Chapter 360 Changes
Inside the Pepper Room.

Empress Cao was in a good mood today, and she was not angry because her son left with a flick of her sleeve. She was chatting with her niece Cao Fengtong in the palace when she heard a servant come in and report that King Jin had returned to the palace.

Empress Cao and the Crown Princess were greatly shocked by this news. It was the first time that Empress Cao was so flustered, and she didn't care about face, and asked repeatedly: "Are you sure it's the King of Jin? Really the King of Jin?"

The attendant hurriedly replied: "This servant is definitely the King of Jin."

When Empress Cao heard this, she staggered and took two steps back. The Crown Princess quickly stepped forward to support Empress Cao, stroked her back and said, "Mother, please take care of yourself."

Empress Cao slumped on the phoenix couch, took a deep look at Cao Fengtong, and said sadly: "This is my good brother, your good father is not doing well, the plan that was originally perfect, now I am afraid that everything will be lost gone."

While talking, she whimpered and murmured: "It's over, it's over now!"

Cao Fengtong also wept. She looked helplessly at Empress Cao and said, "Queen Mother, you must be strong. The current situation depends entirely on you."

Empress Cao sighed for a long time, and said sadly: "Now that things have happened, this palace is powerless."

The aunt and nephew were here weeping with worry, Prince Zhao Bi rushed over after hearing the news, seeing his mother and wife like this, his heart was completely cold.

Empress Cao saw her son standing in front of her in a daze, and her mother's instincts drove her to cheer up again. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, straightened her phoenix robe again, and said to her son, "This is the end of the matter, Your Majesty will I have made up my mind to abolish our mother and son."

Before Empress Cao could finish speaking, Zhao Bi said impatiently, "In my opinion, it's better to make a quick decision. Before King Jin returns and the news has not spread, we will turn against him tonight."

Empress Cao glanced at this impatient son, and replied helplessly: "Do you think that King Jin came back alone? With his ability, he can escape the net of heaven and earth laid by your uncle?"

Empress Cao said bitterly, "If Li Ling hadn't been there, even a hundred Zhao Jin would have died without a place to hide."

When Li Ling was mentioned, Zhao Bi was filled with righteous indignation: "This Li Ling deserves to be killed!"

He looked at Empress Cao, and said harshly, "Director Da Nei Fu has already surrendered to our command. Counting the guards of the East Palace, we took advantage of their unpreparedness and took down Jin Wang's mother and son and the old man in one fell swoop."

"Mother, if we don't act first, we will have to be mermaids tomorrow."

Empress Cao waved her hand and said, "If King Jin can come back safely, Li Ling will definitely be back too. I don't need to go out of the Jiaofang Hall to guess that the troops of the City Patrol Division must have quietly assembled outside the Meridian Gate." .”

She looked at Zhao Bi and said helplessly, "If there is any disturbance on our side, Li Ling's men will rush in."

The duty of the city inspector is to protect the safety of the capital. Although Li Ling did not surrender to either King Jin or the crown prince, he was loyal to Emperor Ming.

There are 8000 forbidden troops in the imperial city, and the number of people who can be mobilized within the scope of the deputy commander's authority is only [-]. Including the [-] guards in the East Palace, the total number is only [-]. There are [-] men and horses in charge of guarding the capital in the mausoleum's city inspector. Under such a situation of such disparity in strength, Zhao Bi knew that he had no chance of winning if it really happened that swords and guns met.

Zhao Bi was so angry that he picked up the teacup on the table and smashed it to pieces. He gritted his teeth and said, "Li Ling! Get rid of him sooner or later!"

Dawn broke, and the sun rose as usual.

As expected by Empress Cao, Li Ling returned home last night and settled down with his wife, so he waited outside the Meridian Gate with his troops and horses.

When Li Ling returned to Qingfengyuan, Jing Shu had already ordered someone to set up a meal, and when Li Ling returned, she threw herself into his arms again.

In front of the house full of servants, Li Ling hugged his wife tightly, comforted her patiently and said, "It's all right, don't worry."

Only then did Jingshu let go of him, and with the joy of regaining what was lost in her eyes, she said, "It's almost time to eat. After tossing and tossing all night, I must be very hungry."

It was still early at this moment, and Jing Shu felt sorry for Li Ling's failure to calm down last night, so she ordered the small kitchen to serve meals earlier.

Li Ling looked around the room and asked, "Are the children awake yet?"

Jing Shu nodded, and replied: "It's still early, they still have to wait for a while."

Li Ling took off his cloak, cleaned his hands, and said to Jingshu, "I'll go and see them first, and I'll come back for dinner later."

As he spoke, Li Ling pushed open the door and strode towards the building where the children slept peacefully.

The rising sun of late autumn had just entered the house, Brother Xuan and Sister Bao were sleeping soundly.

Li Ling hadn't seen the children for more than half a year. He sat on the stool beside the bed, looked at the sleeping children with gentle eyes, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curve into a beautiful arc.

He stretched out his hand to tuck the corner of the quilt for his son. Looking at the little girl's flushed face, he couldn't help but leaned down and kissed her lightly. As soon as Li Ling's lips touched Sister Bao's face, the little guy was He reached out and hugged Li Ling's neck, squinting his sleepy eyes and said vaguely, "It's Daddy."

Li Ling didn't expect to wake up his daughter, he was hugged by her, his heart felt like it had fallen into a honeypot, he reached out and patted his daughter lightly and said, "Daddy is back."

Only then did Sister Bao fully wake up. She opened her eyes, but she didn't let go of her small arms around her father. She said in a childish voice, "It's really Daddy who's back, hehehe. It's really Daddy!"

Li Ling wrapped his daughter in the quilt, hugged her tightly on his lap, kissed her plump little face again and again, and asked with a smile, "Does Miss Bao miss Daddy?"

Sister Bao nodded heavily: "I think about Daddy every day, every day I dream that Daddy is back, I also think about it when I eat, and I think about it when I play."

Brother Xuan was woken up by the sound of the father and daughter talking, he opened his eyes and saw his father sitting in front of him, the little guy got up suddenly, and said in surprise: "Is it true that Daddy is back?"

Li Ling took his son into his arms with a smile, and replied, "Daddy knows Brother Xuan, Erbao and Sister Bao have always missed Daddy, so he came back."

Jing Shu followed into Baoxia, and seeing Li Ling hugging the children, she smiled and stepped forward and said, "The children are talking about you all day long."

As she spoke, she urged the children: "Daddy hasn't eaten yet, put on your clothes and have breakfast with Daddy."

Brother Xuan listened to his mother's words, got off his father, took his clothes and put them on.

Jing Shu turned to Sister Bao and said, "Sister Bao, please dress yourself."

Sister Bao really stuck to Li Ling's body, pouted and said coquettishly, "I want Daddy to wear it for me."

Jing Shu said patiently: "Sister Bao has grown up and can wear clothes by herself."

But Sister Bao tilted her head and said, "I want Daddy to dress me, and Daddy used to dress me."

Li Ling had always doted on his daughter, so he said cheerfully, "Okay, Daddy is here to help Sister Bao get dressed."

As he spoke, he took Sister Bao's clothes and carefully dressed his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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