Indeed, He Jinxuan also did his homework. If he wanted to see him off, he probably wouldn't accept it given Uncle Liang's temperament, but Uncle Liang is a big smoker, and this is the only way to get it to his heart.

In the end, Uncle Liang accepted it: "Okay, I'll just treat it as your kid's hard work."

It took me more than half an hour to get there. This place is very hidden, and it would be difficult to find it if it wasn't for a special person.

Along the way, Xinyan carefully memorized the way, for fear that she might go the wrong way next time.

Uncle Liang pointed to a grave: "That's right there."

After approaching, he used the shovel he brought to tidy up while talking: "Old Master Gu, after all these years, you finally have descendants to visit you, even if I can't come one day, you can rest assured. "

At this time, large flakes of snow fell down.

Uncle Liang stopped what he was doing: "The old people in this place called it Fuling, and later they called it Fuling. Although the name is good, you have also seen that most of the places in this area are full of rocks and little soil. So in the minds of the locals, it has nothing to do with happiness.

The soil in this small area is thick, and it is backed by Fuling Mountain and Yuquan River in front of it. I was really hungry when I was a child. I went up to look for food, chased a rabbit, and came here by accident.

Back then, after the old man of the Gu family had an accident, those who had been favored by the Gu family spontaneously gathered together to discuss how to find a way to steal the old man's body and let him rest in peace.

In that situation at that time, if you really took a wrong step, you would be doomed. Fortunately, among the guards, there was an elder in the family who had also received the favor of Mrs. Gu. With his help, we would be able to go so smoothly.

When the Gu family arrived, we had already discussed it, and in view of the situation at that time, we could only bury it hastily.

Therefore, taking advantage of the darkness that night to pick up the corpses, they didn't even dare to buy the coffins and shrouds nearby, for fear of being found out and causing trouble. "

After hearing Uncle Liang's words, the two of them felt extremely heavy. They knew without thinking how dangerous the situation was, and if what they did was discovered, the consequences would be unthinkable.

Xinyan let out a breath: "Uncle Liang, does anyone know the inside story of what happened back then?"

Uncle Liang pondered for a while, then looked at Old Mrs. Gu's grave: "I'm afraid no one will know the specifics."

He paused for a moment, as if he had made a decision, and watched him take a deep breath: "At that time, Mrs. Gu was accompanied by a follower. I know that person, and he should know something."

Xinyan immediately asked, "Do you know about that person's situation?"

Uncle Liang shook his head. Since that night, the few of us who participated did not dare to get together again. After the weather calmed down and we walked out, we never saw that person again.

But Xinyan still asked: "What's that person's name?"

Liang Daxie looked into the distance: "That man and I are relatives who have been out of Wufu. His name is Liang Hongsheng, but everyone calls him Shengzi."

Xinyan understood now, it should be the person her grandfather mentioned.

At this time, He Jinxuan had already arranged the sacrifices, and even brought a bottle of good wine.

After Xinyan burned the incense, she took the burning paper and lit it, and said in a low voice: "Great-grandfather, I am Han Xinyan, the daughter of your granddaughter Gu Wanqing.

I'm sorry, it's been so long, I just came to pay homage to your old man.

Now that the world has changed, I believe that it will not be long before your grandfather will personally pick you up and return to the ancestral grave for reburial. Please wait a little longer.

Although it has been a long time since the enmity, whether it is my grandfather, my mother, or even me, they will always remember it in my heart, and I believe that one day I will understand it.

Those who have hurt us will eventually get the punishment they deserve.

I know you have been waiting for a long time, but please believe that that day will not be too far away. "

After He Jinxuan made a toast, he poured the wine in front of the grave bag, and then knelt down to help Xinyan burn all the paper money he brought, and after tidying up, he said to Xinyan: "It's snowing heavily, let's go back. "

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