The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 317 Pingyang's Difficulties

Chapter 317 Pingyang's Difficulties

It's easy to run a pharmacy and find a shop to decorate, as long as you explain it to me, Jing Shu doesn't need to worry too much. Li Ling will share those complicated procedures, and Jing Shu will also be relieved.The difficulty lies in asking the shopkeeper.

Running a pharmacy is not like other businesses. The shopkeeper must be proficient in medicine in addition to being able to manage it. Jing Shu has chosen for a long time but has not found a satisfactory one. It just so happens that Murong Lizhu knows a doctor. The imperial doctor, who accidentally offended someone, was expelled from the palace, and left Jiangdong in a fit of anger and came to Beijing. Zhu learned that Jingshu was going to open a drug store, so she introduced this person.

Jing Shu felt very satisfied when she saw this man, and Dang even signed a contract with him.

After making an appointment for the shopkeeper, it was time for dinner, Jing Shu invited Murong Lizhu to the restaurant next door, the two chose a private room, ordered a few side dishes, chatted while eating.

Murong Lizhu is pregnant now, but her complexion is still very good. Ever since she married Jiang Youchen, the young couple lived wholeheartedly in their own courtyard in Beijing. Murong Lizhu didn't need to serve her in-laws like other wives. The mother-in-law governs and sets the rules, and Jiang Youchen treats her tenderly and considerately, so life is naturally extremely comfortable.

Speaking of which, all of this is thanks to Jingshu for being a matchmaker. Murong Lizhu is grateful to this cousin from the bottom of her heart, and she is even more regarded as a benefactor in her heart.

The two have similar temperaments, they naturally chatted speculatively, and they chatted for a long time without knowing it. After leaving the restaurant, Jing Shu sent the pregnant Murong Lizhu home first. The daughter-in-law Jiang Youchen and Murong Lizhu were guarded, so Jing Shu ordered the driver to turn the car around and rush to the mansion.

The carriages and horses arrived at the gate of the mansion, and happened to meet Li Ling who had just returned from his duty. Seeing his wife, Li Ling got off his horse, helped his wife out of the carriage, and asked, "Are you going to Zhang Luo's pharmacy again?"

As the two walked into the yard, Jing Shu told Li Ling about the income from the pharmacy one by one. Li Ling listened patiently and offered a few suggestions from time to time.

After Jingshu and Xu Wanning left, Yuzhu couldn't help persuading her master: "You are so weak now, the two wives are sincerely thinking of you, why don't you listen to the advice of the two wives."

Xu Wanning got Xin'er and she was also in Xianglin Garden at the moment, she heard the words and replied: "The imperial doctor said that she gave birth to her last child and didn't take good care of her, which led to the loss of this child."

When Jing Shu heard this, she asked in shock: "Have you invited the imperial physician? Do you know how the three siblings are doing now?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Xu Wanning realized that she had gone too far, and quickly added: "Of course I'm not cursing you for not being able to have a son, what I mean is that you can't afford to use your own body to fight for the birth of a son."

Hearing what the two sisters-in-law said, Pingyang sighed deeply, and said: "Although it is difficult now, I can't bear to let this child go like this. If it is a boy, wouldn't it be a pity."

If the pregnant woman's body is too weak, if the child cannot reach full term, and if the fetus is too old, if the fetus slips, the risk is very high.Even if it is full-term, if the mother's energy and blood loss is severe, it is very easy to give birth with dystocia.

Pingyang knows that this sister-in-law has always been a quick-talking and forthright character, so naturally she won't argue, she smiled and said: "I know that the two sister-in-laws are for my own good, but since this child has defected to us, I won't It’s so easy to give up.”

Ping Yang was leaning on the bed, her little face was pale, seeing Jing Shu rushing over in a hurry, she got up and said: "Second sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm fine now."

As she said that, she looked outside the door, pouted and said, "Husband has been out for a long time, why haven't you seen him come back?"

As soon as the young couple entered Qingfengyuan, Dan Zhu came up to greet them, and hurriedly replied: "Madam, I will report back from Xianglinyuan for a long time, and it happens that you are not in the mansion. I heard that the third lady has become popular today."

Ping Yang waved his hand and said firmly, "Don't mention this to me again."

Now Pingyang's baby is more than two months old, which is about the same month as Murong Lizhu's, but the expressions of the two are quite different. Although Jingshu doesn't understand medical principles, she can't tell by looking at Pingyang's appearance.

Jing Shu said, "You are still so young, why worry about not being able to have a son in the future."

Danzhu replied: "I have already invited the imperial physician, but I don't know the truth now."

"I'll go over and have a look." Saying that, Jing Shu left Li Ling and hurriedly turned to Xianglin Garden.

Xu Wanning has experienced a lot, and now she sees it very openly. After hearing Pingyang's words, she quickly said: "Is having a son more important than my own life? My second sister-in-law even gave birth to five children." She is a daughter, her body is so weak that she can't stand the toss anymore, even if she was persuaded to let her concubine give birth to a son and hold her under her knees, even though it wasn't that the one crawled out of her stomach was separated by a layer, that would be better than risking her life .”

Xu Wanning also persuaded Pingyang after hearing the words: "Just now the imperial physician also said that you are suffering from a lack of energy and blood. I think it's better to let it go now. You are still so young. You will be raised for three to five years. After double ten It’s better for your body to have another child.”

Both the old lady and the eldest princess are sensible people. Although the offspring are important, they will never disregard the safety of their daughter-in-law just because of this.

Jing Shu hurriedly stepped forward and pressed her on the pillow, and asked, "What did the imperial doctor say?"

There were no outsiders in the room, Jingshu and Pingyang persuaded with all their hearts: "You don't have to worry too much, if you feel bad, go back to your grandmother and mother before the month is too old, and simply give up this baby, they will definitely be able to understand."

As a woman, naturally they all look forward to having a son by their side, and Jing Shu and Xu Wanning naturally understand Ping Yang's thoughts.

Pingyang saw that the two sisters-in-law were worried about her, and said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, the two sister-in-laws, the imperial doctor prescribed medicine to raise the fetus, I just need to take care of it."

As she spoke, she sighed deeply: "This baby really came too soon."

Yuzhu replied: "The third master has gone to send the imperial physician back to the palace. When he comes back, he has to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine for you. It will inevitably take some time."

Saying that, Yuzhu stepped forward to tuck up the quilt for Pingyang: "The imperial physician has repeatedly told you to pay more attention to rest. Just now you and the two wives had such a long talk. Now let's sleep well and nourish your spirit."

Ping Yang said: "I'm squinting, and I can't sleep right now. If my husband comes back, just invite him in, I want to see him."

Yuzhu shook her head helplessly, and said: "Your servant knows, I'll go to the door and wait for my uncle, and let him come in to accompany you as soon as my uncle comes back. You can just close your eyes and rest at ease."

(End of this chapter)

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