The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 362 Pregnant Again

Chapter 362 Pregnant Again
When everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

The old lady hurriedly asked: "How is the person now? Are you awake?"

Tong Chuan's mother replied: "I heard that the man has woken up after being carried back. He only said that he has no energy. The doctor will come over in a while."

Upon hearing this, the old lady frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that she's pregnant again?"

Saying that, the old lady ordered someone to pack it up, and said to Jingshu and Xu Wanning, "Come on, let's go over and have a look."

Jing Shu and Xu Wanning helped the old lady out of Anxi Hall from left to right, and headed towards Xianglin Garden.

When everyone arrived at Xianglin Garden, Li Xiang had already invited a doctor, and the old doctor took Pingyang's pulse, and she was really pregnant.

Sister Huaiwan of Pingyang was a little bit exhausted when she was a child. The imperial doctor concluded that it would be difficult to conceive within two or three years. Unexpectedly, she was pregnant again in less than two years. Everyone was surprised and happy.

Li Xiang ordered someone to fetch the pulse record of Pingyang when she was pregnant with the second child. The doctor looked at the pulse record, stroked his gray beard and said, "Madam's last child's blood was really bad, but the pulse of this child is not good now." It's stable and should be fine."

Hearing what the doctor said, everyone felt relieved, congratulations to Li Xiang and Pingyang.

Li Ling returned home safely in triumph, and the third room had another happy news, the old lady was so grinning from ear to ear, she immediately ordered someone to spread the word that there would be a banquet in the mansion to celebrate.

After sending everyone away, Li Xiang returned to the inner room, saw Ping Yang's face was pale, and asked with concern: "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Pingyang nodded at Li Xiang, and replied sullenly: "I saw that the sisters-in-law of my mother's family were pregnant and they were not like me. Even the second sister-in-law was not as troubled as I was when she was pregnant with twins. It's been so hard every time I've been pregnant."

Li Xiang sighed slightly and said: "Perhaps everyone's body is different. If you think it's hard, wait until you give birth to this baby, or we won't have another baby."

Ping Yang glared at Li Xiang, pouted and said: "If you don't have a baby, you have to drink that soup. That thing is very cool, and it will do more harm to your body. I can't bear it."

Hearing Pingyang mention Bizi Decoction, Li Xiang couldn't help but think of the pain Jiao Xing had suffered from this medicine all these years.

Jiao Xing was originally weak, and after drinking Bizi Decoction for so many years, she has already fallen to the root of her disease. Every month, she would sweat profusely from the pain, even in the dog days, her hands and feet would be cold.

Thinking of these, Li Xiang felt uncomfortable like a needle prick in his heart.

Pingyang didn't know what Li Xiang was thinking, she glanced at Li Xiang's gloomy face, sighed and continued: "Besides, we don't know the gender of this baby, it's fine if it's a boy, if it's still a daughter, how can we have a son, Hey! So, the pain of giving birth to a child is really endless.”

Li Xiang was silent for a long time, then replied sullenly: "You raise this baby first, and we can talk about the future."

When Jingshu came back from Xianglin Garden and returned to Qingfengyuan, Li Ling had already gone to work. After all these days of fear, Jingshu couldn't sleep well. First, she ordered Ziyun Danzhu to prepare hot water, and ran away comfortably. After taking a hot bath, he went to bed, intending to take a good night's sleep to replenish his energy.

It was already half an hour after Jingshu woke up, she said it was all right, she took Ziyun and a few other girls to the small kitchen, planning to cook a meal for Li Ling herself.

Chef Jing Shu and a few girls helped out. They were busy in the small kitchen all afternoon.

Li Ling came back from duty, but he didn't see Jing Shu in the house, so he folded to the porch without taking off his clothes, asked his wife and learned that his wife had gone to the small kitchen, Li Ling went straight to the kitchen.

Li Ling stood at the door of the kitchen and saw his wife and a few little girls busy in the kitchen. Because of cooking, Jing Shu took off her fancy clothes and put on a simple and elegant cloth, and the pearl hairpin jewelry on her head was also a piece of Did not wear.

Li Ling, who was standing at the door, was fascinated by the simplest attire.

Jing Shu raised her eyes inadvertently and found Li Ling who had been standing at the door for a long time. She put down the work she was busy with, wiped her hands with a towel, walked up to Li Ling with a smile, looked up at him and said: " What are you doing here? Go back to the house and wait, dinner will be ready soon."

Li Ling looked into the kitchen, looked down at his wife, and asked, "Did you cook the dinner yourself?"

Jing Shu nodded, pushed Li Ling and said, "Don't make trouble here, just go back and wait."

Li Ling smiled and said, "Do you want me to help you?"

Jing Shu shot him a look, and replied: "No, I'll let you have a good taste of my cooking tonight."

Li Ling didn't go back to the main room, but first went to the back garden to find Brother Xuan and Sister Bao who were playing there.

The two brothers and sisters were playing with butterflies. Sister Bao casually dropped the small sticky net in her hand when she saw her father coming over, and ran straight towards her father. Brother Xuan first picked up the sticky net left by her sister , and then ran towards Dad.

Sister Bao was hugged by her father, and she said coquettishly, "Daddy, my brother and I have been fighting for a long time but failed to catch a butterfly. Can you help us to catch a butterfly?"

Li Ling looked at his little daughter's sweet and lovely appearance, how could he refuse, he kissed his daughter, and replied: "Okay! Daddy is good at catching butterflies, so Daddy will catch the most beautiful butterfly for Sister Bao. "

As he spoke, Li Ling put his daughter on the ground, took the sticky net from his son, and stuck a few large colorful butterflies among the flowers with little effort.

Sister Bao clapped her hands happily, Brother Xuan took the small bamboo cage and put the butterfly caught by Daddy into the small cage.

Li Ling finished catching butterflies, touched his daughter's head, and asked gently: "Daddy caught butterflies for you, this time we should go back to eat, okay? Your mother cooked a lot of delicious food tonight."

Sister Bao hugged Li Ling's neck and nodded with a smile, saying yes. Li Ling carried his daughter all the way and led his son back to Qingfengyuan.

Jing Shu had already prepared the meal with her own hands. Seeing that Li Ling came back with the children, she hurriedly asked the two children to clean their hands.

After the two little guys washed their hands, Brother Xuan sat on his own little chair. Li Ling was about to sit with his daughter in his arms, but Sister Bao yelled, "I want to bring the butterfly here, come with me." Have a meal."

Jing Shu frowned slightly and said, "Where did the butterfly come from?"

Sister Bao replied, "Daddy rushed for me."

Jing Shu flatly rejected her daughter and said, "You can only go play with the butterfly after eating, and you are not allowed to play while eating."

Sister Bao pouted immediately, and shouted: "I just want to eat with the butterfly, I'm afraid it will be hungry."

Just as Jing Shu was about to speak, Li Ling cast a glance at his wife, and patiently said to his daughter, "Butterflies can't eat what Sister Bao eats."

Sister Bao tilted her head and asked, "Why can't it eat what I can eat?"

Li Ling patted his daughter's head and replied softly: "Because it is a butterfly, it can only eat pollen. If it eats Sister Bao's food, it will have a stomachache."

After hearing this, Sister Bao finally calmed down, looked up at Li Ling and said, "After dinner, Daddy will take me to the garden to collect pollen for the butterflies to eat."

Li Ling nodded to his daughter in agreement, the little guy gave up and started eating happily.

(End of this chapter)

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