Fairyland Grocery

Chapter 655 Black Hole?Dark space?

Chapter 655 Black Hole?Dark space?
Xu Qiuqian stood there without moving.

She tried to see if the little girl was hallucinating or real.

Logically speaking, it should be an illusion. It is impossible for a little girl to come to her sea of ​​consciousness, but the little girl in front of her gave her a very real feeling.

Just like last time I saw it.

It is one thing to be cruel to children.

On the other hand, she also felt that the little girl was very real, so she fell for it.

And now she's sober.

No matter what the little girl said, she knew that the intention of the other party was definitely not bad. If it was kind, it would not be in her sea of ​​consciousness without explanation.

Seeing that Xu Qiuqian hadn't moved, the little girl asked suspiciously, "Sister? Why didn't you come and save me?"

After that, without waiting for Xu Qiuqian to respond to her, she pursed her mouth and continued crying, "I'm really in pain and I can't move, sister, please help me, please, please help me..."

The other party was pretending, Xu Qiuqian knew it clearly in his heart.

The little girl's face was full of tears only when they first met. When she spoke just now, not a single tear fell down, and her eyes were even rolling.

If they stand where they are and don't leave or save the little girl, will the two of them stay in this stalemate forever?
So what would happen if he just left the sea of ​​consciousness that let her go?
Xu Qiuqian didn't know, and didn't dare to bet.

She never liked to sit still.

Therefore, when the little girl asked her for help again, Xu Qiuqian moved and walked towards the little girl step by step while being vigilant.

She wanted to see what would happen.

Slowly coming to the little girl, the little girl also stretched out her hands towards Xu Qiuqian, looking like she wanted her to hug her?

Xu Qiuqian resisted extremely, but still reached out to the little girl.

The moment she came into contact with the little girl, her vision went dark, and her consciousness instantly became blurred. Everything in front of her, including the little girl, was fading away quickly, and she felt the scene around her change.

After gradually waking up, he saw the fog around him.

From pitch black to foggy, it gave her a very bad feeling.

She lowered her head, but she didn't see the little girl. The little girl disappeared. After a while, she raised her head and walked forward without hesitation.

After walking a few steps, the fog dissipated, like breaking through the clouds, glass-like shards appeared in front of his eyes, Xu Qiuqian stared at these shards suspended in the air and was stunned.

Because these fragments are scenes one by one, and these scenes are all things she has experienced.

In other words, these glass shards are the memory fragments in her mind.

These memory fragments are not only her memories after waking up from this world, but also her memories in Interstellar.

Throughout her two lifetimes.

She saw that when she was young, she was thrown at the gate of the orphanage and became a member of the orphanage.

The orphanage is not a quiet place, even if they are all children, it is full of class and struggle, but these have nothing to do with her, and those children will never come to disturb her, because they know that if they disturb her , unlucky for them.

She is very powerful, not only studies well, but also has good fighting skills.

Later, she successfully became an alliance soldier, from a small soldier to a major general to a general. Although there were dangers along the way, everything went smoothly without any danger.

During this period, she went back to the orphanage once and asked the dean if he knew her parents. The dean said that he did not know, and the monitoring at that time did not see any other people.

Later, when she became an admiral, she also used her authority to investigate her own life experience, but there were no clues.

She was like someone who appeared out of thin air.

Later, the appearance of the eclipse beast in the starry sky made her let go of this matter and no longer pursue it.

Starry sky eclipsed beasts appeared so suddenly, and slowly swept across the entire interstellar space. People were devastated, and wars were raging. She had no time to deal with them, so she had no time to pursue her own life experience.

In those decades, many starry sky eclipse beasts were killed.

And the corpse of the starry sky eclipse will affect the mind, and it will not be destroyed by anything. If it is thrown on the garbage star, it will release gas over time. Therefore, except for some starry sky eclipse beasts used for research, other They were all thrown into a black hole.

Only the black hole can deal with the starry sky eclipse.

Xu Qiuqian saw that he led his subordinates to throw the corpse of the starry sky eclipse near the black hole.

At this time, the subordinates were even joking with her: "I don't know what these things are, they are scarier than the Zerg. Some time ago, I dreamed that these starry space beasts that we threw into the black hole ran out of the black hole again. Scared the hell out of me."

Seeing this, Xu Qiuqian couldn't help being stunned.

When she saw herself at the time, she sneered and said, "How is it possible? Black holes can swallow everything. If black holes can't deal with these starry space eclipses, we'll just wait to die! Okay, don't look at it, lest we will be killed later." Even people and spaceships are sucked in."

The subordinates responded, and the spaceship set off to leave. She turned her head to look at the pitch-black black hole and the corpse of the eclipse beast in the starry sky that was slowly inhaled by the black hole.

"Couldn't this black hole be a pitch-black space?" Xu Qiuqian murmured in disbelief.

The same can devour everything, even light will be swallowed, and it will be pitch black.


Xu Qiuqian shook his head.

No, if the pitch-black space is really a black hole, then why aren't the things that appear around the openings of the pitch-black spaces in Yujie not swallowed?This pitch-black space will only actively devour souls and souls, and will not devour others.

She continued to look forward.

Seeing the last time she destroyed the starry sky eclipse beast, this thing could devour the energy, she could only use the mech. At that time, she was still near the black hole. She rushed over.

She had no choice but to manipulate the mech and the starry sky eclipse beast to die together.

Seeing this, doubts arose in her heart.

If the system has been going through thousands of years of reincarnation in Yujie, how did it find her and revive her on 'Xu Qiuqian'?

You know, this is the world of Xianxia, ​​but her place is Interstellar, and when she died, she also died in Interstellar, there is no connection between the two, so how did the system find her?

Xu Qiuqian fell into deep thought thinking about the black hole on the memory fragments he saw before.

A vague voice rang in his ears.


She couldn't help frowning, then looked around, the little girl was about to appear again?

The little girl didn't show up.

So who is that voice?

"Miss Qiuqian..."

The voice sounded again, Xu Qiuqian was startled, it was Xiao Yi's voice, but how could she hear Xiao Yi's voice?

"Miss Qiuqian!"

Suddenly, Xu Qiuqian opened his eyes suddenly, panting heavily.

"Great, sister Qiuqian, you finally woke up!"

"Master, you scared me to death..."

"How are you, Patriarch? Are you all right?"

(End of this chapter)

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