There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 1207 We will not interfere in this matter

Chapter 1207 We will not interfere in this matter
Ye Liyan nodded and said nothing else.

Xinyan doesn't intend to get involved in this kind of thing, after all, it is a lifelong matter.

If things go well in the future, everyone will be happy; if things go badly in the future, I'm afraid it will be awkward to get along with them.

He Jinxuan looked at his two little nephews having fun outside the hospital and sighed: "Li Yan, we won't interfere in this matter."

The reason why he expressed his attitude was that Ye Liyan had previously said that for the sake of his two children and his work commitments, he would not marry again.

He knew that many people had wanted to introduce someone to Ye Liyan before, but she had rejected them all.

No matter what, with this attitude, his cousin didn't choose the wrong person.

But the two children were running around with him. When he got busy, the two children had to eat in the canteen, and he felt very distressed.

There was no news about Ye Liyan before, and the two children were his responsibility. Now that Ye Liyan is back, even if he wants to keep the two children by his side, Ye Li will not agree, not to mention that he cannot be selfish and ignore Xinyan's feelings.

Ye Liyan also looked at the courtyard. His two sons had always been sensible, but no matter how sensible they were, they were still children.

He didn't agree to Lin Kaixin before because he was afraid that Lin Kaixin would have children of his own in the future. No matter how bad he treated them, he didn't want to delay Lin Kaixin.

But now that Lin Kaixin is infertile, does he think he is too selfish and too realistic?

Seeing that he was so entangled, Xinyan casually mentioned: "Since you are so entangled, why not take the time to ask the two children for their opinions."

Ye Liyan listened to these words and nodded: "It is indeed time to ask them what they mean."

Afterwards, Xinyan played with the two little guys, and the two grown men entered the kitchen.

It is not known what the two said in the kitchen, but when the food was served, Ye Liyan returned to being the high-spirited scientific researcher.

The father and son had dinner and then left. After all, Xinyan and He Jinxuan were newlyweds.

Before leaving, Xinyan put forward a large handbag: "Si Li, Si Yan, my aunt is going on a long trip in a few days and may not be able to send you off, so I have prepared things for you in advance. If your uncle doesn't leave the car then, Let him go and see you off, and remember to write a letter to your aunt."

Ye Sili knew that Xinyan was busy on weekdays, so he responded sensibly: "Okay."

Si Yan was young after all and clung to Xinyan's arms: "Auntie, can you come visit us?"

Xinyan felt sad for a while after hearing this: "Okay, I'll go over and see you when my aunt has time." Si Yan was now happy: "Then let's hook up."

Xinyan also indulged him and listened to the little guy chanting: "Pull a hook or hang yourself, it will not change for 100 years."

I made up my mind to make time to go see them once and never let the little guy down.

The couple took them to the bus, watched the car drive away, and then walked back.

Xinyan thought of Lin Kaixin and complained that she had not contacted her for so long. It turned out that something had happened.

But she couldn't take the initiative to contact people, so she had to pretend she didn't know anything.

There was another burst of thunder and fire, and the two of them were busy until late at night before falling asleep.

When Xinyan woke up the next day, He Jinxuan had already prepared the meal, packed all the gifts for returning home, and even cleaned up the yard.

Hearing the movement in the house: "Daughter-in-law, you wake up."

He walked closer and kissed Xinyan on the forehead: "We have to go back to the old house today, but we can't sleep anymore. If we don't get up, we will be late."

He didn't care, he was just afraid that his wife would be teased by them, no matter how embarrassed she was.

Xinyan muttered: "If I can't get up, who should I blame?"

He Jinxuan hugged her into his arms, and while helping her get dressed, he coaxed: "Plain on me, blame me, it's all my fault."

Xinyan also knew that she couldn't go back too late today, after all, her family was waiting.

When He Jinxuan Xinyan was eating, she tied all the homecoming gifts she had prepared on the back of her motorcycle.

Xinyan also moved very quickly. She was really afraid that she would be teased by others if she returned too late, and then she would not be able to meet people.

As soon as the two of them came out of the yard, they happened to meet Vice Captain Lu and his wife diagonally opposite, pushing their bicycles and getting ready to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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