The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 332 Brother Xuan Named His Cousin

Chapter 332 Brother Xuan Named His Cousin
Everyone was watching the little milk baby, the little one woke up from sleep, she opened her big watery eyes but she didn't cry or fuss, she just pouted and looked around.

Brother Xuan and Sister Bao, who were playing outside, heard that the baby had woken up, and the little ones ran in one after another, lying on the side of the crib and looking at the baby in surprise.

Sister Bao looked at the little baby with almond eyes and said, "Why is she so small? Mother, can I hug her?"

The two children are now more than two years old. Although they already understand some things, Jingshu is worried that they are not serious, and while tightly protecting the little doll in the crib, she patiently replied: "My sister is still young, and I can't do it yet." Let Sister Bao hug her, and you can play together when she grows up."

"Then does she have a name? What should I call her?" Sister Bao asked her mother, looking at the little doll.

Jingshu coaxed her daughter and said, "She hasn't given a name yet, my uncle and aunt will give her a very nice name."

"Mother, I want to call her Sister Xue." Brother Xuan, who had been lying on the side of the crib and staring at the little milk baby, suddenly said.

Murong Lizhu looked at Brother Xuan, and asked with a smile: "Why did Brother Xuan call your little cousin, Sister Xue?"

Brother Xuan replied with a serious face, "Because she is as white as snow, so I want to call my cousin Xue."

After hearing Brother Xuan's words, everyone couldn't help but grow up laughing. The old lady hugged her great-grandson, and she couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear. name."

Murong Lizhu echoed, "My sister was born fair, this name suits her well."

Jiang Youchen on the side had a smile on his face, looked at his wife gently and said, "She was born in winter again, how about calling this child Sister Xue just as Brother Xuan said."

Murong Lizhu nodded to her husband, then looked at Yuxue's cute little daughter, smiled and said to her daughter: "Our sister has a name."

The little guy lay quietly in the crib, seeing his mother leaning over to look at her, a sweet smile appeared on his little face.

Brother Xuan on the side yelled, "Ah! She's smiling."

Murong Lizhu reached out and touched Brother Xuan's head, and teased with a smile: "Brother Xuan likes my sister so much, how about asking your mother to give you such a cute little sister?"

Brother Xuan looked up at his mother after hearing this, and replied to Murong Lizhu: "Father said, Mother has already worked very hard to take care of my sister and me, and she will not let her give birth to younger siblings for us to play with." .”

The child's innocent words made everyone laugh again.

There was laughter in the room, but Brother Xuan looked at his mother and asked solemnly: "Mother, since you can no longer give me younger siblings, why don't we take this younger sister home, and I will accompany her well?" For those who are playing, I can share my toys with her."

Everyone was amused by Brother Xuan again, the old lady took her great-grandson and joked to Jiang Youchen and Murong Lizhu: "Your sister was born so well, you have been spotted by my little great-grandson just after the first full moon, Let's take a good look at it, when I grow up, this person who comes to ask for a marriage will break through the threshold."

After the wedding banquet of Sister Xue's son in Jiangfu, Jing Shu and the old lady took the children just out of the gate of Jiangfu, and happened to run into Li Ling who came to congratulate her.

Li Ling had some important errands in the camp today, since he missed the wedding banquet, he didn't bother him anymore, he just greeted Jiang Youchen at the door and went back with his grandmother and wife.

The old lady and her personal nurse shared a car and drove in front, Jing Shu led two children in a carriage and followed behind, Li Ling rode on the horse to protect the car, bent down and asked the children in the car: "Today Follow grandma and mother to be good at my cousin's house."

Sister Bao has always been close to her father, she lay on the car window and talked to Li Ling in a childlike voice, "Daddy, there is a little cousin at my cousin's house, she is very small, she is lying in a small bed, comparable to Ragdolls are so much more fun."

After listening to his daughter's words, Li Ling showed tenderness on his face. He raised his hand and touched his daughter's head, and said, "Don't poke your head out like this, it will make you cold when the wind blows."

Sister Bao pouted and replied: "Daddy, I'm not cold, I like to look at things on the street like this."

Saying that, Sister Bao pointed to the street food stalls and said, "Daddy, I want to eat that cake, go and buy it for me."

Hearing his daughter's request, Li Ling turned his head to look at the Zhen Cake stand. Without saying a word, he got off his horse and walked over to buy a big piece for his precious daughter.

Li Ling put the hot cake wrapped in oil paper into the car, and said softly to his daughter: "I can't eat this right now, you can eat it after you get home and cut it up."

Sister Bao nodded to her father, and smiled with her small front teeth: "I see, thank you, Dad."

Li Ling smiled at his daughter and got on his horse. After walking for a while, Sister Bao pointed to the sugar seller on the street and said, "Daddy, I want sugar sellers."

Li Ling looked at his daughter and asked, "Do you want a little rabbit or a little fairy?"

Sister Bao tilted her head and thought for a while, then simply replied, "I want both."

Li Ling got off his horse again, and walked towards the candy shop without saying a word.

Brother Xuan took the opportunity to lean into his sister's ear and whispered: "That candied haws is the most delicious, hurry up and ask Daddy to buy it."

After Li Ling bought back the candy figurines for his daughter, Sister Bao said to her father, "Daddy, brother said he wants to eat candied haws."

Li Ling glanced at his son in the car, and replied, "Boys, what kind of snacks do you want to eat? Besides, it's cold, and it will hurt your stomach after eating it."

Brother Xuan pursed his mouth after hearing what his father said, and didn't say another word. After seeing his father got on the horse, the little guy quietly whispered in his sister's ear again: "The candied haws are sour and sweet, delicious. Don't say I want to eat it, just tell daddy that you want to buy it and try it."

Sister Bao glanced back at her brother, pouted and said, "Why do you always make me lie to Daddy?"

Brother Xuan quickly coaxed his younger sister and said: "My good sister, you helped my brother this time, and when I get back, I will take you to the garden to catch sparrows, okay?"

Sister Bao rolled her eyes at her brother, turned her head and lay on the car window and said to Li Ling: "Daddy, I have never eaten candied haws since I grew up. Can you buy one for me and let me taste it?"

Li Ling looked at his little daughter with a smile: "Why haven't you eaten it? Didn't Daddy buy it for you a few days ago?"

Sister Bao squinted at Li Ling with her small front teeth and smiled: "I forgot what it tastes like, Daddy will buy another one for me to taste."

Seeing that Dad didn't get off the horse happily to buy it, the little guy said coquettishly again: "If Dad is worried that I will get a stomachache after eating cold, after I go back, put it on the stove and bake it for a while before I eat it. Daddy, is that okay?"

Li Ling glanced at his daughter's coquettish appearance, his heart softened, he got off the horse again, bought two bunches of candied haws, and told his children: "Eat it after you get back, and don't eat too much. This food is cold. If you eat too much, your stomach will hurt It's going to hurt."

Brother Xuan quickly nodded and agreed: "Dad, don't worry, I know."

Sister Bao put her arms around Li Ling's neck and kissed him on the cheek through the car window, and said with a childish smile, "Thank you Daddy, Daddy is the best."

(End of this chapter)

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