Chapter 94
Mammy knocked on the door lightly, and waited until she was called inside the room before pushing the door open and entering with a pleasant smile.

"My lord, Mammy, I have specially found some interesting things for you. Normally, I would not be willing to bring them up to serve others."

Zhu Tianshun watched as the burly man violently pushed several children into the room. The thin gauze clothes could not cover the mottled and glaring scars all over his body. Some of the wounds were bleeding faintly, and he was shivering in the cold autumn weather.

Three men and two women, although not as good-looking as the first two batches, but there was a wildness in the eyes of each of them, wishing to pounce on him and bite him to pieces.

Only then did Zhu Tianshun show a hint of interest, he cast a contemptuous look at Mammy, and said with a tsk, "You know how to hide it, so you didn't take it out just now, you just found some ordinary things to fool the young master."

"Oh, I don't dare, ma'am, I don't know what the young master from the capital likes."

Zhu Tianshun got up and walked in front of a few children, sizing up their appearance with great interest, suddenly caught sight of the nurse and the big man at the side, his expression changed, and he scolded: "Why, do you want to stay and play with the young master?"

Mammy didn't ask what to do with the other children in the room, since no one told them to take them away, let's keep them for now.

He hurriedly bowed and exited the room, "If you want to go to the master, the mother will go down now, and the master will have fun."

The door of the room was closed, and the nanny looked at the big man with a spring breeze, "You have chosen well, let your merits and demerits be equal."

The big Han Nuo Nuo thanked En, and there was a trace of cruelty in his lowered and covered eyes.

After the people left, Zhu Tianshun repeated the old trick and tested everyone's aptitude.

Unexpectedly, Qi Lingyan really changed, a boy with "87" aptitude.

Finding two in one trip, Zhu Tianshun was so satisfied that he couldn't hide his smile no matter what.

"You, come behind me."

The boy pointed at was motionless, rooted to the ground.

Zhu Tianshun frowned, and thinking about his "87" aptitude, he decided not to force it.

He shouted loudly towards the door, and called the servant girl, "Go and call the nanny."

The servant girl responded, and hurriedly went to look for the nanny.

The nanny who just sat down peacefully in the room and was about to take a nap was disturbed by the servant girl again, and when she heard that it was the son of the capital who was looking for her, she looked impatient.

"This guy has a lot going on."

No matter how impatient he was, for Qian Quan's sake, he could only shake his sleeves and get up.

Pushing open the door, with an impatient expression as if she had never appeared before, the nanny smiled flatteringly and said, "Why is the young master looking for the nanny?"

Zhu Tianshun lay uncomfortably on the grand teacher's chair, shaking slightly, and the jade ring on his waist also shook.

"These two things, I want them."

Mammy was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect that he was actually going to buy someone's body, and she showed embarrassment.

"My lord, it's not that Mammy doesn't want to, it's mainly because it's hard to pick people in the world, let alone such a thing, it's hard to find."

Tsk, the price starts on the ground.

Zhu Tianshun didn't bother to care about how she complained, he glanced at her amusedly, and threw a piece of jade ring into the air.

Momo felt her heart tremble, and hurriedly caught Yuhuan and held it in her hand, "My lord, this is..."

Zhu Tianshun stood up abruptly, crossed his hands in front of his chest, "Either take this jade, or guard this person, Mammy chooses for herself."

"Young Master, what are you talking about? No matter how difficult the world is, how dare you neglect such an honored guest as Young Master?"

He looked at the two selected children with satisfaction, a boy and a girl, and said cheerfully, "Master, do you want the mother to take them to change their clothes?"

The girl was dressed in normal clothes, but the boy was covered with a half-covered tulle, which made him feel offensive at a glance.

"Change him into normal clothes."

After tidying up, Zhu Tianshun took the two of them out of Yingzhulou under the watchful eyes of the mother, and disappeared around the corner.

"Sister Zhang Zheng!"

Hearing Zhu Tianshun's shout, Zhang Zheng glanced back. Zhu Tianshun was leading the two children towards her, his face full of spring breeze.

Zhang Zheng was also a little surprised, and together with the child from before, he did not expect to find three qualified children in this small Yingzhulou.

"Is it all?"

Zhu Tianshun shook his head, lowered his eyebrows and said, "No, I only tested about twenty. If the trouble continues, I'm afraid the nanny will drive her away."

Zhang Zheng took a deep breath and said comfortingly: "It's okay, I can test how many, and the remaining children may not necessarily have qualifications. We can't arrange them well."

"Let's go, take them back first, and see how the yard that Jiao Min is in charge of is doing well."

The two children didn't know what they were talking about, they just lowered their heads and followed the two step by step. At least they knew that if they escaped, the situation would be worse, and maybe they might not necessarily fall into the devil's den again.



The old door was pushed open from the inside, and the child in pink stood inside, staring at Zhang Zheng, and the two children behind her, two familiar faces.

Zhang Zheng didn't notice the strange look on the child's face. He smiled and joked, "How's your day? This suit suits you very well."

The child glanced at her, didn't answer, and then turned his attention to the two people behind, to be precise, the boy among them.

Getting used to his ignorance, Zhang Zheng raised his eyebrows indifferently and walked straight into the yard.

Jiao Min also rushed over at this time, his eyes fell on the two children, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Have you hired someone again?"

Zhu Tianshun strode forward, raised his chin, and boasted: "It was hard for me to sneak into Yingzhulou and find two people, of course..."

He turned to Zhang Zheng and said flatteringly: "Thanks to sister Zhang Zheng's good plan, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to enter the gate."

Knowing his habits, Zhang Zheng and Jiao Min looked at each other and smiled without speaking.

Jiao Min complimented him as he wished, "Brother Tianshun and sister Zhang Zheng are both very good, and I haven't found a single student who meets the qualification requirements."

"By the way, what are their names? They can't all be called Junior Brothers."

Zhang Zheng and the others looked at the two children, and Zhu Tianshun asked, "Hey, what's your name? How old are you?"

After a moment of silence, the girl's lips trembled, and she said timidly, "My name is Ermei, and I just turned eight years old."

The boy didn't speak, just stared at the child in pink with an inexplicable look on his face.

The child took the lead to look away, walked to Zhang Zheng's side, and reached out to grab Zhang Zheng's clothes.

Zhang Zheng was surprised for a moment, then calmed down and let him pull the hem of his clothes.

Seeing this, the boy lowered his head, hiding the gloomy look in his eyes.

"He, like me, has no name."

These words came from beside him. Zhang Zheng looked down at the child, and his hand that was pulling the hem of his clothes was clenched unconsciously.

"No name?"

Jiao Min was surprised, and then smiled and said: "Then can you choose your own names? Or how about I give you names?"

The boy didn't say anything, but the child raised his head and stared into Zhang Zheng's eyes without blinking.

Zhang Zheng reluctantly persuaded her: "Jiao Min is from a scholarly family. He is well-versed in books and courteous. If you choose a name compared to me, it will be like a world."

(End of this chapter)

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