Fairyland Grocery

Chapter 225 Going to Jinshuizong

Chapter 225 Going to Jinshuizong

On the way, Xu Qiuqian kept thinking.

Qinglin is a disciple of Jinshuizong, and Qinglin is a member of Chitong Pavilion, so what is his true identity?
Or, Jinshuizong is the stronghold of Chitong Pavilion?
Think about it or reject your own ideas.

Zhu Yichen said that the stronghold of Chitong Pavilion has no fixed location, and Zhu Yichen has no reason to lie to her.

How did Qinglin become the killer of Chitong Pavilion?

She looked at Qinglin, who looked harmless to humans and animals.

"When did Fellow Daoist Qinglin join the sect?"

Qinglin replied quickly: "When I was rescued as a child, I became a disciple of Jinshuizong."

Xu Qiuqian was stunned.

He has been a disciple of Jinshuizong since he was a child.

It should be after this when he became the killer of Chitong Pavilion.

Seeing Xu Qiuqian thoughtful, Qinglin asked with a smile: "Is Fellow Daoist Xu very interested in my affairs?"

"Just ask." Xu Qiuqian recovered.

Jinshuizong is not far from Pingfeng City, and it will arrive in about half an hour.

Jinshuizong is located in the Linyan Mountains in the northwest of Pingfeng City. The Linyan Mountains are full of aura and the geographical location is very good.

After Xu Qiuqian entered the Linyan Mountain Range, he clearly felt that the aura was much stronger than outside.

As expected of the sect of Pingfeng City.

She thought to herself.

I also saw the gate of Jinshuizong and the steps going up.

"This is the questioning level of Jinshuizong. If you want to enter our sect and become a disciple of our sect, you need to climb the thousand questioning level at the mountain gate to be eligible to become a disciple of our sect."

The Zongmen has set up the questioning step, which has existed since ancient times.

"A thousand questions?" Xu Qiuqian was surprised.

In her memory, Qing Yuzong's questioning level is only [-].

The number of layers of the Wenxin stage is usually linked to the strength of the sect, and this stage cannot be increased casually.

Jinshuizong's questioning level is one hundred levels higher than that of Qingyuzong, which means that Jinshuizong's strength is higher than that of Qingyuzong.

She couldn't help feeling a little wary.

It is necessary to be defensive, although she thinks that she should not be found in Pingfeng City, but Qinglin is from Chitong Pavilion, and she is going to the sect where Qinglin is.

Anyway, be careful.

"The sect with the highest level of Wenxin in Xuanyun Continent is only [-] floors, which is only [-] floors higher than our Jinshui Sect, but there is only one sect with [-] floors. Other than that, The highest is a thousand layers."

In other words, Jin Shuizong's strength is considered to be the second in Xuanyun Continent?

If so, be even more cautious.

With Qinglin here, she doesn't need to climb the steps of the heart.

Following Qinglin into Jinshuizong, Jinshuizong's aura is full of strong aura, and the disciples walk through it with swords. Occasionally, some disciples who have just learned how to walk with swords fly unsteadily and fall down, and they are laughed at by other disciples.

Standing on the cloud boat, Xu Qiuqian couldn't help but marvel at the scene of Jinshuizong.

Although the same is true of the Qingyuzong in memory, it is another feeling to actually see it.

"What? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Xu has seen this scene for the first time?" Qinglin joked.

"That's it."

Hearing this, Qinglin was a little surprised.

"No wonder Fellow Daoist Xu wants to visit."

At this time, he saw a person in the distance and shouted: "Senior Brother Ji!"

In the distance, a male Xiu Yujian dressed as a disciple of Jinshuizong's inner sect came.

"Junior Brother Qinglin, you are finally back!"

"what happened?"

"Master is looking for you. You should go quickly. I don't know what it is. Anyway, it looks like it should be important."

As he said that, Brother Ji noticed Xu Qiuqian on the cloud boat.

"Who is this……"

"A friend of mine said he wanted to visit Jinshuizong. Brother Ji, can I trouble you to take care of Fellow Daoist Xu for me?"

"No problem, you can go."

"Thank you Brother Ji!" Qinglin apologized to Xu Qiuqian: "Friend Xu is really sorry."

Xu Qiuqian shook his head.

"It's okay, you can go to your work first."

Qinglin left in a hurry.

Brother Ji said: "I heard from Brother Qinglin that you want to see Jinshuizong?"


"Then did you know anything about Jinshuizong before?"


Brother Ji pondered for a moment: "How about this, let me give you a general introduction first, if you are interested in somewhere, I will take you there, but there are some places in Jinshuizong that you cannot go to."

Xu Qiuqian was puzzled: "Can't go?"

"Some places require a disciple's token to enter, and outsiders cannot enter, and there are some places that even disciples cannot enter, only the suzerain and elders can enter."

Only then did Xu Qiuqian understand.

It turned out to be the case.

She thought it was some forbidden place or something.

But such a big sect, it's not uncommon to have such a place.

Next, Brother Ji gave Xu Qiuqian a general introduction to the Jinshuizong situation.

"How, where do you want to go?"

"Can I go to the place where Fellow Daoist Qinglin is practicing?"

Brother Ji was stunned for a moment.

"Go and see where Junior Brother Qinglin practices..." Immediately, he didn't know what to think, and showed an expression that I understand, "Hey, I understand, I understand, I will take you there right away."

What do you know? !

Xu Qiuqian wanted to hate him very much, but felt that it was good to just misunderstand him like this, and it was better to handle things.

He was brought by Brother Ji to the cave where Qinglin usually practiced.

"Friend Xu Daoist, take a look, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." He winked at Xu Qiuqian, "Oh, by the way, Junior Brother Qinglin seems to be refining Yuandan recently, but the last time I saw that Nayuan Dan's prescription seems to be different from the master's prescription, I wanted to remind him, but I forgot, Xu Daoyou will help me explain it to him later."

"say what?"

"The prescription of Nayuan Pill, the dose of Qingshuang on the prescription is too much, only three pills are enough, Qingshuang is unique to Qingshuang Riverside, so you don't need that much at all."

Xu Qiuqian responded.

"I'll tell him."

"Okay, okay, then I'll leave first, fellow Taoist Xu wait here for Junior Brother Qinglin." He teased.

Xu Qiuqian was too lazy to go back, and simply lowered her eyes.

Seeing this, Senior Brother Ji confirmed his inner guess even more.

He just said, Junior Brother Qinglin has never brought a female cultivator back to the sect, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Junior Brother usually looks dull, but there is still a female cultivator who is good at this.

This Fellow Daoist Xu looks obedient and clever, not bad!

As soon as Senior Brother Ji left, Xu Qiuqian began to look through the things in Qinglin Cave Mansion.

Qinglin's cave is not big, and there are few things. Basically, you can see everything at a glance. After looking around, you can't see anything special. There is a door behind the cave, and there is a room inside, so Xu Qiuqian walked to the back room.

There are many things in the back room.

There is an alchemy furnace in this room, which should be used by Qinglin for alchemy. There are shelves on both sides of the alchemy furnace, and there are some sundries on the ground. It is estimated that it was not cleaned up after the last alchemy. There are still remnants on the table next to the alchemy furnace. There are many spiritual plants with materials.

On the shelf too.

There is also a piece of paper on the table, which contains the materials, spiritual plants and steps needed for making Nayuan Dan.

Although there are many things in this room, there is nothing special about them, and these things are also common to alchemy monks.

It seems that there are no useful clues to be found.

(End of this chapter)

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