Chapter 1058 What a greedy cat
Seeing the things on the car clearly, Grandma Zhang patted her thigh: "My little ancestor, why did you buy so many things?"

Xinyan smiled and said: "Of course it's for you to make up your body, do you miss me?"

Grandma Zhang nodded her forehead: "It's so numb."

Both laughed.

At this time, the old couple of the Gu family in the courtyard also came out when they heard the movement.

Seeing the two of them, Xinyan smiled and called, "Grandpa, grandma."

Gu Yiwen smiled and said: "Are you freezing, go inside and warm up."

And grandma Tao Shuqing has come over and held Xinyan's hand: "It's okay, this hand is warm."

At this moment, Zhang Yueshan also pulled the cart into the courtyard.

Afraid of freezing Xinyan, Grandma Zhang said, "Let them bring things, you go into the house first, it happens that the house is making tofu today, and there is soy milk, I'll bring you a bowl."

With that said, he went straight into the kitchen.

And Xinyan was dragged into the house by the old couple of the Gu family. Grandma Tao Shuqing said, "Yanyan, how is your mother?"

Xinyan thought of her mother's current state, and said with a smile: "I only gained weight in my stomach, and she doesn't look like a pregnant person from behind. She is fine, so don't worry."

It was He Jinxuan who brought in the soy milk: "Yanyan, here comes the soy milk, take a sip while it's hot, to get rid of the cold."

He still held a white sugar jar in his hand: "I'll help you put the sugar in."

Xinyan doesn't like sweets very much, He Jinxuan knows it, so the amount he puts is just right.

He also knew that Xinyan had something to say to the old couple of the Gu family: "I'm going out first, call me if you need anything."

Xinyan finished drinking the soy milk in the bowl, and put the bowl aside: "Grandpa, grandma, are you still used to it here?"

The two nodded with a smile, and grandma Tao Shuqing smiled and said: "I'm used to it, I'm used to it. Except for missing you a little bit, your grandfather and I have a very happy life every day."

Xinyan could see that grandma's words came from the heart, so she felt relieved: "Jinxuan and I went back to Sanyuan this time to pay homage to our great-grandfather."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yiwen's eyes instantly turned red: "It's me who is an unfilial son. I haven't paid homage to his old man for so many years. I must be extremely disappointed."

Xinyan comforted: "Grandpa, don't think that way, my great-grandfather will understand what happened after I chattered with him."

Tao Shuqing who was on the side also persuaded: "Yanyan is right, if it weren't for the conditions, how could you not go to worship for so many years."

Xinyan saw her grandfather recovering: "Grandpa, you will be able to do what you want in a short time. When the time comes, we will move the bones of my great-grandfather back to the ancestral grave for burial."

After hearing this, Gu Yiwen was very excited: "Okay, grandpa is looking forward to that day."

After that, the few people talked about the situation in Beijing and the situation of the three families: "Grandpa, grandma, in half a year at most, you will definitely be able to return to Beijing in an open and aboveboard manner, even if you can't clean up the three families at all. They don’t dare to act rashly anymore.”

Gu Yiwen looked at Xinyan: "Is the follower gone?"

Xinyan thought of the news she received just before departure: "The scope of the search has been narrowed, and it should be soon. Maybe you will receive good news during the Chinese New Year."

After finishing the business, Tao Shuqing asked, "How long can you stay?"

She knew that her granddaughter must be returning to Beijing for the New Year, after all, she had been staring at her for a few days.

I heard Xinyan say: "We have to leave tomorrow afternoon. My cousin is getting married at 26. I promised her that I will go back."

They were almost chatting here, and Grandma Zhang's voice came from outside: "Wash your hands and get ready to eat."

It may be that it is cold and the human body needs more energy, so Xinyan is really hungry.

Get up and take the bowl on the table: "Grandpa, grandma, I'm going out to help."

But just after she finished speaking, she heard her grandfather Gu Yiwen say: "Obviously our little greedy cat is greedy, and he still said it so nicely."

Xinyan said coquettishly: "Grandpa, it's fine if you know, so don't say it."

It directly made the two old people laugh.

Holding the bowl, he went into the kitchen: "Grandma Zhang, are you making sauerkraut stew? I could smell the aroma when I was in grandpa's house."

Grandma Zhang's eyes are full of doting: "I know you like this, what a greedy little cat."

 good night~~~
(End of this chapter)

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