There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 589 Don't Think About Getting By

Chapter 589 Don't Think About Getting By
Not long after Xinyan left, Li Fuqiang also came over with a plate.

Shao Rongrong asked with a smile: "Are you up late too?"

Li Fuqiang sat down: "No, I went to help Section Chief Hu move the materials. Just after moving here, why are you alone, where is Xinyan?"

Shao Rongrong finished the last sip of porridge: "After she finished her meal, she went back to her room to get her bag. We agreed to meet in the lobby."

Li Fuqiang speeded up his meal.

Shao Rongrong said: "There is still time, you don't have to eat so fast."

Doctor Fu at the side also finished his breakfast, got up and nodded at the two of them, then turned and left the restaurant.

When he heard Li Fuqiang mention Section Chief Hu just now, he probably understood.

At [-]:[-], when Xinyan arrived at the hall, the staff of China Merchants was already waiting there.

After greeting the team leader, she found a corner and waited.

Not long after, Deputy Mayor Lu, Director Gao and others also arrived, and at quarter past eight, all the accompanying personnel were in place.

After a morning meeting, Xinyan and the others got today's itinerary and materials to study.

Looking at the five full pages, Shao Rongrong was in a mess.

Xinyan looked at her amusedly, and patted her on the shoulder: "Come on."

After reading the itinerary, she read those documents carefully. In order to ensure that there would be no troubles, Xinyan carefully read each document three times before putting it away.

It happened that Shao Rongrong looked up at her, pouted at her enviously, and muttered in a low voice: "It's really envious of me."

Xinyan laughed softly: "Stop playing tricks, read the information quickly."

At nine o'clock, the leaders and members of the inspection team appeared in the lobby. The leader gave an order, and all the staff took their positions. The three accompanying interpreters boarded the bus together with the leaders and members of the inspection group.

Started the day's work.

After they came out of the factory they visited, some people in the inspection group began to ask some things they didn't understand. The accompanying staff in charge of reception in the factory explained it patiently. The atmosphere is getting more and more wrong, and the accompanying staff of China Merchants are really sweating.

As soon as Xinyan finished her work, someone came to her: "Student Xinyan, hurry over there and help save her."

After Xinyan smiled and communicated with the two parties, she followed the man and walked back. She should have understood the situation first, and then explained to the man again.

After a lot of effort, he finally explained it clearly, and Shao Rongrong heaved a sigh of relief: "Xinyan, thank you, I'm going to be scared to death."

Xinyan patted her on the shoulder: "If you are not sure, just jump over it first, and don't try to get away with it."

Naturally, Shao Rongrong would not be ignorant of good and evil: "Well, I know."

The crisis is resolved, and the itinerary for the evening is that China Merchants invites the inspection team to Quanjude to eat roast duck. Naturally, Xinyan and the others will accompany them.

After Xinyan returned to the capital, she had eaten roast duck, but she bought it and brought it back, and it was the first time she went to the restaurant in person.

Because they made an appointment in advance, they went directly to the private room on the second floor when they arrived. Xinyan first told the delegation a story about Quanjude's origin and story in fluent English.

Xinyan has also worked hard, and her speeches are very lively and funny, which is appreciated by everyone, and there will be laughter and applause from time to time.

After a meal, both the host and the guest were happy, and on the way back, they initially reached a cooperation intention for a big project, which greatly boosted everyone's confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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