Chapter 81
Zhang Zheng turned around with a calm expression, and his eyes fell on the woman in front of him.

His eyebrows are like curved willows, sad without frowning, his eyes are sparkling like misty waves, and when he meets people, he feels affectionate.

With a delicate and pitiful appearance, who else could it be except Tan Ying.

The last time we left the meeting hall, Zhang Zheng never saw Tan Ying again, nor did she go to the Guyuan Secret Realm. Now that we saw each other again, I was surprised to find that I still couldn't see her body clearly.

She has already condensed into a golden core.

Zhang Zheng was safe and sound, and had already practiced the ability to automatically filter and ignore her weird names, and calmly said, "Zhang Zheng has met senior sister."

Tan Ying chuckled lightly, her eyebrows were picturesque, she moved lightly with her lotus steps, and took two steps forward, almost touching Zhang Zheng.

The warm breath hit the neck, which irritated the white and sensitive skin instantly raised a layer of goosebumps, and the tips of the ears flushed unconsciously.

Zhang Zheng frowned, and subconsciously wanted to back away, but was shocked to find that he couldn't move his legs at all.

"Junior Sister Zhengzheng, why are you running in such a hurry, I won't eat you again."

The tender and watery voice was slightly sad, and it was no different from the whispers of demons in Zhang Zheng's ears.

If you don't run, you're a fool, you're just like a pervert!
The corners of Zhang Zheng's mouth curled down, his eyes flashed fiercely, and with a shake of his right hand, a black fire stick appeared out of thin air.

Just when she couldn't restrain herself and raised the fire stick high, it was about to fall hard on her head, Tan Ying turned her eyes and took two steps back.

The confinement disappeared, Zhang Zheng stared at Tan Ying solemnly, the crude fire stick in his hand had naturally hung down to his side, and his tone was cold and heartless.

"Senior Sister has something to say, but it's okay to say. If there is nothing, I will not accompany Senior Sister if I have something to do."

Tan Ying withdrew her eyes from the fire stick, but she became interested in it. This ugly thing could make her feel threatened.

Her eyes fell back on Zhang Zheng, she curled her lips and smiled indifferently, "Junior Sister Zhengzheng, please go if you have something urgent, I just want to catch up with Junior Sister."

After she said so, Zhang Zheng turned and left.

"Zhengzheng, don't be so prodigal next time, how can you let outsiders taste good things at will."

The raised foot suddenly stopped in mid-air, Zhang Zheng's pupils dilated, and he turned his head suddenly. There was nothing in front of him, and Tan Ying's figure had long since disappeared.

His brows were furrowed, his heart was beating like a drum, his fingers unconsciously clenched his palms, feeling the slight tingling pain from his palms, his eyes darkened.

What on earth does she know?
What on earth is she trying to do!

Three days later, Wanxuanmen broke the peak.

The tall mountain is cut off at the middle, with luxuriant trees and green grass on the side, but in its section there is only bare black stone and yellow land, and the mountain wind suddenly blows, flying sand and rocks.

Thousands of years ago, a real person slashed a sword horizontally, curbing the clouds and breaking the mountains. The terrifying sword energy remains to this day, and not a single blade of grass grows.

There are thousands of people scattered and scattered into hundreds of small teams, standing on the broken peak, waiting for the boundary to open.

"Hello, Senior Sister Zhang."

Zhang Zheng could hear the tension in her voice, smiled, and replied in a gentle tone: "You don't have to be cautious, it's inconvenient for the lower world to reveal your identity, just call me Sister Zhang Zheng."

The woman who spoke blinked her eyes, intertwined her fingertips, replied "Hello", and said anxiously after a while: "Zhang...Sister Zhang Zheng, my name is Jiao Min, you can call me Jiao Jiao."

She has a pretty face, a pair of round almond eyes, and a somewhat restrained demeanor, making her look like an innocent girl in her cardamom years, her cultivation is at the seventh level of Qi training.

"Zhu Tianshun" was a male student who looked at each other a bit uncoordinated, with thick eyebrows and small eyes, plump and plump lips that were raised high, and the curvature could almost lift a bottle of oil.

He has just turned [-] years old, he has cultivated to the ninth level of Qi training, and he already has good aptitude and cultivation in the outer sect.

Presumably he is used to being flattered by low-level disciples, his slender and small eyes are slanted up, revealing a two-pointed arrogant arrogance.

But this arrogance was restrained when facing Zhang Zheng, and respectfully said: "My surname is Zhu and my name is Tianshun. Sister Zhang Zheng can call you whatever you want."

The other person was also a male disciple, with long black hair cut short from the collarbone, not tied up, just casually hanging on the shoulders, at first glance it was almost mistaken for a woman.

What is incompatible with the soft and short hair is his stern face with sharp eyebrows and eyes. Once you see this face, you will never mistake it.

Zhu Tianshun snorted at him with his nostrils upturned, no doubt expressing his dissatisfaction.

The male disciple who had been bowing his head in silence raised his eyes and glanced at the three of them.

The voice is as cold as a cold face, and the content of the words is extremely concise, with only one name.

"Thank you Ge."

Zhang Zheng glanced at him curiously. His cultivation base was solid and he was on the eighth level of Qi training. Then even if he looked away, it didn't matter to her to be silent, as long as the task could be completed smoothly.

However, Zhu Tianshun pouted his lips disdainfully at Xie Ge, his eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Just caught a glimpse of his small eyes that were trying to roll their eyes to express sarcasm, Zhang Zheng couldn't help laughing, like a dead fish that was about to poke past.

Of course, these words can only be thought in the heart, the face is still a peaceful expression, looking at the sky above the Broken Mountain.

The blue of the cloudless sky faded away, like a washed-out white, the vastness of the sky is infinite forever.

As long as you stand on the thick soil and look up at such a boundless sky with your own eyes, it seems not surprising that countless worlds are bred under it.

As soon as he calmed down, Zhang Zheng couldn't help but think of the disciples who died in a large number of casual cultivators during his trip to Guyuan's secret realm, and the elders who disappeared for no reason and still haven't heard from them until now.

According to gossip, the soul lamp of the missing elder is still on, but it is getting weaker and erratic every day, as if it will dissipate in the next moment when the wind blows.

All the Nascent Soul cultivators disappeared outside Guyuanmi, Zhang Zheng did not believe that the families of various sects would not suspect Ji Nan's family.

But so far there is no relevant news.

The Jinan family fell into silence again after their trip to Guyuan Secret Realm, just like they did when they were hidden from the world.

Even Nan's family, which was once in turmoil, disappeared. Has the missing Nan Zhangzhi been found?Or are they no longer planning to look for Nan Zhangzhi?

Recalling Nan Zhangzhi's arrogant expression, the previous resentment caused by being implicated for no reason has long since subsided, but now he thinks of his peace of mind.

She helped herself to leave the country, and she helped her to leave the country.

From start to finish, it's just a deal.

Although one of the parties to this transaction did not know about it, nor did it agree to it.

But would the Nan family, who were willing to go to war for Nan Zhangzhi's disappearance, suddenly give up looking for her?
The answer is naturally impossible, so there is only one other possibility.

Nan Zhangzhi has been found, or they have already determined that Nan Zhangzhi must be safe and sound at this time.

His eyes darkened a little, and there was a hint of doubt.

Zhang Zheng always felt that this matter was too strange, and the Ji Nan family was [-]% suspicious and had nothing to do with it.

"The disciples listened to the order and entered the boundary gate with the task card. The time limit was three months. When they returned, they opened the boundary gate with the task card."

His voice was as loud as a bell.

A circle of faintly visible ripples slowly swayed in the headspace, forming an irregular circular light curtain.

The Dharma light filled the sky, like thousands of sword shadows and sword lights, escaping into the light curtain and disappearing.

(End of this chapter)

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