There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 454 This is really a double standard

Chapter 454 This is really a double standard
Everyone in the room laughed. With her interaction, the atmosphere in the dormitory improved a lot.

Even the aloof Jiang Peiqin took the thermos and was going to fetch water.

Although Zhang Zhaodi didn’t have a thermos, she wanted to follow her to see where the hot water was fetched: “My family’s conditions are limited, and I don’t have a thermos right now. I’ll inevitably have to borrow everyone’s hot water later. I’ll help you fetch hot water in the future.”

When Xinyan heard this, she admired Zhang Zhaodi's temperament very much.

Cui Haili also smiled and said: "It's okay, you can use the water in my thermos later."

Zhang Zhaodi thanked with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Haili."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Su Yuelan who was still on the upper bunk: "Student Yuelan, do you want to come together? If you can't take care of it, I'll bring back the hot water for you."

She saw that Su Yuelan brought a thermos with her.

Su Yuelan thought that she hadn't finished tidying up her things, she was a little embarrassed and said, "Thank you then."

Su Yuelan's mother smiled and handed the thermos pot to Zhang Zhaodi: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Several people went out together, Xinyan glanced at Li Yutong's bunk when she went out, and thought: It seems that except for that Li Yutong who is a good businessman, the rest of the dormitory is quite easy to get along with.

Su Yuelan also made up the bed now, and climbed down from the top bunk: "Mom, don't worry, I am determined to take good care of myself."

At this moment, Li Yutong turned to the door and said, "Yes, this is the room, come in."

The two boys were questioned by Jiang Peiqin and felt ashamed, so they didn't dare to be distracted anymore. After being hit by countless hands, they finally hung up the curtain and left.

At this moment, a male voice came from outside: "What time is it?"

Today is the day of registration, and the family members are allowed to enter the dormitory. It is really hard for the few people in the dormitory to say anything, but Li Yutong's behavior of calling boys into the dormitory casually, several people in the dormitory feel that it is inappropriate.

Li Yutong pointed to the bunk: "Two seniors, please."

Xia Ruhui also saw that everyone was unhappy, so she quickly explained: "We really can't handle this, so we asked two seniors to come over to help, and they should be soon."

Then I heard: "This room, this room."

When they left, Mother Su looked at her daughter: "Lan Lan, when will you change your slowness? You see, the girl who came in after her has been cleaned up, and you are still dawdling on it. I said help you clean up. You don't let me.

Xinyan was a little speechless. I didn't know her well, so I bumped into her in the Bailou building before. Why is this going on forever? It seems that there is really something wrong with her mind.

Mother Su also had no choice but to pat her daughter's head, and sighed in her heart: "Okay, the baby swallow always leaves the nest."

They cleaned up almost, and the people who fetched hot water came back, chatting about the gossip they heard.

Jiang Peiqin took a look at Xinyan's curtain and thought it was pretty good, and planned to bring some cloth from home next week and pull a curtain herself.

She must not be stupid and come to provoke herself, or I must let her know why the flowers are so popular.

The remaining few people can only envy, after all, they don't have that strength right now.

After the two boys came in, their eyes were dishonest, and this made the people in the dormitory even more sullen.

Zhang Zhaodi waved her hand and said, "Didn't Auntie just say that we should get along well, don't be polite to me."

Just as a few people were talking about the class meeting tonight, Li Yutong and Xia Ruhui walked in from the outside, and they each held a piece of Dacron fabric in their hands. Li Yutong looked at Xinyan after entering the door, full of provocation.

Someone answered, "It seems to be [-]."

It's just that she may have overestimated the abilities of these two seniors. They really had frequent situations, and Jiang Peiqin really couldn't stand it anymore: "Can you guys handle it?"

But thinking of the people in this dormitory: "Fortunately, you and your roommates are all nice. Otherwise, with your temperament, Mom is really afraid that you will be bullied."

Not long after, Su Yuelan and her family also bought cloth and came back. After knocking on the door and entering, they briefly talked to everyone and started to install the curtains.

If you don't change your slowness, how much will you lag behind in group activities in the future? "

After Su Yuelan thanked her, she left with her family, saying that she was going out to pull cloth, and was going to pull a curtain as well.

For the sake of stability, the Su family made it very meticulous, afraid that Su Yuelan would not be able to deal with it if it broke down in the future, which made Li Yutong displeased: "It's really noisy, can't you consider other people's feelings?"

As soon as she said this, everyone looked over at the same time, even Xia Ruhui was no exception. This is really a double standard. I have never seen such a thick-skinned person.

Xia Ruhui was afraid of causing public anger, so she quickly smoothed things over and said, "Don't worry about her, she's just joking."

Su's mother glanced at the two people across from her. The heart that had been let go before was brought up again, and she looked at her daughter worriedly, thinking: I should tell my daughter a few more words in a while, and avoid dealing with these two people.

 good night~~~
(End of this chapter)

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