The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 320 Li Ling Takes the Child

Chapter 320 Li Ling Takes the Child

This year's winter came early, and just after winter, there was a lot of heavy snow.

It was the first time for Brother Xuan and Sister Bao to see snow. When they got up early in the morning and saw the whiteness outside through the window, the two little guys shouted excitedly.

Li Ling was at Muxiu's house today, coaxing the two children to eat breakfast, then ordered the wet nurse to put thick cotton coats on the children and take them out to play in the snow.

Brother Xuan is lively and active. When he went outside, he looked at the novel scenery, and his eyes were not enough. He ran around the yard happily. Li Ling was worried that the snow would slip and fall to his daughter, so he kept holding her little hand carefully. He led her to step on the snow.

After a while, Xu Wanning and Pingyang also brought their children to Qingfengyuan. Brother Kun went to the government school to study as usual. Xu Wanning only brought Sister Zhuang and Pingyang to play with his younger siblings. Pingyang was pregnant, and Sister Qing The baby was held by the wet nurse.

When Sister Zhuang and Brother Ping saw their second uncle playing with their younger siblings in the snow, the two children clamored to play along in the garden, refusing to enter the house no matter what.

Jing Shu ordered someone to hug Qing, who was not yet one year old, on the warm couch, and personally supported Ping Yang to sit on the soft chair by the fireplace, and said strangely: "You are heavy now, why don't you take it with you when you go out in heavy snow? Let the maids serve."

Pingyang sat down on the soft chair, and replied with a smile: "With them, they just whispered in my ears, they are not allowed to do what I can't do, and I feel uncomfortable all over. I simply left them behind and followed my sister-in-law to your place to relax."

Xu Wanning took off the mink velvet shawl, and said with a smile, "I see Pingyang being miserable in the house these days. It's snowing today, so I brought her over to taste your fried plum tea."

Ping Yang waved his hand, and said to Jing Shu, "It's okay, I've already stopped those tire patchers."

Jing Shu and Xu Wanning patted the snow on the two brothers' bodies with handkerchiefs, and they couldn't help but blame Li Ling.

Jing Shu replied with a smile: "It happened that the girls picked plum snow from the garden early in the morning, but Pingyang is eating soup and medicine, so I'm afraid he can't drink tea."

Xu Wanning looked towards the direction outside the door and sighed again: "Since the second younger brother will become a father like this, what's the matter if you have more children?"

Sister Zhuang glanced at the second uncle at the side, and complained to her mother and second aunt: "I just saw my younger brothers fighting, and I wanted to stop them, but second uncle didn't let me take care of them."

Xu Wanning said softly: "Seeing that Pingyang's complexion is much better now, those bitter medicines are really hard to bear, just stop when you stop."

Ping Yang echoed, "Second brother likes children so much, and now my brother and sister are over one year old, why is second sister-in-law not pregnant anymore?"

The three sisters-in-law sat around the fireplace drinking tea and chatting. Li Ling took the children outside to play in the snow, and the laughter of the little ones came into the house from time to time.

Seeing the two brothers in such a state of distress, Pingyang quickly handed over a dry towel and said in surprise, "Okay, how did you make it like this?"

Ping Yang pouted and said: "That medicine is really too bitter, I drank it until I felt nauseous."

Jingshu rolled her eyes at Xu Naning, and said to Pingyang: "Then ask Imperial Physician Zhang to check your pulse tomorrow. If the imperial physician insists on taking medicine, you still can't stop taking this medicine."

Xu Wanning teased Jingshu to Pingyang: "Your second sister-in-law either doesn't make any movement, or if there is movement, it will be a big movement. Since the second brother likes children so much, you should give him three more babies this time."

I saw Brother Ping and Brother Xuan rolling in the snow and wrestling together, while Li Ling was hugging Sister Bao and Sister Zhuang, standing aside and watching with leisure.

Hearing this, Ping Yang was amused and giggled.

Xu Wanning couldn't help complaining, "It's not because of this unreliable second brother."

Pingyang stuck out his tongue subconsciously, patted his protruding belly, and said coquettishly to the two sisters-in-law: "This child is a good boy, I can eat and sleep now, it's not as uncomfortable as it was a while ago, good sister-in-law, don't you Don’t tell me to drink that bitter medicine anymore.”

Xu Wanning couldn't help sighing: "It's really unexpected that a person with the temperament of the second brother can be so patient with the child, like my uncle, if you let him coax the child for a while, he will either find it noisy or annoying, it is really unreliable. "

When Xu Wanning heard this, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Li Ling, and complained, "This man is really unreliable in taking care of children."

Jing Shu replied with a smile: "Do you think I'm a rabbit? I'm a litter all my life."

As soon as Xu Wanning finished speaking, the little guy's shouts came from outside.

"What's the matter?" Xu Wanning heard the cry of the child, got up "teng", didn't even care about wearing the shawl, and pushed the door in three steps and ran out.Jing Shu put on her cloak and followed suit, pushing the door out.

"Don't pay attention to him, just take the children inside to enjoy the fire and see what happened. Jing Shu hugged Brother Xuan and urged Xu Wanning, and the two of them carried their sons into the house.

Xu Wanning and Jing Shu ran over one after the other and struggled to separate the two little guys who were rolling together. The two little boys were covered in snow all over their faces, and they were very embarrassed. When Erlang saw his mother, he was "Wow" burst into tears, pointing to San Lang and complaining while crying: "Mother, San Lang hit me, San Lang hit me."

Brother Xuan was only more than a month later than Brother Ping, and he was already taller than Brother Ping. When he saw Erlang crying, he glanced at his little mouth and said, "I know how to cry. I won't play with you next time." son."

Pingyang hurriedly replied: "Understood, second sister-in-law quickly make tea for us to drink, I have been looking forward to this for a long time."

"Stop?" After hearing this, Jing Shu said in surprise: "Didn't the imperial doctor tell you to drink all the time? Why don't you listen to the doctor?"

Jingshu rolled her eyes at Li Ling: "You took the children to play, and saw them rolling like this in the snow, why didn't you stop them?"

Naturally, Jing Shu couldn't tell others that Li Ling didn't want her to have any more children, so she just smiled and said perfunctorily, "It's not like you can get pregnant anytime, it depends on fate."

Jing Shu undressed Brother Xuan and wiped his face, while echoing, "He's always like this, it's okay if she takes my sister with her, but if she takes her brother, she doesn't care."

Jing Shu frowned: "The good medicine is bitter, and you are a mother, and you are so disobedient."

Xu Wanning also echoed, "I've never seen you take care of children like this. When you saw the children fighting together, you just stood there and watched."

The two were complaining here, and Li Ling led Sister Bao and Sister Zhuang into the house. Seeing Jing Shu and Xu Wanning complaining non-stop, he finally couldn't help but said, "What's the point of rolling in the snow, my boy?" It’s worth all of your fussing, you don’t have to spoil them.”

Jing Shu glanced at Li Ling, and couldn't help complaining: "There is no such thing as you who takes care of children, and you don't care if you see them fighting together."

Xu Wanning also rolled her eyes at Li Ling, and sighed, "That's right, it's really unreliable."

However, Li Ling looked indifferent, and replied: "They will stop fighting after they have had enough fights. What do they do? This time they are separated. If they are not guaranteed, they will fight again next time. Let them fight together." Enough is enough."

(End of this chapter)

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