Chapter 229

After Su Jinsong left, Han Jingchen left the yard alone.

This house was given by the Gu family as a dowry when he and Wanqing got married. Because Wanqing likes to be quiet, the scenery here is good, with mountains and water, so the Gu family paid for the new yard. Unfortunately, after they got married, She went back to the Eastern Province by herself, and Wanqing seldom came back to live here by herself.

During the period of their wedding leave, the two of them lived here all the time, and there was her shadow here, so since he was transferred back to the capital, he would come back here whenever he had a vacation.

Now the Gu family's affairs have been vindicated under his running, and all the assets belonging to the Gu family have also been returned. Although some have been lost, most of them have been recovered.

He has always firmly believed in his heart that his Wanqing will be fine and must be dormant somewhere, this is the driving force that supports him to the present.

Sitting on the swing made for her by herself in the yard, she thought of the time when the two were together.

In the machinery factory, Bai Cuilin was so beaten by Qiao Shuanzhu that he couldn't even get out of bed.

On the other hand, Wang Lanhua was exposed by others for stealing property from the cafeteria, and immediately lost her job as a temporary worker. Because of this, his man Gao Tianbao almost sent her back to her natal family, thinking she was ashamed.

In fact, Wang Lanhua usually brought home leftovers from the cafeteria, but everyone turned a blind eye, but she became more and more courageous, from leftovers to garlic, ginger, etc.
He Jinxuan had heard people talk about those things in the cafeteria before, so he paid special attention to this area when he was patrolling these few days.

After patrolling today, he purposely walked back to the Security Section from the second canteen, but just in time he found Wang Lanhua sneaking out from the back door, looking around for no one, and hiding a large piece of pork belly in the carbon pile over there. This level of proficiency is certainly not the first time this has been done.

Thinking of seeing Wang Lanhua's nephew playing basketball there during the patrol just now, he guessed something.

Xiao Xiao used some tricks to cause civil strife in their second canteen.

After discovering that the amount of meat was wrong, no one admitted that they did it by themselves. After that, all the people in the second canteen were controlled and told to do what they should do, but they couldn’t leave the second canteen. It’s just that they didn’t let outsiders know about it. .

Wang Lanhua thought she was going to search in the second canteen, but she was still proud of herself, thinking that she was smart enough to take the stuff outside in advance, and when her nephew took it away as before, they might not be able to find it even if they turned the locker room upside down.

What she didn't know was that the comrades from the security department had long been waiting in the dark, waiting for Wang Daqing to come to pick up things.

It really lived up to expectations. After Wang Daqing finished playing, he came here. Just as he took the meat and was about to leave, he was caught by the security department and the director of the second canteen.

The security department's trial was extraordinary. Ever since Wang Lanhua entered the second cafeteria, she had always dumped things from the cafeteria. One day she had a handful of vegetables and the next day a handful of rice. Later, she became more and more courageous.

But most of the things that were thrown away were given to her natal family, and her own family really didn't get any glory, so Gao Tianbao beat her like that. The Wang family got the benefits, but the Gao family was the embarrassing one. How can I not be angry.

If it weren't for the sake of the children, he would have wanted this woman to go back to her mother's house.

Wang Lanhua lost her job, and the second canteen asked Wang Lanhua to pay three times the compensation according to Wang Daqing's instructions. If she didn't pay, they would send their aunt and nephew to the court directly.

The Wang family is so incompetent, they made a fuss to make Wang Lanhua pay.

But Gao Tianbao went all out and said harshly: "If the Wang family doesn't pay, then let their aunts and nephews get into the game together. He won't care anyway."

In the end, the Wang family had no choice but to pay the compensation, and scolded Wang Lanhua half to death, saying that she was a villain who only harmed her natal nephew, and that she was not allowed to return to her natal family in the future, so she was treated as a girl without her.

Wang Lanhua lost her job and lost her face. Her husband and children complained about her, and her natal family also turned against her. Her life was extremely tormented.

As for Wang Daqing, who was under the protection of the Wang family, when he came out to play cards at night, he was covered in a sack, and he was beaten so much that he would cry for his father and mother. This beating would probably last ten and a half months without getting out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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