There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 1181 I don’t care, I can’t be compared anyway

Chapter 1181 I don’t care, I can’t be compared anyway

Jiang Peiqin gave Xinyan a thumbs up: "You are right, but who told you to block someone else's love path?"

Xinyan looked at the sky speechlessly.

After sighing, he looked at Jiang Peiqin again: "People like her are more disgusting than Xue Hongjuan. Xue Hongjuan is fighting against you openly. What's going on is in the open, but people like Song Bingjing are hiding in the dark." , secretly causing trouble."

Jiang Peiqin thought of the incident that Song Bingjing had caused in school. If it hadn't been exposed by Xinyan later, she would have succeeded.

If she hadn't been exposed in the first place, she would have killed two birds with one stone. On the contrary, she would have lost nothing.

However, after the matter was exposed, it was impossible for the Xue family to spare the person who plotted against their daughter. Not to mention Song Bingjing, the entire Song family was implicated.

If you don't say that if you do too much injustice, you will die. It's not that the Xue family has escaped the reincarnation of heaven. It's not that they have done too many bad things and got retribution, and now they have gone their separate ways.

What she thought of, Xinyan naturally also thought of: "Did you meet Xue Hongjuan later?"

Jiang Peiqin shook her head: "It's okay, but I heard something in the courtyard that day that she was married and followed the man to the south."

What came to mind: "I also heard people say that it was her parents who paved the way for her to have the last fortune."

Although Xinyan doesn't like the Xue family, Xue Hongjuan's parents really dote on their daughter, and they can be considered the pitiful parents in the world.

Jiang Peiqin clapped her hands and stood up: "Okay, let's not talk about them anymore. Let's go, take me to see your dowry and see what else you lack?"

The two of them walked to the room where the dowry was stored one after the other.

When she saw the dowry in the room: "Yanyan, your parents are really willing to give up. I would envy others to death."

Xinyan elbowed Jiang Peiqin: "It's as if your grandpa doesn't love you."

Jiang Peiqin couldn't help but smile as she thought about what her grandfather had prepared for her: "That's right. Although my grandfather didn't prepare so many things, he really put his heart into it."

When Gu Wanqing came in, she saw two little sisters talking to each other: "Yanyan, Peiqin, come here and try these freshly baked pastries."

The two of them looked at Gu Wanqing who was walking over at the same time.

Xinyan was the first to speak: "The pastries made by my mother are really delicious. You are in for a treat today."

Jiang Peiqin stood up: "Thank you, auntie."

Gu Wanqing smiled and put the pastries on the table: "You and Yanyan are good sisters, so don't be polite to auntie. Just treat it as your own home."

Jiang Peiqin looked at the various shapes of pastries placed on the table. She didn't react for a while. She pointed at the pastries on the table, then looked at Gu Wanqing, and then looked at Xinyan: "Auntie made this pastry?"

Gu Wanqing and Xinyan looked at each other and laughed.

Xinyan put her arm on Jiang Peiqin: "Why, don't you believe this was done by my mother?"

Jiang Peiqin quickly shook her head: "No, no, I didn't expect auntie to make such cute pastries."

She looked at the two plates of pastries: "Auntie, these are so cute. How did you make them?"

Gu Wanqing smiled and said, "Actually, it's not difficult at all. Just try it and see if it suits your taste."

Jiang Peiqin was not polite to Gu Wanqing. After all, she had followed Xinyan to the yard in the suburbs before, reached out and took a piece and tasted it.

When the pastry entered my mouth, my eyes lit up instantly: "Auntie, what is this made of? It's so delicious."

Jiang Peiqin didn't mean it as a compliment, but this pastry was really delicious.

Seeing that she liked it, Gu Wanqing smiled gently: "What you are holding is chestnut cake. If you like it, eat more."

Just as he was talking, his aunt Su Aihong walked in again and said: "Wanqing, someone is looking for you in the front yard, saying they are bringing candies, cigarettes and alcohol." Gu Wanqing said hello to Jiang Peiqin and went to the front yard to get busy.

Transport team family home
Vice Captain Lu was looking at the soon-to-be-married wife in front of him with a confused look on his face: "Guangying, do you know what you are talking about?"

Fu Guangying said confidently: "Why, I am a regular employee with a salary of 38 yuan a month. Captain He's partner is still in school. I heard it will take two years to graduate. I'm afraid Captain He will still have to support him by then." .

Isn’t it too much for me to make such a request now? "

Vice Captain Lu resisted the urge to yell: "Guangying, haven't we already discussed the wedding arrangements that day? Now that we have changed our minds at the last minute, where do you want me to find a car?"

Fu Guangying didn't care whether Lu Qiufu was embarrassed or not: "We got married on the same day and live so close to each other. We can't let them compete with each other, and we can't make people laugh to death."

Vice Captain Lu sighed: "We live our own lives. Besides, not to mention the cost of adding a temporary car, even this car is not easy to find, right?"

Fu Guangying looked unhappy: "I don't care, I can't be compared anyway."

After saying that, he turned around and left regardless of what Vice Captain Lu thought.

Xinyan really didn't expect that she would be targeted before she even checked into the family home.

With a long train blast, the train the He family was riding on entered the station.

He Jinxuan had been waiting on the platform early.

He Xubei's sharp eyes spotted He Jinxuan on the platform: "Grandpa, I saw my third uncle."

He's father and He's mother looked at the direction He Xubei was pointing at the same time, and saw He Jinxuan standing upright on the platform.

He Xubei stretched his hand out of the window: "Third uncle, here, here."

He Jinxuan also waved to him and walked towards where their carriage was parked.

After a while of greetings, the group was led out by He Jinxuan.

He Jinxuan thought that everyone must be tired after sitting in the car for so long: "Let's find a place to eat first, and then we will go back to where we live."

Father He said: "Let's go back to where we live first. Then we can wash up and make some food at home. It's not economical to eat out."

He was thinking: How much would it cost if so many people ate out?
They came here to help, but they couldn't cause any more trouble to the third child.

Gao Yumei, who was hungry all the way, stopped after hearing this: "Dad, we are all here in Beijing. We are just guests, so we should listen to the arrangements made by our third brother."

Father He glared at her: "You are the only one who talks too much."

He Jianguo was actually hungry too, but he still remembered the purpose of coming. He was afraid that Gao Yumei would cause trouble again, so he quickly warned her with his eyes not to cause trouble.

He's mother also spoke up at this time: "Listen to your father and come back to your place to cook and eat."

He Jiefang and He Yuejin also chimed in.

He Jinxuan couldn't resist them. Thinking that there was still a while until noon, he had no choice but to agree.

Fortunately, he asked his comrades to help him borrow a minibus, which saved Tao Teng from having to go back and forth, and he arrived at the guest house quickly.

He's mother looked at the guest house she booked and said, "Third brother, it's not cold today. We can just squeeze in at your place, but don't waste the money."

Before He Jinxuan could say anything, He Yuejin said with a wink, "Mom, there are many people here this time. Besides, this time can't be the same as last time. Just listen to my third brother's arrangements."

After saying that, he looked at his third brother as if he wanted to take credit.

(End of this chapter)

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