Chapter 85

"Oh, my little girl, how can I enter such a place."

Zhang Zheng looked back in astonishment.

The old man was wearing a clean and plain gown with a pannier on his back, pointed to the plaque on the bamboo building, and reminded her kindly: "This place is a magic cave for girls and babies, please don't go in there." join in the fun."

Zhang Zheng asked curiously, "Master, what is this Yingzhu Building for?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

The old man shook his head again and again, "Anyway, just don't go to the girl's house, there are a lot of babies inside, alas... it's hard to suffer."

Zhang Zheng's eyes lit up.

Too many babies?

This is not good!
Zhu Tianshun leaned forward and whispered, "Sister Zhang Zheng, shall we go in and have a look?"

"it is good."

Zhang Zheng agreed without hesitation.

The people who enter the main entrance are rich people who have spent a lot of money. Given how poor they are with a few taels of silver on them, no one will let them in.

Unable to go through the main entrance, we had to find another way.


As soon as Zhang Zheng landed on the ground, he heard a soft sound behind him, turned his head quickly, and put a finger in front of his lips, signaling him to be quiet.

Zhu Tianshun scratched his head in embarrassment, and carefully moved his foot away from the branch.

Looking around, this place seems to be a deserted backyard, spacious and open, but the white stone ground is full of dead branches and fallen leaves, secluded and desolate.

On two sides of the wall, there is an arched gate house on one side, and dozens of narrow houses lined up on the other side. The doors are closed and there is no window.

Zhu Tianshun lowered his voice, "Sister Zhang Zheng, there seems to be no one here, why don't you go ahead and have a look."

Zhang Zheng's frown that had been tightly frowned since he entered the yard could not be eased, and his pensive eyes fell on the neat row of houses.

The aura inside made her feel very uncomfortable, the faint aura of life was like a remnant of candle, almost completely extinguished in the next moment.

"Shh, there's someone here."

Zhang Zheng stepped forward lightly, approaching the row of houses, more than a dozen rooms, she stopped on the third from the left, and the people in this room were already very angry.

She couldn't use her spiritual sense in this world, and she couldn't detect the situation inside through the wall.

Holding the door lock, using force with his hand, he felt the iron block slightly dented, and Zhang Zheng's frown eased slightly.

Fortunately, not too hard.

He winked at Zhu Tianshun, then glanced at the round arched door, and whispered, "Tianshun, please guard the door."

Zhu Tianshun straightened his chest, patted his chest, and said sternly, "Listen to Sister Zhang Zheng."

Zhang Zheng looked at the door lock, and there were no hand tools nearby. It was easy to make noise with a fire stick, so he simply held the door lock with one hand and punched with the other.


Twice tore off the shattered door lock, threw it into the haystack and buried it, shook his slightly painful right hand, and gently pushed open the door.

The foot that was about to step in stopped in the air, and the dark pupils suddenly shrank.

Zhang Zheng stepped forward quickly, and put his hand on his thin wrist, which was as thin as a bamboo pole.

With blood loss and serious internal injuries, Zhang Zheng quickly took out a health pill from the storage bag, thought for a moment, scraped some pill powder, and shook it into the unconscious child's mouth.

She doesn't know if the energy of vitality can be used in this world, if not, once she uses it, it may cause rejection by the laws of this world.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy required for the storage bag is extremely weak, and there is almost no leakage, so that they can be used occasionally in this world.


The child frowned and let out a weak sigh, his blood-stained face twitched, and his eyelids trembled violently.

As if being attacked by a nightmare, he suddenly woke up. The child's eyes were not focused, but he was staring at Zhang Zheng, with fierce and resentful eyes like a ferocious wolf cub.

"Shut up."

Zhang Zheng frowned, controlled the strength, and pinched the child's mouth that was biting her hand.

"Tsk tsk..."

Zhang Zheng clicked his tongue again and again, looking at the two rows of clear teeth marks on his hand, but fortunately, she has rough skin and thick flesh, if it were a mortal, this bite would probably break the bones of the hand.

Just now he looked like he was dying, but now he is alive and well. Zhang Zheng looked at the child hiding in the corner and stared at her defensively. He couldn't help feeling that the effect of the pill was quite good.

The child's dark eyes are like a wolf's, and he will do his best to catch anyone, which is quite scary.

Zhang Zheng tried his best to soften his expression, squatted on the ground, and looked parallel to the child hiding in the corner, looking at each other.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I just saved you. If you don't believe me, look at the wound on your body."

The child was unmoved at all, just staring at her, full of vigilance.

As soon as Zhang Zheng raised his hand, the child suddenly trembled all over, and a strong fear flashed in his eyes that were stern inside and soft on the outside.

This action had already imprinted an impression of extreme fear on him, and it went deep into his bone marrow, causing him to panic.

Seeing the child's pitiful appearance, Zhang Zheng stopped his hand in the air and let it go again.

Zhang Zheng said softly, "Do me a favor, and I'll take you out of here, okay?"

After a while, the child's hoarse voice ripped out, "I won't help you, and you won't take me away."

This is not a question, but an affirmation.

Zhang Zheng was stunned, and was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

She smiled helplessly: "If you don't want to help me, I can take you away, but you have to tell me how you came here."

"I was abducted, and the matchmaker sold it for two taels of silver. You take me away."

The child stared at her stubbornly, his black and white eyes unblinking, but he didn't dare to meet Zhang Zheng's gaze, hiding the fear in his heart.

Zhang Zheng stretched out his hand slowly, and there was a handful of powdered medicine in his hand, "Do you want to take it? I just gave you the medicine for healing."

A silence.

Well, forget it if you don’t eat it.

Zhang Zheng stood up slowly, the powder scattered like dust, patted his clothes, and said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll take you away."

It wasn't until Zhang Zheng walked out of the room that the child moved and walked out with a strange posture.

The sun had already set, and the dim light at dusk was still dazzling, making the child's eyes sore and painful, and tears poured down like rain.

In the empty and dark room, a stench was mixed with the stale air, and two shards of silver lay quietly on the ground.

He got out of the cage.

Looking at the dirty child, Zhu Tianshun was surprised and delighted, "Sister Zhang Zheng, I have recruited one!"

Zhang Zheng shook his head slowly, ruthlessly crushing his surging hopes, "No, this kid doesn't want to test."

Looking back at the remaining row of houses, she had to find a place where she could settle first, and she couldn't take people wandering.

Furthermore, this behavior was really a bit of theft, Zhang Zheng stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Forget it, it seems that robbing the rich and helping the poor is very popular in this world, and when the road is injustice, they draw their swords to help.

She occasionally acts as a hero of the rivers and lakes, and she can be regarded as doing as the Romans do.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zheng stood under the wall, turned around and squatted down, "Come on, I'll take you out."

Zhu Tianshun recovered from his disappointment, and saw that she was about to carry her out in person, so he quickly stepped between the two of them.

He smiled brightly and said flatteringly: "Sister Zhang Zheng, let me come. If you get your expensive cassock dirty, it will be a big loss. My clothes can't be dirty."

(End of this chapter)

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