Chapter 263: The Abacus Failed

Only after Qiu Qingmei yelled out the words, a Saibeijian drove over from the transport team: "Get in the car, we will take you to the examination room."

Although the driver in the car didn't hear Qiu Qingmei's words just now, he saw her body movements and hideous expression. He didn't want to get himself into trouble, so he said again: "Let your parents stay with you, so that you don't have to worry about it again." Something went wrong."

What everyone didn't know was that when He Jinxuan came over and heard everyone's discussion, he was afraid of delaying Yu Xinyan's exam, and thought that if he didn't arrive for another 5 minutes, he would let the car go directly.

He also sent someone to explain the situation to the factory manager at the first time. The factory manager is so smart, he understood the intention of He Jinxuan's message as soon as he heard it.

The time card was just right, and the Qiu family directly slapped them in the face.

Qiu Qingmei originally wanted to drag everyone to be late together, but when she came out and saw the car was gone, she wanted to shift the responsibility to the factory and the school, so that she might get some benefits. Unemployed, if she takes the opportunity to get a quota from the factory, then what is she going to do in college?

Unfortunately, her plan failed.

Qiu Gouxuan and Huang Yufeng thought that there would be a special car to take them off. They sent their daughter into the examination room at that moment, and it would be nice to take a ride back, so they also got into the car.

Sai Beijian dragged their family of three to the test center where she was going, but she arrived earlier than the other students. Now she had no tricks at all, and the transportation team watched her enter the test center before leaving.

Originally, the Qiu family planned to take a car back to the machinery factory, but the driver had to go to other places to do business, and the time to return to the factory could not be fixed.

The couple had to let the car leave and find another way by themselves.

Qiu Gouxuan and Huang Yufeng didn't intend to come to the examination room at first. Although they were wearing raincoats, they were wearing cloth shoes. Half of their trousers and shoes were wet now, and Huang Yufeng shivered from the cold: "Old man, so Heavy rain, why don't we find a place to hide first, and then go back when it's a bit lighter?"

Qiu Gouxuan could only nod his head as he watched the rain fall harder and harder. They walked forward and entered a state-run hotel.

The staff inside saw them coming in: "Eat or shelter from the rain?"

Huang Yufeng flattered her: "We just came in to avoid the rain, and we will leave in a while."

The waiter had a bad look on his face: "Then you should be on the side, don't affect others."

It's just that the more the two waited for the rain to get heavier, they became anxious, Huang Yufeng said again: "Old man, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, you can't wait like this forever?"

Qiu Gouxuan also felt worried: "Then why don't we go to the station first, I'm afraid that if we miss the bus, we will have to wait for the afternoon bus or the car from the factory to pick up the examinees."

They were only going to send their daughter to the car, so they didn't have much money in their pockets. If they waited for the rain to stop, they might still be hungry. Besides, the waiter had already looked at them several times, and his eyes were not very friendly.

After discussing with each other, the two came out of the state-run hotel and walked to the station in the rain, preparing to take the bus home.

It's just that they were really unlucky. Not long after they came out, the rain was not light, but it was windy. It was really difficult for them to walk. When they finally arrived at the station, their bodies were soaked.

Huang Yufeng was even shivering from the cold, and only after inquiring at the station did she find out that the bus they wanted to take had just left the station.

(End of this chapter)

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