Chapter 299
In Jiangfu, it's just a banquet, and the rain stops.

As soon as Li Ling and Jingshu returned to the mansion, Tong Chuan's mother-in-law greeted her, and happily replied: "Mrs. Shizi, the third wife gave birth to a sister."

After hearing the news, Jing Shu hurriedly got out of the car and asked, "How is the third lady?"

"Well, well, well, both mother and daughter are well, the fat and plump sister and son are very handsome." The nanny murmured.

Li Ling said with a smile: "This time, our sister Bao has a companion."

Jing Shu turned her head to Li Ling and said, "I'll go and have a look first."

As he spoke, he raised his legs and headed towards Xianglin Garden.

After entering Xianglin Garden, the old lady, the eldest princess and Xu Wanning all rushed over, and they surrounded the third sister happily.

Seeing Jing Shu coming in, Xu Wanning greeted with a smile: "Sister and brother, come and see this child, how handsome he is."

Jing Shu stepped forward, looked at the baby third sister who was being held by the old lady, and at Li Xiang who was sitting beside her, and said with a smile: "This child looks like the third brother."

The old lady sighed slightly, shook her head silently, and muttered, "What a couple." Then she also put down her great-granddaughter, and sat beside her indifferently.

Li Yu turned around and hugged Nanny Zhou, and asked in a murmur, "Mommy, if your mother is alive in heaven, would you be resenting my father as well?"

"A Yuan!"

"Why should I forget?"

The eldest princess still raised her head halfway, and replied with a wooden face: "It's hard to get over the water, what else can we talk about."

In this mansion, the only person Li Yu could truly trust was Madam Zhou, who was her mother's wet nurse and the only relative her mother left him.

Li Yu grabbed Nanny Zhou's hand, frowned tightly, and asked, "Mommy, every time I ask you this, you prevaricate me like this. Do you think that my father took me back to the mansion and gave us a bite?" After eating, you were really bought by her, and you forgot about your mother's death? How do you?"

The eldest princess, on the other hand, walked past Zhen Guogong with a cold face and did not even look at him.

Now that he has gained fame and fame through his own efforts, and has a decent job, even if he does not rely on the town government, he is capable of self-reliance, but what can be done, her mother will never come back not coming.

After hearing this, Nanny Zhou paused. She didn't say anything, but sighed a long time, and carefully helped Li Yu onto the bed.

At this moment, a young man dressed in white stood not far away, taking a panoramic view of the unbearable scene of the old couple who had feuded for many years.

"Grandpa, let's go in." The servant beside him tried to persuade him.

Tears blurred his eyes again.

God is so unfair, some people are born with everything, and people like her mother just want to find a shelter for their children, and they need to pay their lives in exchange for it.

Over the years, although the people in this mansion have sincerely treated him as a family member, Li Yu tried his best to persuade himself to open up his knots, but every time he saw his father and the eldest princess, the hatred in his heart was like a torrent. surge up.

Zhen Guogong stood where he was, looking at the back of his wife who resolutely left, and called out unwillingly, but he didn't call back his wife's gaze.

Every time he dreams back at midnight, Li Yu can always dream of the tragic death of his miserable mother under the sword of the eldest princess. His young body was red.

Duke Zhen turned around and grabbed her hand, and said anxiously: "Now we are full of children and grandchildren, so you can't listen to me calmly."

Li Yu staggered back to Zhuxuan Pavilion with the wine jar in his hand. Seeing that he was so drunk, Zhou Nanny quickly came over to snatch the wine from his hand, and said distressedly, "Okay, what's the matter? What are you drinking?" Like this?"

Upon hearing this, the eldest princess also followed Jing Shu to look at her son, and said with a smile: "Isn't that right, this sister's eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same as Zhong Xuan's."

Li Yu closed his eyes, his mind was full of the miserable appearance of his weak and poor mother before she died.

Hearing that Lord Zhen Guo was coming, the eldest princess's smiling face froze immediately, she gave a slight salute to the old lady, and said lightly: "Mother, the daughter-in-law is going back first." Then she turned and left the room.

Li Yu grabbed Nanny Zhou's hand and continued to ask: "Mommy, you are my mother's nurse, and you have been with her all the time. Now that I have grown up, you can tell me everything that happened back then, okay?" ?”

The eldest princess just came out of Xianglin Garden, and happened to meet the Duke of Zhen who came.

Li Xiang scratched his head, and said to several people: "Grandma, mother, sister-in-law, please sit here for a while, I will go in and have a look at Pingyang."

The old lady looked at her grandson who was sitting beside her, and said angrily, "What are you doing here in a daze, go in and be with your wife."

The hands under Li Yuguang's sleeves were clenched into fists, and the roiling thoughts in his heart surged again.

The boy didn't persuade him any more, he helped Duke Zhen and turned back.

"Boy, only if mother dies today can you have a good future for you. After you enter the palace, you must work hard to make progress, so that mother will not die in vain."

As soon as Li Xiang entered the inner room, the messengers from the outside came in and said that Lord Zhen Guo came to see his granddaughter.

Throwing away this cold sentence, the princess withdrew her hand resolutely and left.

Nanny Zhou sighed, and said helplessly: "It's been more than ten years, you child, why do you always ask this? Now that you have fame and fame, and you are protected by the government, it will be natural in the future. You have a bright future, so you just put your mind on the future, and forget about the past."

Li Yu jumped up from the bed, stood on the ground and shouted at Nanny Zhou: "I can dream of my mother's tragic death every day. Her blood flowed all over the floor. She is also my father's woman. Father Now that you have taken her in, why let her be forced to death because that person is a high-ranking princess? She is noble and inviolable, so my mother deserves to die like nothing?"

"A Yuan."

Zhen Guokai called out the little characters of the eldest princess, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

Only then did Lord Zhen come back to his senses, he stood on the spot and coughed violently, after finally calming down, he waved his hand to the servant serving beside him, and ordered weakly: "Let's go back first , I don’t feel well today, let’s see Brother Xiang’s child again some other day.”

Before Li Yu finished speaking, Mother Zhou gave him a slap with her hand raised, and said sharply, "Shut up!"

Mother Zhou wiped her tears and said sadly, "You don't blame your father for what happened back then."

Li Yu was brought up by Nanny Zhou, and he has always loved and obeyed him, not to mention beating him or saying harsh words. It was the first time Li Yu saw Nanny so angry. He looked at Nanny Zhou in disbelief. Momo, said in a slow tone: "Mom, now that I'm an adult, why do you still keep these things from me?"

Nanny Zhou wept and turned her head away.

She felt ashamed for bringing up those old things.

She knew very well that the children she had brought up in these years had been tortured because of what happened back then, but in all these years, how could she ever have a moment of peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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