Chapter 377
Walking all the way in, I also found walnut trees, and took a few of them in. Thinking that I might not have the chance to go into the mountains again, I also collected a few red pine, walnut, and ash, which I encountered on the road. Trees may not be easy to find in the future.

What she didn't expect was that she was so lucky that she came across the yellow pineapple, also known as the yellow cypress. The function of bathing, but because of the limited space of my own, the trees I encountered along the way only transplanted a few seedlings into the space.

A few rabbits and pheasants were also harvested along the way, and Xinyan was not polite, and directly received them in the space, and arranged a place for them, and they were not allowed to cross the boundary.

Seeing that it was noon, she found a place to enter the space, arranged all the things she had brought in before, prepared to eat, took a short rest, and then walked back. After all, the forest was dark early.

There are already ready-made meals in the space, and after a simple wash, the meal is ready.

He didn't stay in the space for too long, so he left the space and prepared to go back.

It's just that she hadn't walked far when she saw a silly robe, thinking that she had finally come across it, but she must take it off, her eyes were all bright, and she was in such a beautiful mood that she wanted to fly.

But things backfired, extreme joy gave rise to sorrow, she stepped on the ground without chasing more letters, and fell down before she could react. She quickly reached out to grab the plants on both sides, but the falling speed was too fast, even if she caught it several times , It just buffered for a while, and it didn't stop at all.

When Xinyan thought about going into the space to take refuge, it was over.

Fortunately, there may be fallen leaves all year round here, and when they fell, they didn't throw people out of the way.

When Xinyan came to her senses, she started to get scared. She didn't know what the hell this was, and she thought that she was really unlucky. Could it be that she was unlucky because of her lack of greed? The roe deer, he himself will not fail to see the road and fall directly.

It was too frightening, Xinyan directly advanced into the space, wanting to calm herself down first, and then think of a solution.

Even if she lived her whole life again, she was a girl after all, no matter how courageous she was, she would have been terrified when she encountered this incident. Fortunately, she was not injured when she fell, or else she really didn't dare to think about the consequences.

Now that I was found by my own father, I hadn't fully enjoyed the affection of my family before I was admitted to my favorite school, and I hadn't realized my college dream in my previous life, and He Jinxuan, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I couldn't sit still and die here, Gotta find a way out.

Thinking of the flashlight stored in the space, I hurriedly found it, and took an extra copy of the anti-mosquito, snake and ant medicine that I had made before, and then I mentally prepared myself and left the space.

With a flashlight as lighting, Xinyan could see the situation in the cave clearly.

The area under this hole is not very large, but it is too high from the top, and I am afraid that I will not be able to climb up.

After careful inspection, she found that there was a passage leading to other places hidden behind those plants. After confirming that there was only one passage, she bent down and walked in. She had to take this risk to see if there was a way out there. .

After walking about 300 meters into the passage, she found that the place in front suddenly became wider. After she got out, she was shocked by the sight in front of her.

This cave is actually formed naturally, and one side is a cliff, and you can see the scenery below the mountain, but it is covered by the vines extending from the cliff, so it may not be easy to find outside.

What surprised her was not the cave, but the twenty or so boxes stored on one side of the cave.

Xinyan observed that there was no danger, and then walked over in a few steps. These boxes are not too big, just the size that an adult can hold in their arms. It seems that they have been stored here for some years.

It seems that someone stored it here, just by looking at the box, you can tell that it has been stored for a long time.

She took out a pair of gloves from the space and put them on, then opened the top box, and she was in a posture ready to escape at any time, in case some hidden weapon or something suddenly came out of it.

 Good night everyone~~~
(End of this chapter)

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