And Jiang Lina, who learned that Chief Han had rejected her, felt quite unhappy.

Although she doesn't have the face of a country, she is also pretty and pleasant. She thought that if Chief Han saw him, he would definitely change his mind.

But how can I meet others?
I don't work at the railway bureau, but I just came to look for my second aunt that day and saw Director Han by chance.

It was only later that she found out from other people's conversations that he was their new bureau chief and he was still single, so she approached the second aunt.

But this is the work unit. I heard that Director Han still doesn't live in the family home, so there is no chance to meet him even if he wants to. ,
I felt depressed for a while.

Jiang Silan looked at her like this: "Okay, you go back first, I'm going to work too."

Jiang Lina couldn't think of a good solution for the time being, so she nodded and walked out with a cold face.

It's just that she just walked out of the gate of the Railway Police Bureau when she heard someone calling her: "Sister Lina, Jiang Lina."

Jiang Lina stopped and looked at the source of the sound, only then did she see clearly that it was Hu Ronger, Gong's little cousin next door to her house. They went ice skating together in Houhai before: "Ronger, why are you here?"

Hu Rong'er smiled and walked towards her with a proud face: "I work here now."

The translators who came together, besides her who was seconded, there was another man and a woman. Although their task was to be the accompanying interpreter for the investigation group, seeing that the staff in charge of reception were busy there, they all helped to do some Things within our power.

Just after asking, he suddenly thought of something, slapped himself on the forehead and said, "Look at my memory, are you here to see your second aunt?"

Jiang Lina nodded: "Yes, but I didn't expect it to be a surprise. Which department are you in? If I come over in the future, I will play with you."

On the other side, Xinyan followed the staff of China Merchants to the airport.

After the two separated, Jiang Lina looked at Hu Rong'er who was walking away, thinking about what she should do next to achieve her goal.

They also joined the China Merchants Bureau last year. In fact, they don’t have much practical experience. Simple oral communication is no problem, but it’s not good for some professional ones. That’s why they specially seconded Xinyan from Beijing University this time. .

In fact, she is still a temporary worker now, but she won't say it: "Sister Lina, why are you here?"

Hu Rong'er came out to handle errands: "Sister Lina, then I'll go get busy first."

Jiang Lina's eyes widened, and she pointed to the office building: "Do you work here?"

During this period, Xinyan became acquainted with the two professional translators from China Merchants Bureau. The lesbian is named Shao Rongrong, and the gay is named Li Fuqiang.

Jiang Lina was still a little disappointed because she wasn't in the office building over there: "Okay, then I'll go find you some other day."

She knew about Hu Rong'er's situation. She went to the countryside to support the construction of her family village before, but she didn't expect to have such a good job now: "Rong'er, when did you come back? You are really amazing."

Hu Rong'er had a proud expression on her face: "I work at the freight office, you can find it if you go over and ask."

Hu Rong'er pretended to be modest and said: "Don't say that, it's just good luck."

The two looked easy to get along with, but Shao Rongrong probably wanted to see Xinyan's strength, and communicated with Xinyan directly in English halfway through. Li Fuqiang quickly reacted and joined in.

After everyone was busy, they were informed that the plane was delayed by a quarter of an hour.

After hearing the broadcast, Chief Hu said: "Everyone use this time to check the work they are responsible for to make sure there are no mistakes."

Afterwards, Chief Hu came over to the three translators: "After receiving the inspection team, Xinyan, you will be responsible for the translation of the three core members of the inspection team, and you will follow the deputy mayor and the leaders. It’s okay to be around, you two are in charge of the other members of the investigation team, you must cooperate well with each other.”

Originally, Shao Rongrong was quite happy to receive this assignment, but within a few days, she got the news that a college student would be seconded from Beijing University. To be honest, she was quite angry at the time.

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