The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 304 The truth of the year

Chapter 304 The truth of the year (1)

Three days later.

Nanny Ju walked into the eldest princess' bedroom with a dignified expression, hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "Princess, the Duke actually transferred the little boy out of Beijing through his relationship. I heard that he will be arranged to leave in the next few days." .”

The eldest princess was making tea to pass the time. After hearing this, she put down the tea set in her hand and sat silently for a long time.

Nanny Ju stepped forward and tried to call out: "Princess——"

After a while, the eldest princess came back to her senses, she said to herself: "In his heart, that outer room and that outer room are ultimately more important than me."

The eldest princess's tone was flat, but it revealed an indescribable sadness.

Grandma Ju shed tears in distress, but she didn't know how to comfort the haughty princess who was wounded and riddled with holes.

The master and servant were sadly silent for a long time, and then Aunt Ju called again in a low voice: "Princess—"

The eldest princess grabbed a teacup on the table and threw it on the ground. Her eyes were wide open, and she tried hard not to let the tears in her eyes fall, but she shrugged her shoulders fiercely: "Mother, why do you think he is so angry?" Do you want to treat me like this? I originally wanted to settle the grievances with him, why is he still so chilling in my heart? He ruined my life's happiness, so to this day, he doesn't have the slightest remorse? "

Grandma Ju wept loudly, and hugged the princess who was as lonely as a lone goose.

"Nurse, I'm not reconciled, I want to ask him personally." The princess's voice was choked with sobs, but she still kept her phoenix eyes open, not letting herself cry.

In Zhen Guogong's mansion, Li Yu was standing outside the Luo'an Hall of Zhen Guogong with a haggard face, behind him were only Nanny Zhou and a personal servant carrying a simple bag.

After a while, the mother of Tong Chuan from Luo'an Hall came out and said to Li Yu, "Fourth Master, the Duke of the Kingdom has allowed you to enter."

As soon as Li Yu heard this, his pale, blood-colored face softened a little. He was about to lift his legs to walk in, when Zhou Nanny beside him said, "I will go in with you."

Li Yu glanced at Nanny Zhou beside him, his thin lips moved slightly, and he nodded slightly.

Duke Zhen had just taken the medicine, and there was still a strong smell of soup in the room. At this moment, he was half lying on the soft couch, looked at Li Yu who was slowly walking in, and coughed: "It's up to now, Why don't you go, why are you here?"

Li Yu stood in front of him and asked, "I just want to ask you, why do you want to spare my life?"

Lord Zhen raised his eyes and glanced at him, but he waved his hands and said, "Go away, and never come back again."

But Li Yu said with disdain on his face: "I can't believe that you only spared me because of our father-son relationship, haha, you let me go because you were ashamed of my mother."

After hearing this, Lord Zhen Guo sat up slowly, sighed, looked straight at Li Yu, and said solemnly: "We are not biological father and son at all, so how can we talk about the relationship between father and son? Your mother has never committed herself to I, let alone I am ashamed of her."

Seeing Li Yu's shocked look, he coughed violently a few times, and continued: "The reason why I let you go today is because of your grandfather's tragic death for me back then."

Hearing this, Li Yu looked at Duke Zhen in disbelief, and asked with a low growl, "What did you say? I'm not your biological son?"

Mr. Zhen Guo closed his eyes and sighed: "The most difficult thing in the world to repay is the debt of favor. Back then, your grandfather died because of saving me. In order to repay this favor all these years, I caused a fight between husband and wife and regretted half my life. I have to live with your grandfather."

"What's going on here?" Li Yu roared in shock.

Because of his emotional agitation, Lord Zhen coughed violently again. After he calmed down, he slowly told Li Yu:
"Back then, your grandfather was an adjutant under me. In a battle, he died tragically under the sword of the enemy to save me. Your grandfather's wife died early, and there was only an orphan girl. He died because of me, so I naturally want to leave him behind. Take care of this orphan girl. It was the time when the war was tense, and I couldn't escape. Your grandfather's hometown is not far from where we fought, so I ordered a few local soldiers to help your mother transport your grandfather's body back. Burial in hometown.

Unexpectedly, these people encountered bandits on the way to escort your grandfather's body back to their hometown. Those bandits were so numerous that they killed those soldiers and took your mother to the bandit's lair.When I got the news and brought someone to rescue your mother, he had already been raped by bandits and was pregnant.

Your mother was only fifteen or sixteen years old at that time, and before she was married, she insisted on killing the unborn child, but the doctor said that she had a special constitution, if she forced the abortion, she would die twice, your mother was helpless, I had to resign myself to my fate and let my belly grow day by day, and then I gave birth to you.

Your mother gave birth out of wedlock, so naturally she can't marry anyone. In order to return your mother's freedom, I propose to adopt you as a adopted son and bring you back to the mansion to raise him.Unexpectedly, your mother fell in love with me and proposed to be my concubine over and over again. At that time, I was already the Lord, and I was in love with Fuxi, so I naturally couldn't agree.

Your mother is very stubborn, she won't get married no matter what I persuade. Later, rumors spread outside that your mother is my concubine and you are my son. She didn't listen to my explanation and decided that I had betrayed her.

She found your mother, and in a fit of rage, she killed her with a sword. "

After talking about this old story with Li Yu, Duke Zhen burst into tears.

Wiping away his tears with his big old hand, he murmured, "When I arrived, your mother had already passed away. I was also young and vigorous at that time, so I slapped Fu Xi in a fit of anger. You know that, she hasn't been able to forgive me all these years."

Duke Zhen choked with sobs and said, "Our family has just broken up."

All these years, Li Yu has always hated Duke Zhen, a father who could not protect his mother, and hated the eldest princess for forcing his mother to death, but he didn't know that his mother was the real destroyer.

He staggered and sat on the ground, turned around and hugged the weeping Nanny Zhou and asked, "Mommy, is this true?"

Nanny Zhou is a person close to her mother, so she naturally knows the inside story. No wonder, over the years, whenever he complained about Duke Zhen and Princess Eldest, Nanny Zhou would speak for them.

"Mommy, what are you talking about? Is this true?" Li Yu hugged Nanny Zhou, screaming and asking repeatedly.

Nanny Zhou leaned over to help Li Yu up, wiped away her tears and said, "Son, the Duke is telling the truth."

Lord Zhen Guo looked at Li Yu, sighed and said, "These grievances and grievances are all things of our previous life. Now that you have grown up, I can be considered worthy of your grandfather who died for me." , I will tell you these things today, and you will never lose your heart because of holding grudges again, and leave the Zhen Guogong Mansion, and go to Waifu to live your own life properly."

Li Yu looked at the vicissitudes old man in front of him whom he had resented for more than twenty years. He had mixed feelings in his heart and choked up and said to him: "You didn't know what happened back then. In order to repay your kindness of upbringing and make up for you The rift between the princess and the eldest princess was caused by my mother, I will tell you the real cause of my mother's death today."

(End of this chapter)

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