All the changes in his expression were naturally seen by his wife.

Grandma Zhang was a mature woman. She thought of something and her face lit up with joy.

If it was as she suspected, that would be great.

Since the last date failed, her son has been very resistant to blind dates and only said that he would live with her from now on.

No matter how much I tried to persuade him, I just didn’t listen.

She originally thought about waiting for Xinyan to stop being busy and asking her to help persuade her, but now it seems that she has to change her strategy.

Although children and grandchildren have their own blessings, as I get older day by day, I always hope that my son can find his own happiness, so that even if he passes away one day, he can feel at ease.

The two mothers came out of the hospital and went directly to the Gu family's old house without going home.

Mrs. Gu looked at Grandma Zhang who was helped in: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Grandma Zhang was a little embarrassed and said: "It's useless. My feet sprained when I went out."

When Xinyan heard the commotion outside, she also walked out and walked over in a few steps: "Let me take a look."

Grandma Zhang was afraid that she would worry: "It's okay. I met your senior sister in the hospital. She helped to deal with it. Fortunately, it's not serious. I just need to rest for a few days."

She didn't want to come over because she was like this, but she was afraid that no one would be able to come over, which made Xinyan worried.

So my son borrowed a car from his work unit and came over together.

After Xinyan checked, it was determined that it was just a ligament strain, and she felt relieved.

He Jinxuan also came back with his brother-in-law in his arms at this time: "Grandma Zhang, Uncle Shan Zi, are you here?"

When Zhang Yueshan saw Han Chaojun in his arms, he also had a smile on his face and stretched out his hand: "Here, let Uncle Shanzi give him a hug."

Zhang Yueshan's performance further strengthened Grandma Zhang's thoughts.

Xiao Junjun is not afraid of strangers at all. When someone invites him, he abandons his brother-in-law-to-be and reaches out to Uncle Shan Zi.

He Jinxuan patted his little butt: "You little heartless thing."

It immediately made everyone present laugh.

Xinyan helped Grandma Zhang into the room and took a seat. Grandma Zhang smiled and asked with concern: "How was your trip abroad this time?"

Xinyan smiled and nodded: "I feel a lot of emotion. Of course, the gains are not small. I see the gap and I am full of confidence."

Although Grandma Zhang didn’t quite understand what Xinyan was referring to specifically, she understood that going out would broaden her children’s horizons: “Okay, just have confidence and aspiration.”

Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu looked at each other and smiled, their faces full of admiration.

Mr. Gu said: "It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. Go out and see new things. It will broaden your horizons, increase your knowledge, and stimulate people's creativity."

After a while, the conversation came to Xinyan’s wedding.Grandma Zhang looked at He Jinxuan who was still teasing her brother-in-law: "Jinxuan, have you made all the arrangements for your new house?"

He Jinxuan smiled at Grandma Zhang and said, "Everything is ready. I also checked with the aunts at the family home."

When he said this, he kept glancing at Xinyan, thinking that after they got married, Yanyan would go home to live in the family home on weekends. Naturally, he had to make her stay comfortable, so he put a lot of thought into that house. Strive to satisfy Xinyan.

Xinyan raised her head and met He Jinxuan's eyes, knowing what he wanted to hear: "Then I will go over and review it tomorrow to see if it is as good as you said?"

He Jinxuan's eyes were full of tenderness: "I have been looking forward to your coming over for a long time. If you are not satisfied with anything, I will find someone to correct it while there is still time."

Xinyan couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth. This guy has really improved. This is because people are in high spirits during happy events. Look, he said a lot more.

While several people were talking, they heard the aunt's voice coming from outside: "Uncle Gu, Aunt Gu, we are here to bother you again."

When Mrs. Gu heard the noise outside, she quickly stood up and went out: "What are you talking about? It's too late for me to be happy that you can come over. This courtyard is only lively when there are many people."

Su Aihong answered with a smile: "Then when I have time, I will come over more often, and you must not dislike me then."

Su Aihong also knew that the only direct branch of the Gu family was Xinyan and the others, and most of the side branches with whom they had a good relationship had gone abroad in the early years. This hospital was indeed a little cold-hearted on weekdays.

At this time, Yuan Yikai came in protecting the pregnant Sun Zhenling. Sun Zhenling smiled and shouted to Mrs. Gu: "Grandma Gu, I'm here."

Mrs. Gu looked at her belly with a smile: "Well, this shows that you are pregnant. Have you had any morning sickness recently?"

Sun Zhenling glanced at Xinyan who was standing not far away: "Except for the occasional nausea in the morning, there was nothing wrong during the day, thanks to the plum candy my sister made."

Mrs. Gu thought of the second child of the Han family at this time and looked at Su Aihong: "By the way, is your second daughter-in-law about to give birth?"

Su Aihong smiled and said cheerfully: "It's not there yet. It's late October. I called before and said it was on the way. I'm afraid it will be here soon."

At this time, Han Chunxue came in with her second son and his wife: "Aunt Gu, we are here."

The smile on Mrs. Gu's face never left her face: "Look at how well the young couple match each other. By the way, have the work matters been finalized?"

Han Chunxue glanced at her son: "Zhenjun is working at the Post and Telecommunications Bureau now. He follows the car to deliver goods to the branches below. He is a little tired, but he is still a regular employee."

After saying that, he looked at the second daughter-in-law: "Jiewen's child is a little weak. I don't want her to be too tired and still searching."

Mrs. Gu looked at He Jiewen, who was standing next to Han Chunxue, and said with a smile: "A few days ago, I met a good friend from my early years. She is now a leader in a cinema. I heard her mention that a new cinema is under construction. Recruitment, are you interested?”

When Han Chunxue heard this, she thought the cinema was great and it would be great if she could work as a ticket seller: "Aunt Gu, are you telling the truth?"

Su Aihong on the side gave her a back slap: "How do you talk? Can Aunt Gu still lie to you?"

Han Chunxue quickly waved her hand and said, "I'm not too excited. Sister-in-law, you don't know how difficult it is to find a job now."

It's not that the eldest brother and the second brother don't help, it's just that she doesn't want to cause trouble to the two brothers. How many people will be watching them?

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