The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 302 Competent Mistress

Chapter 302 Competent Mistress

The daughter of Li Xiang and Pingyang was named by the eldest princess, because it was raining on the day she was born, and it would be sunny when she was born, so the eldest princess called this little granddaughter Sister Qing.

Sister Qing's full moon banquet was organized by Jing Shu alone. On the eve of the banquet, Duke Zhen called Li Ling Jingshu to him and told him, "I'm not feeling well for a while, and third sister's full moon banquet will not be over."

Hearing this, Li Ling immediately frowned and said, "It's just a family reunion dinner. Father should go over and sit down anyway, otherwise the third brother and younger siblings will think too much."

Duke Zhen glanced at his son, but without words, he said to Jingshu: "Your mother lives in the princess mansion all year round and is very lonely. On the day when the third sister holds a full moon banquet, Shu'er will go and invite your mother." Come here."

Apparently, compared to this rough-and-tumble son, Zhen Guogong is newer to this meticulous daughter-in-law.

When father-in-law said he didn't want to attend sister Qing's full moon banquet, Jing Shu already guessed that he wanted mother-in-law to come.

All these years, the eldest princess has been reluctant to see Lord Zhen Guo, as long as he is present, the eldest princess will not come no matter what.

Zhen Guogong wanted his wife to enjoy the joy of making fun of his grandchildren, so he avoided attending.

Jingshu knew her father-in-law's painstaking efforts, she nodded and agreed: "Father, please rest assured, when the third sister's full moon feast, the daughter-in-law will definitely invite the mother."

After hearing this, Duke Zhen smiled, nodded to his daughter-in-law, and said: "Your mother likes children, and when you have nothing to do with the third wife, take the children to your mother's side to see more. she."

Jing Shu agreed and said yes, and Fu said to Zhen Guo: "The thousand-year-old snow lotus that my father asked me to give to my mother last time, I have already given it to Mother Ju."

Lord Zhen Guo asked Jing Shu: "Don't say I gave it to you, otherwise she will definitely not want to use it."

Jing Shu replied: "Father, don't worry, I just asked someone to buy it. Grandma Ju has already used the snow lotus as medicine, and now my mother is taking it every day. It has been a long time since I suffered from heart disease."

Upon hearing the words, Duke Zhen nodded his head in satisfaction at his daughter-in-law: "Thank you, my dear."

Duke Zhen suffered from a persistent cough all year round. After saying this angry word, he began to cough out of breath again.

The servant who was serving her hurriedly stepped forward to pat the Duke on the back, and Jing Shu took the opportunity to persuade: "Father must take the medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor Zhang on time. The imperial doctor said that my father has been ill for many years. It can’t be cured overnight, in addition to relying on drugs to suppress it, you also need to have more ideas about your daily diet.”

Duke Zhen nodded his head in relief, waved his hands at his son and daughter-in-law, and said, "I'm fine, don't worry about it, just go down and do some work."

After the two of them left the main room, Li Ling realized later: "It turns out that's what my father meant by not wanting to attend the third sister's full moon banquet. I was careless."

The Duke of Zhen has been sick all year round, and the eldest princess is full of children, but she lives alone in the princess mansion, so she is prepared to be lonely and lonely. They are all excellent people, and they are born to suffer like this.

Jingshu can see that her father-in-law has always loved her mother-in-law deeply. Although the eldest princess always looks like she rejects her husband thousands of miles away, it also shows that in her heart, she has never let go of Zhen Guo. male.

Jing Shu asked Li Ling, "Now that your father and mother are old, have you never thought about bringing them back together?"

When Li Ling was very young, his parents made a fuss that got out of hand. After all these years, Li Ling has already gotten used to his parents' behavior.

He glanced at his wife, sighed and said, "Father has always wanted to reconcile with mother, but mother's temperament has always been strong, and it may be difficult to change."

Jing Shu looked at Li Ling and said, "Now we and our third brother have children. Mother is thinking about the children. She often comes to the mansion these days. I don't think there is no possibility of reconciliation between father and mother."

Hearing his wife mention this, Li Ling remembered what his father had said to Jing Shu in the room just now, and he asked: "Just now, my father said that I would send my mother the snow lotus, what happened?"

Jingshu sighed and said: "Father was worried about my mother's palpitations, and ordered people to search around here to relieve them, and he did everything possible to get the extremely rare snow lotus. He was afraid that my mother would refuse, so he ordered me to find a way to coax it. Accepted by mother."

Hearing this, Li Ling took his wife's hand and said with a smile, "Father trusts you very much."

As soon as these words came out, Li Ling added: "Not only father, but also the people in the current mansion, there is really no one who doesn't believe you."

He looked at his wife dotingly, with a hint of ridicule in his tone: "Now you are a very competent mistress."

Jing Shu rolled her eyes at Li Ling, and said back: "It's thanks to the absurd praise of the eldest son."

This little girl who was submissive and obedient when she married him back then has grown up completely without knowing it, not only does she no longer need him, a husband, to bother to help her out, but now she is able to take care of herself and help him Keep your big house in order.

Since his wife took charge of the family, the mansion has become more and more harmonious and prosperous.

Marrying a wife is like this, what more can a husband ask for.

Li Ling was submissive in his heart, but he admonished him solemnly: "Don't get cocky just because I praised you, you have to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and take good care of this family business for your son."

Jingshu glared at Li Ling, and snorted coldly: "What if I can't handle it well, hum! Do you still dare to divorce me?"

Li Ling held his wife's hand tightly. He raised his eyebrows and teased her: "You think this son is afraid?"

Jing Shu smiled at Li Ling and said: "My mistress relies on her character and wisdom to win the world. Now in this house, from grandma, in-laws, down to younger siblings, there is no one who doesn't believe me. I have a pair of children beside me." .”

She patted Li Ling on the shoulder and joked, "I'd like to see who has the ability to shake me as the mistress."

Li Ling glanced at his little wife's smug little face in front of him, he gritted his teeth, tugged at her ear and said, "Don't forget who helped you set up the prestige when you first took over the house, the little thing who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, What a heartless one."

Jingshu opened his hand, and said with a straight face: "You can show me some respect, this is the backyard, but this is my mistress's territory, you behave so frivolously, don't you want to ruin my prestige?"

As she said that, the little mistress twisted her waist, straightened her waist, folded her hands in front of her, put on airs, left Li Ling behind, and walked forward by herself.

Li Ling glanced at his little wife's pretentious appearance, and thought it was very cute. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he dared to step forward, carrying his wife on his shoulders, ignoring the surprised eyes of the servants in the mansion, striding like a shooting star into Qingfengyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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