There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 1219 It seems that fate is needed to open this treasure

Chapter 1219 It seems that fate is needed to open this treasure

What they didn't know was that as soon as they left Beijing, someone received the news.

But those people never imagined that they would arrive in Sichuan Province on a military plane.

So much so that they had arrived in Sichuan Province for three days and those people had not yet found them.

Xinyan understood that the place where they were now was not far from the entrance, but the terrain was getting more and more complicated. For safety reasons, they naturally did not dare to take risks.

The next day, Mr. Gu woke up early. He didn't expect that he slept so peacefully in the wild.

As everyone knows, in order to let him have a good sleep, Xinyan directly lit the soothing incense she made in the space after he lay down.

The two simply ate something and then continued to search in the direction pointed by the map: "Grandpa, according to the marks on the map, the entrance should be around here."

Mr. Gu's mood at this time was very complicated. Because of these common things, not only his eldest son was killed, but also his younger son's life and death were unknown. Even his daughter was also killed and the husband and wife were separated, causing his granddaughter to suffer so much since she was a child.

After sighing, he said: "Yanyan, use the machete to chop down these vines on the rock wall."

Xinyan naturally understood her grandfather's intention, took out the machete from her backpack, and started chopping around the area marked on the map.

At first, after the vines broke off, all that was exposed were ordinary cliffs. After careful inspection, no difference was found.

Xinyan's arms were almost numb from the shock, and she hadn't found the entrance yet.

Mr. Gu Xinyan’s granddaughter: “Yanyan, take a rest and drink some water first.”

Just when Xinyan was about to respond, she noticed that the color of the cliff on this side had changed. Her negative mood suddenly came back to life: "Grandpa, the color of this cliff is different."

After that, he increased the speed of swinging the knife, and cut forward about three meters, and unexpectedly exposed a two-meter-wide natural cave.

Mr. Gu did not let Xinyan go in immediately. Instead, he made two simple torches from local materials. Then he protected Xinyan behind him and walked in carefully.

After walking about a hundred meters, I found a stone gate in front of me.The two of them searched here for a long time but could not find the mechanism to open the stone door. Xinyan felt that they must have missed something.

After searching carefully again, he still found nothing unusual. At this moment, Mr. Gu said, "Yanyan, could it be related to the two stone lions in front of the door?"

Xinyan squatted down and studied the two small stone lions again. They turned left and right but remained motionless. When she was at a loss, she fell to the ground without checking because she squatted for too long.

Because both hands were still holding the stone lion, Xinyan lifted the stone lion up with a little force.

Before she could react to what was going on, the stone door slowly rose up.

Xinyan looked in disbelief: "Grandpa, the mechanism of this stone gate is actually the little stone lion in front of the gate."

There was a look of astonishment on the faces of the old man and the young man.

The two of them had been touching the little stone lion for a long time, twisting it left and right, but there was no reaction at all. Unexpectedly, the mechanism actually lifted up.

Xinyan ignored her numb feet, knelt and crawled to the little stone lion on the opposite side, and lifted it up. However, she didn't move it for a long time. She turned around and looked at the one she was holding before for a long time. She thought of something and tried again. After reading it once, the stone gate slowly lowered again.

Xinyan looked at the stone lion in her hand: "Grandpa, it seems simple but is actually not simple."

It turns out that the stone lion cannot be lifted just by lifting it. Only by putting your fingers into the stone lion's mouth and pressing the mechanism inside can the door be opened.

But the mechanism can't be touched by hands that are too big or too small. It seems that fate is needed to open this treasure.

Opening the stone door again, the two of them walked in holding torches. It wasn't that they didn't bring flashlights, but the torches had special uses.

After entering, she discovered that there were also two small stone lions squatting inside. Just in case, Xinyan lowered the stone door first.

The grandfather and grandson walked in with torches. At this time, they could clearly feel the wind blowing in the cave. It seemed that there were other passages.

(End of this chapter)

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