Chapter 91
Carrying the person to the dusty mansion.

The iron pots in the kitchen are all available, and there are some dry firewood piled up by the wall.

Zhang Zheng skillfully broke off some dead grass, found a tub from the mansion and moved it to the well, and then poured some cold water from the well that had not been used for a long time to clean the tub, and then took the bucket of well water and moved it to the kitchen.

Relying on his childhood experience of being a beggar and being self-reliant, Zhang Zheng quickly managed to start a fire.

After testing that the water temperature is just right, pour the hot water in the pot into the bathtub, take out the soft handkerchief and clean clothes and put them on the rack.

"Are you coming by yourself or shall I help you?"

The child stared closely at her eyes, and after a while he said dryly, "Wash yourself."

"Okay, I'm right outside, call me if you need anything."

Zhang Zheng stood outside the kitchen, changed his soiled robe, and laughed secretly when he heard the rustling of clothes rubbing inside.

What an awkward kid.

But, she thought about it, if it was her who was bullied and scarred all over her body when she was a child, she probably wouldn't want others to see her scars.

Self-esteem, this thing, the more depressed it is, the more troublesome it is.

About two quarters of an hour, the sound of water in the kitchen disappeared.

"All right."

Zhang Zheng turned around, and the cleaned child was wearing pink clothes, looking up at her straight up.

The wet long hair was draped over the shoulders indiscriminately, and the water kept dripping down.

The clothes are almost soaked.

Forgot to prepare a towel to wipe his head, Zhang Zheng hurriedly took out a clean cotton coat from the storage bag, and directly used the cotton coat as a towel to wrap his wet hair.

Zhang Zheng rubbed the child's wet hair hard, and couldn't help but criticize: "After washing the hair, you can't just wear it so wet, it will soak the clothes and you will catch a cold again."

The child said nothing, and quietly clenched the hands covered under the sleeves.

"By the way, do you have a name?"

Zhang Zheng suddenly thought of such a question.


The child replied stiffly.

Without a name, Zhang Zheng frowned. He couldn't really call him Junior Brother, so he said, "Do you have a name you want, or how about I ask someone to give you one?"

"You take it."

Zhang Zheng was taken aback, thinking of his casual cave name, he felt sorry for him.

She doesn't know how to choose a name, her own Dongfu doesn't matter, it is still not feasible to choose a name for a child, if it is unpleasant, it will be a disaster for a person's life.

With a resentful smile, "My name doesn't sound good, so I'd better find someone else to take it."

The child's eyes darkened, his clenched fists became more clenched, and he fell into silence again.

The hair was almost wiped, Zhang Zheng put away the cotton coat, combed it hastily, and changed the subject: "Is there anything you want to eat?"

It's midnight, where can I find food at this time?
The child shook his head.

For a while, the two were relatively silent, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

The child raised his fair and tender face, his long black eyelashes fluttered, and he spoke concisely, "Sleep."

The two returned to the inn again, Jiao Min and the other three recovered from their meditation.

Seeing the cleaned child, fair and beautiful, delicate and soft, Jiao Min couldn't help admiring, "Little brother looks really good-looking."

The child glanced at her sideways, took off his shoes and went to bed under Zhang Zheng's signal, closed the bed curtains and went to sleep without any response.

For a child of five or six years old, it was the age to be mischievous, and his appearance was too lifeless.

Jiao Min looked at Zhang Zheng anxiously. Of the few present, only Zhang Zheng could say a few words to him.

Receiving her gaze, Zhang Zheng shrugged helplessly. She was reticent and childish, and she couldn't change it.

She's not some sort of trauma healer.

next morning.

Xie Ge went to the competition field as usual, Zhang Zheng entrusted Jiao Min to find someone to tidy up the mansion, and then went to Yingzhulou with Zhu Tianshun again.

Before leaving, the child grabbed Zhang Zheng's clothes, desperately unwilling to stay in the inn alone, but he couldn't take him to Yingzhulou, so he had to go to the mansion with Jiao Min.

The two quietly rolled into the backyard of Yingzhulou. Zhang Zheng closed his eyes to feel it, and found that there was no one in the room, and his heart sank.

As expected, yesterday they secretly took away the children, today all the people in this row of houses were moved.

"Sister Zhang Zheng, what should I do?"

Zhang Zheng thought for a moment, and it was impossible to give up at this point, and it was obviously impossible to force it, so he had to resort to outsmarting.

Thinking of the real identity of the Yingzhulou that I purposely inquired about today, it is a brothel exclusively for dignitaries and wealthy sons.

There are beautiful girls, there are also handsome boys, all kinds of beautiful age groups, especially the beautiful child molesters who have been trained, the number is astonishing.

Zhang Zheng inexplicably recalled the scene he saw when he was sent to the pervert's mansion when he was young, and the scene was horrifying.

It was supposed to be a carefree childhood and dazzling youthful years, but it was buried ruthlessly by the arrogance and lust under the glory and wealth.

Even though she knew that all of this had become a convention, and she was weak and unable to change it, even if she just gave them a chance, a chance that was enough to change their lives.

Just like when she picked up "Jianshan Miscellaneous Notes" and "Qingxin Jue", the despair of not seeing the way forward suddenly burst into a dazzling light, giving her hope and allowing her to change her life.

Zhang Zheng's eyes became more determined, and he quietly discussed the countermeasures with Zhu Tianshun.


The servants stopped Zhu Tianshun who was about to step into the Yingzhulou, and said indifferently with an arrogant face: "Young master, please show the invitation card."

Zhu Tianshun raised his triangular eyes and slanted his eyes, his brows were full of arrogance, which showed his arrogance, "What's your reason, you don't know how to entertain guests when they come, so you dare to keep me out?"

After being scolded all over the face, the servant's arrogance instantly subsided, and he said weakly: "It's not that the villain is embarrassing you, you really need an invitation to enter the Yingzhulou."

Zhu Tianshun closed the folding fan with a "snap", and yelled dissatisfiedly: "Call out the nanny here, if you don't come to join in the excitement of the lord order, I really think that the young master is willing to come to this poor place."

The movement outside shocked the interior of Yingzhulou.

A mid-mature woman with still a charming charm came out with a twisted waist, with a flattering smile on her face, "Oh, look, I didn't train this person well and offended the young master, so I'll come personally to make amends, Mommy. I don't know where the young master is from?"

The servant thumped and knelt down on the ground tremblingly, begging for mercy repeatedly.

Zhu Tianshun glanced at her contemptuously, not paying any attention to the servant who was begging for mercy, and said arrogantly: "You, an old woman, can know the name of the young master. You only need to know that my uncle is an official of the Jing family."

Nanny's face froze. She had lived half her life, and there were countless people who chased her when she was young. Even if her appearance is gone now, her charm is still undiminished.

Where did this bastard come from, how dare he call her an old woman!
But it was also because of this that Mammy didn't dare to treat him casually, even she didn't like her. I'm afraid this kid really came from the capital.

The lord's order is imminent, and it is inevitable that the sons of aristocratic families from various places will come here to join in the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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