, Zhang Zheng wanted to give up.

These elders are too unreliable in their work, so they might as well just wait here and wait for someone to come to them.

Of course, she only dared to complain secretly, and kept walking along the path with her two legs.

"Junior Sister Zhang Zheng?"

Zhang Zheng raised his drooping head, he was a handsome young man, dressed in a tea-white wide-sleeved robe, dancing without wind, his knuckles were as slender as green onions, and his white knuckles were as slender as green onions. "Accumulated stones are like jade, and pine trees are like emerald green" is a perfect description of him.

Even though Zhang Zheng didn't pay much attention to beauty, he had to admit that the young man in front of him was really beautiful, but he was still half a point behind her cheap master.

"This senior brother is looking for me?"

This is an admission.

Lin Yihan put away a spell that was rewarded by the head of the previous sect, and he only glanced at Zhang Zheng in the secret realm, and it seems that he did not recognize the wrong person.Presumably she was also the head of the sect to ask about the magic cultivator.

"Junior Sister Zhang is going to the meeting hall? Turn right a hundred meters ahead and go straight up."

This actually solved a major problem of her current ignorance, this senior brother is really a kind person.

(End of this chapter)

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