After Song Zhanming finished speaking, he supported Ge Suhua and shouted to a pair of stepchildren: "Let's go home, and we won't tolerate this bad attitude."

Seeing this, the neighbors could not understand. They could only say: Money touches people's hearts. This is because the small grocery store of Song Zhanming and his wife made money, and the Song family wanted to be a monster.

Xinyan was listening to the noise outside in the courtyard and couldn't help but be a little surprised. After all, the Song family had been in harmony before. Although there were minor frictions on weekdays, they were not major problems.

As soon as Song Zhanming left, only the eldest daughter-in-law of the Song family was left cursing nonsense, and everyone dispersed. After all, it was the Chinese New Year and it was cold.

He Jinxuan was worried about Xinyan. After watching Song Zhanming's family leave, he walked into his yard.

Seeing Xinyan standing at the door of the room: "Why did you come out?"

Xinyan lowered her voice and said, "I couldn't hear it clearly in the room, so I came out."

He Jinxuan reached out and touched her hand: "It's such a cold day, hurry up and go inside, your hands are getting cold."

Xinyan laughed: "With my physique, are you serious?"

He Jinxuan disagreed and said: "We can't be careless if we have a good physique. You are now a key protection target. If you really catch a cold, shouldn't I feel bad?"

Xinyan joked: "Actually, you are afraid that grandma and grandma Zhang will deal with you, right?"

He Jinxuan smiled like a little fox and hurriedly agreed: "Yes, yes, yes, then can you love me and don't let me be criticized?"

Xinyan was amused by his appearance and laughed: "Okay, I'll try my best."

He Jinxuan helped Xinyan make a glass of milk: "Drink it to warm yourself up."

Xinyan took it and then talked about what happened next door: "Song Qian seemed to be in harmony before, so why did they get into trouble now?"

He Jinxuan found a place to put the baggage he had brought back, and then said: "When the conditions are similar, it is natural to be harmonious. Now that Song Zhanming's small shop is doing a booming business, the Song family naturally wants a share of the pie, probably because it looks too ugly. , then you will fall out." Xinyan sighed softly: "But the Song family's sister-in-law is true. No matter how much trouble you make, you shouldn't involve those two children. They don't eat or drink from her. It's really true. If you are lenient enough, there should be fewer people like this in the future.”

He Jinxuan didn't think there was anything wrong with Xinyan's words. For the sake of profit, he would even say bad things to his brother-in-law and his family, let alone other unrelated people: "Yeah."

As the two talked, Xinyan drank the milk in her hand.

Xinyan handed the cup to He Jinxuan: "Once this happens tonight, the Song family's previous reputation may no longer exist. I wonder if the people in the Song family's eldest family have reacted now?"

He Jinxuan made the bed: "You are gossiping more and more now."

Xinyan looked at her belly: "Is this one of the side effects of pregnancy?"

After saying that, he laughed.

He Jinxuan looked doting on his face: "I'm going to get you some water to soak your feet. Stop laughing and be careful."

Xinyan nodded: "Well, I won't laugh."

The next day she was going back to her grandma's house with her parents, so they took a rest after soaking their feet.

This was discussed by several families in advance, because tomorrow my cousin will go back to her aunt's house and my mother will go back to her grandmother's place, so I will go back to my grandmother's place with my mother.

The eldest uncle's wife, the first cousin's sister-in-law, and the second cousin's sister-in-law also have to return to their parents' homes. So everyone unanimously decided to go back to the Han family's old house for a dinner on the third day of the new year.

The next day, He Jinxuan got up early and made breakfast: "Little lazy cat, it's time to get up. If it's too late, Junjun will laugh at you again." (End of Chapter)

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