The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 392 Royal Temple

Chapter 392 Royal Temple
However, Zhou Jiangning is the toughest person. Hearing the threatening words of King Jian, her attitude became even tougher, and she said coldly to King Jian and his wife: "My lord and concubine know how to love their children, so you can Do you treat the flesh and blood of other people's family as worthless? In my Zhou family, there is only one man like my younger brother, and Mrs. Zhao can do such a shameful thing. Have you considered my father's situation?"

Zhou Jiangning is a jealous person, Zhao Yuan'er almost killed her own brother, Zhou Jiangning was cruel and didn't want her to feel better.Wouldn't it be too cheap for her to put her back to the palace and continue to live a life of luxury.

Zhou Jiangning resentfully said: "Hmph! For such a vicious woman as Zhao, our General's Mansion will definitely not let her go so easily, so we should send her to the family temple to repent."

Seeing that Zhou Jiangning was so reckless and determined to put her daughter at a disadvantage, Princess Jianjun was so angry that she pointed at Zhou Jiangning and scolded: "You keep saying that my daughter is a poisonous woman, how can you be better? You As a junior, not only imprisoned and abused the mistress without authorization, but also abused the servants around my daughter. The cruel methods are simply heinous. How can there be such a hard-hearted and cruel woman like you in the world? You embarrass me today Daughter, you will definitely not end well in the future!"

Zhou Yi has always loved and cared for the few children born in the early stage, especially the eldest daughter Zhou Jiangning, who is regarded as a treasure. Now seeing Princess Jianjun insulting the eldest daughter like this, Zhou Yi's face suddenly became gloomy down.

"Presumptuous!" he snapped.

A battle-tested general became angry, not to mention the concubine and Zhao Yuan'er with that frightening aura, even the king of Jian could not help but gasp.

Princess Jianjun was startled by Zhou Yi's voice, and she didn't dare to utter another word. Princess Jianjun waited for a while, and then said to Zhou Yi: "General Zhou is the head of the family, no matter what you say about this matter, it's not up to a foreigner to get married. female meddling"

When Princess Jianjun proposed to take Zhao Yuaner back to the mansion, Zhou Yi originally planned to agree. He hated that Zhao Yuaner was true to his flesh and blood, but Zhou Yi must be a man of indomitable spirit. Since Zhao Yuaner had been abandoned, he did not It is necessary to torture a woman's mind, but Princess Jianjun's attitude towards his beloved daughter Zhou Jiangning makes Zhou Yi very unhappy.

Before Junjun Jian finished speaking, Zhou Yi waved his hands with a cold face and said: "Since Mrs. Zhao married into my General's Mansion by order, she should be dealt with by my General's Mansion for committing such a crime. Just as my daughter said , send her to the family temple, and the matter is settled like this."

Zhou Yi made a final decision, and walked away after speaking.

Zhou Jiangning, in front of Jianjun Wang and his wife, ordered to the attendants on the left and right: "Then take this poisonous woman to the family temple and take care of it."

Zhao Yuan'er dragged Princess Jianjun and refused to submit to death. The attendants got Zhou Jiangning's life, so they would not care about other things, but forcefully took him away.

Although Junjun Jian is from the royal family, he couldn't openly rob people in the general's mansion, so he could only watch helplessly as his daughter was dealt with by Zhou Jiangning.

Princess Jianjun completely lost her mind. She pointed at Zhou Jiangning with a livid face and scolded: "You poisonous woman, I will not let you go, let's wait and see!"

Jian Jun Wang and his wife left the General's Mansion, Jian Jun Wang Concubine cried and said: "Yuan'er was escorted to the family temple by them, there is no way to survive, no! I have to go to the palace to find the empress."

Princess Jianjun and Empress Cao are cousins.

King Jianjun heard that his wife wanted to ask Empress Cao to make the decision, he sighed slightly: "The marriage of Yuan'er was originally designated by Concubine Meng. Empress Cao and Concubine Meng have always been in the same situation. Now Empress Cao has offended Your Majesty. She can't even protect herself, I'm afraid she won't interfere in this matter, why don't I ask the clan to come forward."

Princess Jianjun wiped her tears and said: "Zhou Yi has made great contributions to repelling the Huns. Now is the hottest time. Those people in the clan are not worshiping the high and stepping down. How can they offend Zhou Yi for helping us? I still want to Go and beg my cousin, she is a queen, and it is convenient to intervene in these affairs of the back house, even if she is unhappy now, she has more weight than others."

Princess Jianjun loves her daughter dearly, and made up her mind to go straight to the imperial city without even returning to the palace.

Empress Cao fell from a high platform a while ago and her ankle was broken all the time. Now she has to be supported to walk. In order to appease the eldest princess's thunderous anger, Emperor Ming deprived her of the power to control the palace. The current Empress Cao is Like an eagle with its wings broken, there is no such thing as the past.

Although the three-month confinement period has passed, the world is cold, and the nobles inside and outside the palace know that Cao has lost power, so they will not come to her, so the current Jiaofang Palace is no different from the cold palace.

Empress Cao was sitting on the couch, and suddenly heard that Princess Jianjun asked to see her, but she couldn't help being surprised, so she called someone in.

Princess Jianjun entered the Jiaofang Palace, and seeing Empress Cao's appearance, she felt even more sad, and sighed, "Your Majesty was a phoenix among girls when she was in her boudoir, those people dare to neglect you like this."

Empress Cao smiled bitterly and said: "The world is so cold, they see that this palace has lost power, and they are eager to step on it, but it's hard for you, and they are willing to care about our sisterhood."

I am also asking for something because of something.

When Princess Jianjun heard the words, she squeezed the handkerchief and tested the corners of her eyes, and then said bitterly: "Isn't it because of that Concubine Meng that His Majesty treats you so slowly? This woman is vicious and seductive."

If Concubine Meng hadn't pointed out the marriage at the beginning, how could Zhao Yuaner have married Zhou Yi, a widower, let alone end up in such a situation today.

Princess Jianjun hated Concubine Meng no less than Empress Cao.

Empress Cao sighed slightly when she heard the words: "I think my century-old Cao family, humerus, my palace and the crown prince, I'm afraid they will also be folded in this woman's hands."

Princess Jianjun replied: "Your Majesty, you don't have to give up on yourself like this. With the influence of the Cao family, you can't worry about overthrowing Meng Guifei's mother and son. The concubine and the empress are first cousins. As long as the empress orders, the concubine and the prince are willing to be driven by the empress. "

King Jianjun did not surrender to the crown prince, but he did not support King Jin, but remained neutral. Empress Cao was a shrewd person. Seeing that Princess Jianjun surrendered herself when she lost power, she knew that she must have something to hide.

Empress Cao looked at Princess Jianjun, and slowly replied: "If my cousin can persuade the prince to help the prince, I will naturally be very grateful."

Seeing Princess Jianjun's complexion move slightly, Empress Cao continued: "My sister came to see me, but is there something wrong?"

Only then did Princess Jianjun tell Empress Cao everything about Zhao Yuaner.

Although Empress Cao temporarily lost power, she is the mother of a country after all, and she is still capable of handling such matters.

After listening to Princess Jianjun's cry, she replied: "Yuan'er made such a mistake, and Zhou Yi is very popular. If you violate the Zhou family, it may be difficult to take Yuan'er back to the mansion, but I can help you." You have to deal with it, why don't you send Yuan'er to the royal temple in the name of meditation, and then plan later."

(End of this chapter)

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