Chapter 387 Triumph
In March of Yangchun, everything came back to life, and Li Ling won a great victory in the southern expedition and returned to Beijing triumphantly.

The army camped [-] miles outside the city and waited for orders. Li Ling first entered the city with a group of lieutenants.

When the people in central Beijing learned of General Li's triumphant return, they beat gongs and drums along the road, cheering and cheering.There were even more lights and festoons in the Zhen Guogong's mansion. The whole family, young and old, were all in front of the mansion to welcome Li Ling who had returned in triumph.

As soon as Li Ling appeared at the entrance of the alley with a group of gold and iron guards, Sister Bao couldn't wait to run up to her father with her arms outstretched.

Li Ling was riding on the horse, and when he saw his beloved little daughter running towards him, he immediately got off the horse, took a big stride forward, stretched out his arms, held his daughter tightly in his arms, kissed and kissed again, and then got on the horse , holding her daughter all the way to the mansion.

Sister Bao is wearing a red spring dress, her hair is tied into a butterfly bun with a pink ribbon, her big black eyes seem to be able to talk, and her smile is even brighter and sweeter.

She was hugged by her resolute father. Although it was the first time for her to sit on a tall horse, the little guy was not at all timid, but her big bright eyes were full of curiosity and excitement. She chatted happily with Li Ling along the way. talking non-stop.

All the generals know that Li Ling loves his daughter dearly. Seeing that Sister Bao is so innocent and lovely, you can't help but make fun of her with every word.

Liang Jinhu was beside Li Ling, looked at Sister Bao and asked with a smile, "Sister Bao, how about riding a horse?"

Facing this group of generals in iron suits and heavy armor, the little sister Bao didn't show any fear at all, she tilted her head and replied straightforwardly: "Okay! I like riding horses. This time Daddy is back, and I'll be back soon." I'm going to let my daddy teach me how to ride a horse for a while, ride a horse—”

The little girl Yuxue is cute and not timid, anyone who sees it will inevitably fall in love with her, Hu Dahai also came up to her, and asked Sister Bao with a grin as low as possible: "Sister Bao, come here Let uncle give you a hug, okay? Uncle, the big black horse, is more comfortable to sit on."

Sister Bao glanced at him sideways, and flatly refused, "No."

Hu Dahai frowned immediately when he saw the little boy's refusal, and asked bluffingly, "Why?"

Sister Bao pouted with a small face, and replied, "You are so ugly!"

This sentence made all the soldiers laugh. Li Ling kicked Hu Dahai, and couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Go aside, don't scare my daughter."

Hu Dahai frowned, touched his face, and made a face at Sister Bao. Sister Bao looked up at Li Ling and giggled, "Look, Dad, he's even uglier when he makes a face. Live like a gatekeeper."

The little girl's childish words made all the soldiers laugh out loud.

Before entering Beijing, all the soldiers had already packed up outside the city, and they no longer looked like the filthy blood-stained war robes on the battlefield. Each of them had shiny armor and a dignified military appearance.

Li Ling rode in front of the team on horseback. He wore a golden helmet and silver armor, which made him even more majestic.

Seeing Li Ling approaching on horseback with Sister Bao in his arms, Xu Wanning patted Brother Xuan and asked, "Why doesn't Brother Xuan run to meet Daddy like a younger sister?"

Brother Xuan raised his face and replied: "Daddy taught me that men should not behave unruly."

Xu Wanning pursed her lips, and said to Jing Shu who was beside her, "This second younger brother is really eccentric. He spoils his daughter in every possible way, but he is so strict with his son."

As he spoke, he patted Ping who was standing next to Brother Xuan, and called out, "Brother Ping, do you dare to run to meet Second Uncle like Second Sister?"

As soon as Brother Ping heard this, Sa Yazi ran out.

"This child is finally not afraid of the second brother."

Xu Wanning was comforting, but saw Brother Ping running to the gate of the mansion and "sneaking" and hiding behind the big stone lion at the gate.

Jing Shu and Ping Yang couldn't help covering their mouths and sniggering, but Xu Wanning shook her head and said, "This kid, he's not afraid of anything on weekdays, but he's born to be afraid of his second brother."

Just as he was talking, Li Ling had already reached the gate of the mansion. He got off his horse, first bowed to the old lady and his parents, then turned around and raised his hand to bring out Brother Ping who was hiding behind the stone pier, scolding with a smile : "You kid, every time you see me, you are sneaky."

Brother Ping screamed in fright.

Everyone laughed out loud.

Jing Shu hurriedly stepped forward to protect Brother Ping, angrily said to Li Ling, "Don't you scare the child."

Li Ling looked at his wife tenderly, and then let go of Brother Ping. Brother Ping hid behind the old lady with his head in his arms, and shouted, "Great-grandmother saved me, but second uncle is going to beat me again."

When Li Ling saw his nephew complaining again, he gritted his teeth, tapped him with his hand, and pretended to be vicious: "If I catch you and make a complaint in plain language, I will really beat you hard."

The whole family entered the mansion with laughter and laughter. The old lady understood that the husband and wife had been separated for a long time, and after entering the second gate, she told Li Ling: "Bo Yue will go to the palace to face the saint in a while, and go back first to let Shu'er help him." Let you tidy up, I have already ordered them to prepare a welcome banquet, and when you come back from the face, our family will get together again."

The eldest princess has always been cold-tempered, and naturally she can't do such a little woman's thing as snatching her son from her daughter-in-law. She heard the words and urged Li Ling: "The old lady is right, you have to go face to face later!" , but it seems to go back with Shu'er."

Li Ling was away for several months, so he naturally missed his grandmother, father and mother at home, but the person he misses the most is of course his wife.

He listened to the words of the old lady and the eldest princess, and did not refuse, so he picked up his daughter and led his son, and went back to Qingfengyuan with Jingshu.

The spring breeze is warm, the vegetation grows among the scattered pavilions, and the weeping willows on both sides of the corridor have spit out new buds.

A family of four walked slowly on the smooth stone road. Sister Bao leaned on Li Ling's shoulder and chattered endlessly. Brother Xuan also looked at Wei'an's father adoringly, but Li Ling's eyes were more Stay on the side of his wife.

Jing Shu is wearing a lotus pink peach blossom shirt, which is even more dazzling than the spring sunshine.

Jing Shu met Li Ling's fiery gaze, and said coquettishly, "What are you looking at? It's so straight, it makes people flustered."

The corners of Li Ling's mouth curled up, and he leaned into her ear and said, "Have you asked them to prepare water?"

Jing Shu looked at Li Ling because she didn't understand, she frowned slightly, looked at Li Ling with faint doubts, and asked, "What water are you preparing?"

Li Ling blinked at Jing Shu, and Jing Shu finally understood, her face turned red, she said angrily to Li Ling, "It's a bright day, what are you thinking about?"

Reunited after a long absence, with his lovely wife by his side, what else could Li Ling think about?
After entering Qingfengyuan, Li Ling handed the children over to the wet nurse, and asked the wet nurse to take them to play first.

Brother Xuan still wanted to hear from his father about the march and war. Although he was not happy with his arrangement, he dared not speak out. Sister Bao just jumped up and said, "I want Daddy to play with me!" ! I want Daddy!"

(End of this chapter)

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