Chapter 15

Because Lin Fuyue's deepest impression is that that scum "general" scolded her through gritted teeth.

"You are also worthy of being the general's wife. This general will beat you to death, you useless wretch."

It may also be that Li Youliang's stick made the original owner lose a trace of memory...

Lin Fuyue only understood where she was, and that this down-and-out benefactor was framed by his brother and mother.

He is also a poor homeless man who can only hide in the mountains to escape.

A group of his men couldn't go back home, as if they would be chased and killed by the general if they walked out of the mountains.

It's no wonder that they haven't eaten rice porridge for two months, and can only rely on hunting wild animals in the deep mountains to satisfy their hunger, and eating grass.

There is something wrong with the original owner, but since he came here, he won't eat grass every day.

She wants to carve out a corner of the deep mountain, cultivate the land by herself, and even sell her prey in makeup.

Today, I took them to eat warm meat buns, and bought rice, flour, and salt.

When Lin Fuyue went into the deep mountains, she went to the stream to wash off the Eclipta grass juice that was smeared on her face.

"Why are you washing so clean?" Lu Shaoqian asked dissatisfiedly looking at Lin Fuyue with fair and moist skin.

There are some rough guys in the cave, is it necessary to dress up?
"Sister Ben doesn't want to look sloppy and go see your subordinates." Lin Fuyue rebuked him confidently.

Ever since she knew that her benefactor was married, she wanted to leave him and live on her own. It was they who insisted on inviting her to live as a partner with them.

She is not familiar with this place, so she can live with her if she wants to live with her, but she doesn't know that this person is so worthless, and even takes her bank notes as her own.

Lin Fuyue is not so polite to him anymore, she can hate him as much as she wants, she is a person with clear grievances and grievances.

Seeing her angry look, Lu Shaoqian wanted to laugh again, he knew that she was not satisfied with him holding her bank note.

However, if he didn't hold it in his hands, he was afraid that she would run away, and he understood after a day.

Without her, she would live well, but without her, she would not necessarily live better than her.

She was originally my daughter-in-law, why did she let her go?

Lu Shaoqian led Lin Fuyue through the outer circle of messy rocks, and then into the deep forest.

There are many shadows of trees around, and the setting sun shines in scatteredly. Except for the sound of the two of them walking, the mountain is eerily quiet.

When walking into the cave, about a hundred people crowded into a cave, and there were still many unfinished bonfires inside.

They don't know when they will starve to death and freeze to death, so everyone's face is ugly.

Coupled with malnutrition, the men all have yellow muscles and thin faces. Some of them have lost all the flesh on their faces, exposing skin and bones protruding.

But their eyes are very bright, and when they look at you, they are like two small knives, which can be directly inserted into your heart.

Lin Fuyue is not afraid of them, and feels that it would not be bad to live with such a person.

She wants to swear the initiative, but she can't be looked down upon by them just because she is a girl.

Although everyone was in a state of distress, it was obvious that everyone had washed up and tidied up the cave.

Although it was still messy, it could be seen that they attached great importance to this meeting.

Because the terrain in the deep mountain is dangerous, no one should care about it for hundreds of years, so it is indeed safe for them to hide here.

They only carried all kinds of weapons, no food, let alone supplies, and they relied on bonfires for warmth.

When Lin Fuyue looked at them, everyone was also counting their master's wives.

Their wife looked seventeen or eighteen years old, fair-skinned, and pretty. No matter how she looked, she was not as useless as Li Youliang said.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Fuyue. From now on, you will call me Sister Lin regardless of your age. Are you cooking rice porridge? I can smell the aroma."

"Yes, Sister Lin, our rice porridge is ready." A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy said courteously.

He was really hungry, Mr. Feng and the others said that this rice was exchanged by his wife.

Now that the master and wife are back, they should be able to eat.

"This rice porridge is so watery that you can see people in it. Come and help me. Put my sister and some flour into the rice soup and cook pimple soup for you to eat."

"Okay." The boy hopped and limped over. His leg was also injured and he was still not healed.

Soon, a large pot of sticky white noodles and rice soup was cooked together. The pimple soup was freshly out of the pot.

Lin Fuyue cut a little green onion and put a little salt, it tastes really delicious.

They had roasted and eaten the one hundred catties of snake meat that Dongfeng brought back earlier, but their stomachs were still empty.

This is a big bowl of pimple soup for each person. If you are really full, don't want it. Naturally, they don't have a bowl.

Just as a metaphor, they use the big bamboo tubes that they usually hold water to hold pimple soup, and the chopsticks are also made from local materials.

The pimple soup made from white flour, even the rich children of Yanjing can eat it, and they can't wait to swallow it with their tongues.

After she was full, Lin Fuyue ordered Dong Yu and a few teenagers to help her get out of the cave with a small house separated by wooden boards.

She took a general look at the injuries of the others, and they were all inflamed from stabbing wounds with swords.

The medicinal value of snake skin is also very good, and it can be used to make medicine. Lin Fuyue took some walking people to pick some anti-inflammatory and sterilizing herbs nearby.

She then cut out the middle part of the python skin, which she planned to wear as a leather jacket and pants.

Other broken corners, burnt and ground into powder, mixed with oil and applied to treat exacerbated wounds, swelling, malignant sores, and gangrene.

Snake skin powder, eggs, fried with oil and salt in moderation can cure mumps.

Take fresh snake skin, add several kinds of herbs, add water and stew, and eat with juice can cure weak constitution.

The peeled fresh snake skin faces inward, put it on the suppurative skin, tighten it naturally, and wrap it with rags, which can cure the festering wound caused by suppurative inflammation.

In addition, the throat is swollen and sore due to eating the bark, and the snake skin is burned and ground into powder, and the sap is adjusted and taken together for [-] qian.

Anyway, it treats the sick, the wounded, the omnipotent snake skin and the inexhaustible herbs deep in the mountains.

All the injured and sick patients were treated quickly, also because of the large number of people and the strength, she just directed everyone to work.

Lin Fuyue's grandfather is the modern Miao Village, a very good Miao doctor, and the Miao doctors of later generations are also very popular.

What she had been exposed to since she was a child played an important role at this time.

Lin Fuyue was originally clever, and they usually went out to work after finishing the nine-year compulsory education in the mountains.

Some young people who did not go out to work either had good family conditions or were admitted to university by virtue of their ability.

Lin Fuyue's parents and brothers were reluctant to let her go away, and stayed by her side to study medicine with his grandfather. She belonged to the category with good family conditions.

Her cousin was admitted to university by virtue of her ability and worked as a white-collar worker outside. Every time she went back to the mountains, she would have a sense of superiority.

Only now does Lin Fuyue know that her cousin's college education went into the stomach of a dog...

(End of this chapter)

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