There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 1221 She seems to understand something

Chapter 1221 She seems to understand something

Xinyan counted, there were 29 boxes in total, and one box was different from the others.

After putting on her gloves, she hugged the box first.

Although Mr. Gu was sitting there to rest, his eyes were always staring here: "Yanyan, be careful."

Xinyan nodded to her grandfather and returned her gaze to the box.

She has already seen that these boxes are safe and there are no traces of poisoning, so as long as there are no secrets hidden in them, it will be fine.

After reaching out to open the hinge outside the box, he quickly stepped back.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about the box, she approached it, but what she didn't expect was that there was a small box inside.

She raised her hand and took out the small box and opened it carefully. There was a small brown ball about half the size of a thumb placed in the box.

She couldn't figure it out for a moment, what did this mean?
Is this something that so many families are crazy about?
But when her hand came into contact with the little ball, it made her feel something new inexplicably, and she could feel that the space was also moving at this time.

Suddenly, she seemed to understand something.

In fact, she still doesn't know how she got her dimension, and what its carrier is, but now she looks at this inconspicuous little ball, and she suddenly becomes clear.

It seemed that it was not groundless, but they probably didn't expect that the Gu family's heirloom would actually be in one dimension.

She took off her gloves and wanted to touch the little ball.

Unexpectedly, when the small ball came into contact with her skin, it instantly sank into her fingertips, shocking her.

When she reacted, she found that her consciousness could not enter the space, and she suddenly froze there.

Mr. Gu noticed something was wrong with her and stepped forward: "Yanyan, what's wrong?" Xinyan didn't know how to tell her grandfather, and for a moment, her face was full of confusion.

Mr. Gu was an old man. He glanced at the empty box and then at his granddaughter: "Yanyan, why are you staring at this empty box? It scares grandpa."

After Xinyan heard what her grandfather said, she sensed the space again, but there was still no response, so she could only let it go in advance.

After that, Xinyan opened the twenty boxes one after another, almost blinding her: fifteen boxes of gold bars, three boxes of silver ingots, and ten boxes of various jewelry, all of which were not easily damaged.

Because it has been specially treated, it still looks like jewels after opening, without any oxidation.

The two of them couldn't calm down looking at these things for a long time.

There are ten more boxes than what I collected in the back of the machinery factory before: "Grandpa, what should I do with these things?"

Mr. Gu glanced at it: "Storing it here is not a long-term solution. You can arrange for someone to come and pick it up later. As for the rest, let's discuss it after we go back.

It just so happened that your mother said some time ago that she wanted to register a real estate company, and she also said that there were some problems with funds, so she just wanted to use part of it for her to run. "

The two didn't stay here for long. After restoring everything, they left the cave along the same route.

Looking at the cut vines on the cliff, Mr. Gu said: "This thing must be taken away quickly to prevent people from entering this place by mistake and causing trouble again."

Xinyan understood what grandpa meant, but unfortunately the space could not sense it yet, so she could only make another trip.

After the two of them went down the mountain, Xinyan sent her grandfather back to the guest house to rest. After all, she was so old and had been running around for so many days. She was afraid that she had reached her limit.

Furthermore, she could also tell that her grandfather was in a bad mood, probably thinking of everything the Gu family had suffered because of these yellow and white things.

(End of this chapter)

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