Chapter 330 Let Them Stop Quickly
Yu's father wanted to be vague at first, but at this moment, the people in the crowd who were not easy to deal with his family began to discuss in low voices. He was afraid that he would be shot through for a while, so he had to say: "The money in the family is kept together. There is no separate account, so it should have cost some."

How could Han Jingchen make him fulfill his wish: "Please answer my question directly?"

Many people in the village knew from the Lu family that the Yu family used the money left by Xinyan's relatives to build the house.

The money passed through Qiu Chunli's hand to Qiu Gouxuan's, and then from Qiu Gouxuan's to Yu's family, but after all, the money belonged to Yu Xinyan's own mother, so they were right.

Father Yu's forehead was full of sweat: "It's ashamed to say, because the previous house was too broken to be repaired, so I used that money to repair the current yard."

Han Jingchen asked patiently, "Is the tuition and miscellaneous fees from elementary school to high school paid by the Yu family?"

Yu's father didn't know what Xinyan's father meant by this, so he had to answer truthfully: "No, even if the family gave it to her for the first two years of elementary school, she also made up all the scholarship money later."

Han Jingchen then asked again: "I heard that after Xinyan went to high school, she got five yuan from Grandma Zhang every month, and then paid it back home. Is there such a thing?"

The more Yu father heard it, the more something was wrong, and he was very nervous: "Yes, there is such a thing."

Han Jingchen doesn't care what the Yu family thinks, he naturally has his own plans for asking these words, and he has bullied his daughter, so he can't just let it go: "I heard that you took away her chance to study, in order to save the life of your youngest son , married her to a second-married man with three children, and you got a bride price of 200 yuan?"

When Yu's family heard this, everyone felt their scalps tingling.

Father Yu stood at the side of the village chief; "Yes, we really had no other choice at that time, please understand."

Han Jingchen glanced at the people present: "But I don't want to understand, why isn't it your biological daughter?"

How did Father Yu respond to these words?
Han Jingchen looked at the village chief, Sang Baosheng, and deliberately asked, "Are there any village officials here?"

Sang Baosheng hurriedly said, "My name is Sang Baosheng, and I am the head of Beilan Village."

Han Jingchen looked at the house: "Mr. Sang, you heard what I asked him and answered just now. Calculated in this way, the Yu family raised Xinyan for a few days when she was young, and then my daughter took care of herself."

After finishing speaking, he asked directly: "Do you all agree with this statement?"

Sang Baosheng nodded and said, "I agree."

After finishing speaking, he frowned and looked at Yu's family: "What about you, what do you have to say?"

Father Yu said with a guilty conscience: "Yes, but all the children in the village come here like this."

Han Jingchen's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "You guys did raise Xinyan, but it was only when you were young.

This kindness was repaid when you robbed her of the opportunity to study and forced her to marry a second-married man, and the 200 yuan was indeed returned by Xinyan to the Lu family. Both of you agree, so you signed it off Pro-book, that is to say, she paid a heavy price for your kindness.

And the previous 300 yuan has nothing to do with you, but you embezzled it privately, right? "

Father Yu was helpless, nodded and said: "It's our fault, we shouldn't have collected the money, but we didn't take good care of the child."

In an instant, Han Jingchen's aura changed: "Since you are unkind, don't blame others for being unrighteous. You can't live in this house either."

After finishing speaking, he gave Zhang Libing a look.

Before the Yu family could react, someone rushed to the Yu family's house.

After Yu's mother came to her senses, she yelled and was about to pounce on her, but Su Jinsong and He Jinxuan didn't give them a chance to get close.

That's why Han Jingchen didn't enter the yard. Seeing them make a move, Han Jingchen took Xinyan back a few steps, so as not to get his clothes dirty with dust.

The Yu family saw that they couldn't stop those people, so they came back and begged Xinyan: "Xinyan, let them stop quickly, no, we don't have a house, where do we live, we have lived together anyway, please."

(End of this chapter)

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