Chapter 457

After He Jinxuan left the school, he dropped off Sun Zhenling on the way, and then drove Han Jingchen, the prospective father-in-law, back.

Han Jingchen sat in the co-pilot of the car and looked ahead: "Is the work done?"

He Jinxuan replied solemnly: "Yes, go back and hand over the work of the machinery factory, and after finishing the affairs over there, come over and start working."

Thinking of He Jinxuan's career, Han Jingchen said in a deep voice, "Although your work has been done in Beijing, I'm afraid that your career will not be able to arrive in time when Yanyan needs you."

He Jinxuan understands the worry of the prospective father-in-law: "Don't worry, this is just an excess, and the captain doesn't need to go out with the team every time, and I have other plans, please believe that I will try my best to let Xinyan pass Have a good day."

After hearing He Jinxuan's words, Han Jingchen turned his head and looked at him steadfastly. As expected of He Jinxuan, he had served in the army, and indeed had a strong mental quality. He didn't make any mistakes, so Han Jingchen said, "Then I'll wait and see."

He Jinxuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and he will be a famous person in the future.

He had already bought the ticket for the return trip, and when he got home, he had a short rest, and Su Jinsong sent him to the station.

When Xinyan and the others were walking to the dormitory, two other girls from the class also joined in. Fan Xiaoxing and Qiao Shanmei lived next door at [-], and the rest of their dormitory was in the German class.

As soon as they arrived downstairs in the dormitory, they saw Cui Haili's husband Li Kaida waiting there. Cui Haili was a little embarrassed, so she told everyone and trotted over.

Xinyan knew that what Zhang Zhaodi said was true, that's why she got the sinful debt that was later made into a TV series.

Cui Haili was already in a bad mood, no matter how good her personality was, she couldn't bear it: "Li Yutong, you are too much, who played it?"

Zhang Zhaodi also looked over, she was admitted from the village, and there are also educated youths in their village: "Miss Haili is a nice person, there are educated youths who have been admitted to college in the village next door to us, some of them got divorced directly, and they went back to the city alone without having children. "

It's just that Cui Haili has never left her husband and children, and she couldn't control her emotions for a while, sobbing.

She must remember that by the end of this year, a large number of educated youths will begin to return to the city, and such things may be inevitable.

As a result, Li Yutong, who was lying on the bed, said inappropriately: "If you can't bear it, don't come to school, go back and be with them, who will you show it to?"

Qiao Shanmei glanced at Zhang Zhaodi, but didn't say anything, but she thought in her heart: What you said sounds good, you can try it instead.

Zhang Zhaodi answered, "It doesn't make any difference if you live with us across a wall. If you have something to do, you can just come here. We are in the same class, and we must be united."

Bai Aiwen said softly: "Sister Haili goes to school here, and her lover has to go back to the hometown alone to take care of the two children. It's really not easy."

After Zhang Zhaodi saw it: "Sister Haili, are you okay?"

Not long after they returned to the dormitory, Cui Haili also returned to the dormitory with her things, her eyes were red, and she looked like she had cried.

Naturally, everyone could understand her mood and relieved her one after another.

Fan Xiaoxing enviously said: "It would be great if I could live with you guys."

Cui Haili put her things down: "I'm fine, my wife will go back by car in a while, and I miss my child."

At this time, Jiang Peiqin also said to Li Yutong: "Shut up if you can't speak."

Xinyan also said at the same time: "Everything has your business, no one will think you are dumb if you don't speak."

Li Yutong obviously didn't expect that someone would stand up for Cui Haili, and sat up directly from the bed: "What's none of your business?"

When Cui Haili heard her words, she directly replied, "Then what is my business, and what is your business?"

 Good night everyone~~~
(End of this chapter)

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