Xinyan knew that the master would definitely be under a lot of pressure if he handed over this acupuncture task to her.

If the patient and family members can agree, the master must have communicated a lot: "Master, don't worry, I will not embarrass you."

Mr. Du was very optimistic about his young apprentice's acupuncture skills. After all, even Mr. Mu felt inferior to him, but this time he really did not waste his words.

The main reason is that when the Shao family heard that Xinyan was a college student and was not majoring in medicine, they didn't want to risk their relatives.

But now that the young master of the Shao family is ill, not many people dare to take over and help him get acupuncture.

If there was nothing wrong with Mr. Mu's eyesight, he could still be considered one. Unfortunately, Mu was just like the Du family. His descendants were not up to par. There were only a few people practicing medicine, and none of them were good at it.

Mr. Mu cherished talents and did not want the Mu family's acupuncture skills to be ruined in his hands. Even though he knew that Xinyan would never become his teacher again, he still gave Xinyan the only copy of the Mu family's Thirteen Acupunctures.

It was up to Xinyan how much she wanted to learn, but no one expected that the Mu family's acupuncture skills were in Xinyan's hands, and she became even more sophisticated. The speed of the needles made even Mu Lao feel inferior.

So this time he did have selfish motives. Yanyan's good medical skills should not be buried.

Although she didn't choose this path, she still needs this reputation. Otherwise, just like this time, no matter how capable you are, no one will dare to believe you.

As for gaining fame in the future, whether you want to take action or not is another matter.

Mr. Du had something to tell Xinyan, so the two of them went to the small living room over the side room.

Aunt Li, who was working at Gu's house, brought in a pot of tea. Xinyan poured a cup for the master and put it in front of him: "Master, drink tea."

Mr. Du took a sip of tea and said, "Well, the tea is good."

Xinyan snickered in her heart: It’s produced by Space, so it’s weird if it’s inferior.

It’s just that my grandfather loved this one, so Xinyan didn’t give it away to anyone else.

Mr. Du put down his tea cup and then said: "The person who needs your acupuncture treatment is Shao Huaiqiang. He is the youngest son of the Shao family in Haicheng. He was a soldier before and was poisoned while on duty.

After a period of treatment, my life was saved, but I lost all feeling in my lower limbs. I had to undergo acupuncture. This was also a decision made by experts from all sides after discussion. Don’t be stressed, just treat it calmly. The master believes in you. "

Xinyan understood the master's thoughts. Firstly, the master felt compassion for him because of his profession. Secondly, he also wanted to make a fortune. If he could successfully cure the third young master of the Shao family this time, then no one would deliberately question his fear of medical skills.

The master is right. Although I don't follow this path, but since I have learned it, it is best to have a certain say in the industry, so that no one can step on you and you will not have to listen to endless ridicule.

Mr. Du briefly told Xinyan about Shao Huaiqiang's situation, so that she could have a plan in mind in advance.However, because Shao Huaiqiang came from Haishi and was physically exhausted from the long journey and needed some days of rest before undergoing acupuncture, the time was arranged after Xinyan got married and returned home.

The two of them had almost finished chatting and were about to get up and leave the yard when they heard the voice of senior sister Shen Guqing: "Master, it's senior sister."

But as soon as she left the wing, she saw Shanzi standing by the flowers under the eaves and peeking at her senior sister. She took a closer look to confirm that she had seen it right, and she couldn't help but curl up her lips.

Earlier, Uncle Shanzi had been on a few blind dates due to Grandma Zhang's nagging. Later, Grandma Zhang was very optimistic about it and was ready to hire her. However, the girl's family didn't know where they found out about Uncle Shanzi and her husband. Dad has a good relationship.

He asked the matchmaker to spread the word, saying that in addition to the betrothal gift, the girl's brother would also be offered a formal job in the railway department. The reason was that the girl was ten years younger than Uncle Shan Zi, and this was considered compensation.

Grandma Zhang was very angry, but she fell in love with the girl and even went to her door in person. The girl felt that what her family said was right. The Zhang family mother and son fell in love with her, and they would definitely not let her go even if the conditions were harsh. This marriage.

As a result, before Grandma Zhang could speak, Uncle Shan Zi directly rejected the matchmaker.

Later, the family regretted it and asked the matchmaker to come over and say that they could discuss it again, but Uncle Shanzi said he would not consider it anymore.

Grandma Zhang has been worried about this matter. Seeing the scene just now, Xinyan felt that if these two people could get together as a couple, they would be able to take photos together.

After thinking about it, he took action: "Senior sister, I have dragged back all the books you want for you."

Shen Guqing smiled and gave Xinyan a hug: "That's great, thank you Yanyan."

Xinyan smiled brightly: "Senior sister, how did you get here?"

Shen Gu Qingsong and Kai Yan were about to answer, but they saw Zhang Yueshan walking towards them. Thinking of what happened in the hospital before, the expression on his face was a little awkward for a moment.

But he still said hello: "Brother Zhang."

Zhang Yueshan had some annoyance on his face: "If I knew you were coming too, I would have been waiting to give you a ride."

Shen Guqing waved his hand and said, "I didn't have time to come over originally. The patient had a canceled surgery scheduled for the afternoon because of a family emergency, so I made time."

Xinyan had been paying attention to the interaction between the two, and when she saw the heat in Uncle Shan Zi's eyes, she confirmed her guess.

So he smiled and said: "Senior sister, there is iced watermelon in the living room over there. You have been squeezed all the way on the bus. Do you want some pieces of watermelon to cool down?"

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