There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 462 Breaking into such a big thing, what did she say

Fan Xiaoxing and Qiao Shanmei were naturally very happy to be able to transfer to the [-] dormitory.

After all, the other students of [-] are not in the same class as them, so their feelings are different.

Fan Xiaoxing is from Fujian. After tidying up the bed, she took out the dried fish that she brought from home: "This is the dried fish that I brought from home. Everyone, try it."

This was specially asked by her family to share with her classmates. Fortunately, she didn't bother to take it out when she was at [-]. It would be embarrassing if she changed it, after all, she didn't bring much.

Qiao Shanmei watched her bring out the things, and also took the sweet-scented osmanthus candy brought from home: "I brought sweet-scented osmanthus candy, everyone should try it too."

After leaving the annoying Li Yutong, the dormitory became harmonious.

Xinyan watched them take out things, and also took out the beef jerky that she had prepared in advance from her cabinet, Ah Jiang Peiqin also took the apples she brought, and Cui Haili brought out the pastries from her hometown.

Even Zhang Zhaodi brought out a bottle of kimchi: "I only brought this, everyone, try it and see if you like the taste."

For a while, the [-] dormitory was full of joy and laughter.

And [-] was directly divided into two factions. The six people in the German class were sitting together talking about the class, and Li Yutong was sitting on his bunk with a dark face, sulking.

After speaking, he stopped talking.

Mother He also knew that her third son grew up there, and his classmates and friends were also there, and later he was also a soldier there, but when she thought about being transferred there, she felt empty. They didn't have many mothers and children in the first place. Dear relative, in this way, the relationship may have to return to the way it was before, which is what she doesn't want to see.

Xia Ruhui couldn't get into the topic of those people in the German class, and didn't want to be a punching bag to Li Yutong, so she had to take the enamel basin to the water room to hide quietly, feeling depressed for a while.

That's what he said, but he didn't get up.

After she entered the door, she looked at the eldest daughter-in-law who was lying on the kang and said softly, "Boss, Jinxuan is back and bought some supplements for you. It's not convenient for him to come in. Let me bring them in for you."

He Jinxuan said this on purpose, just to let his family know that Xinyan didn't rely on him, and that his father loved his daughter very much.

Your second sister-in-law didn't show up until your sister-in-law was discharged from the hospital. I saw her go home in the past few days, but I didn't go to ask about your sister-in-law's situation. She also avoided me when she saw me, for fear of causing trouble for her. "

He Jinxuan knew what He's mother was worried about: "Don't worry, her father has no objections. After a while, I will also be transferred to work there."

He Jinxuan nodded: "Well, his father has already prepared everything in advance, and I didn't do much to help."

He Jinxuan handed over the things in his hand: "Mom, I can't go in my sister-in-law's room, these are some supplements I bought for her, please help me to bring them in.

He Jiefang sighed softly: "Because of losing the child, your sister-in-law now hates the person in the second room to death, and she blames herself too much, thinking that if she hadn't been careful, she wouldn't have harmed the child in her stomach. Wash your face with tears, your sister-in-law's family is also very angry this time, saying that this matter can't just be left alone."

Not long after she went out, she brought red date porridge in: "Master, the porridge is ready, drink it first when you get up."

Mother He heard a voice: "Jinxuan, you are back."

Mother He sighed in her heart: "You drink first, and I'll get the bowl later."

He Jinxuan looked at the sad He Jiefang: "Brother, what did the second brother say?"

He Jinxuan didn't expect the second brother and the second sister-in-law to have such an attitude, but he couldn't control this matter, but since he knew it, he couldn't take it for granted: "Brother, you should do your work first, I'll go home."

He Jinxuan bought malted milk and brown sugar before returning to He's house.

He Jinxuan thought of his second sister-in-law, Gao Yumei: "Then what about my second sister-in-law? What would she say if she made such a big deal?"

He Jiefang became angry when he heard this: "If he could say one, two, three, I wouldn't be so worried. After the incident, he didn't even go to the hospital, but I went home to pick up things the next day." time, say sorry to me.

Sister-in-law He knew that her mother-in-law could not be blamed for the loss of her child, and it had nothing to do with anyone other than the second room, but she was always in a bad mood, so she said in a flat tone, "Mom, thank the third child for me."

He Jinxuan, who returned to Sanyuan City, originally planned to pick up the two children and go back to the machinery factory directly, but he didn't expect to meet his elder brother He Jiefang on the way, and only then learned from him what happened at home in the past few days.

When he got home, Mother He was cooking red date porridge for the eldest daughter-in-law in the kitchen: "Mom, I'm back."

She also wanted the eldest daughter-in-law, for the sake of the supplements given by the third child, to calm down. The atmosphere at home these days is really too depressing.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the room, and then called He Jinxuan back to his own room: "Jinxuan, Xinyan School is doing well, isn't it?"

Although Mrs. He was sad, she also knew that she still had three children to take care of, so she got up and took the bowl: "Thank you, Mom."

He Jinxuan knew what He's mother was worried about: "Mom, you also know that most of my connections are over there."

So even the fact that Han Jingchen bought Xinyan a house next to the school was revealed, because he didn't want his family members to use Xinyan's previous identity as an issue.

Mother He took the things: "You look after the porridge for me, I'll send the things in first."

As soon as the words came out, his eyes turned red. There was no other reason, it was because of the affairs of the eldest and the second bedroom in the past few days. Seeing the third son came, he felt that he could finally relieve the pain in his heart.

Mother He did feel that Xinyan's status as a second marriage was not worthy of her son, but when she heard her son's words, she became a little worried: "Jinxuan, now that she has found her own father, her status is different. Yes, your business?"

When Mother He heard that He Jinxuan would transfer jobs after a while: "What, where do you want to transfer to work?"

Hearing this, He Jiefang frowned: "Since that day, your second sister-in-law has returned to her natal family, but the next day, her mother took her sisters to the hospital, but at that time your sister-in-law was angry and directly Drive people away.

Mother He also knew that there was no need to rush this matter, so she put the things down: "The porridge will be ready soon, and it will be brought in for you later, you can drink it before going to bed."

But is this matter something that can be resolved with an apology? "

He Jiefang still has something to do, so he nodded: "Okay."

But Jinxuan didn't grow up by her side, so he couldn't be his master, and his partner was studying there, even if he wanted to keep him, it was impossible.

Sighing lightly: "Yuejin is going to get married in a few days, when will you leave?"

He Jinxuan knew about this before: "We must drink Yuejin's wedding wine before leaving."

After hearing these words, Mother He finally felt better.

Two in one

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